Searing Bond

So how bad is it guys?

Perhaps it was my own ignorance at play, but my Searing Bond guy never seemed OP, now a -18% cut to damage (plus the fact that the +fire damage cluster is now farther away)... I just wish I could test out the build before I use my "one free respec" but because as far as I can tell EVERY character has gotten all of their passives deleted, I'll have to take a leap of faith here. Do I restore him as a searing bond specialist, or do I take this opportunity to recreate him as something entirely different?

It's a very good question. And l'll wait for a answer...

My Witch Summoner with Searing Bond was very interesting to play. But now, i think to kept the summoner side of my witch (with the new Mon'tregul Graps boost), but i think that the second totem (with the node Ancestral Bond) is not also intesting with this Searing Bond nerf.

Someboby have try this «new» Searing Bond?
Last edited by Ratcha on Aug 21, 2014, 5:35:24 PM
Damon_Tor wrote:
So how bad is it guys?

Perhaps it was my own ignorance at play, but my Searing Bond guy never seemed OP, now a -18% cut to damage (plus the fact that the +fire damage cluster is now farther away)... I just wish I could test out the build before I use my "one free respec" but because as far as I can tell EVERY character has gotten all of their passives deleted, I'll have to take a leap of faith here. Do I restore him as a searing bond specialist, or do I take this opportunity to recreate him as something entirely different?

Well I went ahead and restored my guy as best I could, reaching for the improved (but farther away) fire damage cluster at the very northmost edge of the tree. The result is my damage is just a little lower than it was, while my defenses took a bit of a hit so I could reach said cluster... but with the generally higher HP of all characters, I'd call it a wash. All in all, a pure searing bond specialist shouldn't be terribly inconvenienced by the nerf, simply because that cluster is so much more powerful.

That said, I have yet to really push it to its limits with high level maps, so it remains to be seen how things like the totem HP changes will effect the build.

The curse efficiency nerf is annoying; I didn't have any points to spare to picking up curse nodes. That said, most of my -fire res comes from elemental equilibrium, so overall not overly problematic. Going to consider the viability to getting a high-level curse on hit and combining it with the Ball Lightning trap I use to trigger equilibrium: at high levels it improves curse effects.
Damon_Tor wrote:
Going to consider the viability to getting a high-level curse on hit and combining it with the Ball Lightning trap I use to trigger equilibrium: at high levels it improves curse effects.

Well nevermind that. Curse on Hit doesn't seem to work with the Trap support, and because I use Ancestral Bond, I need the trap gem to deal the lightning damage I need to apply the Equilibrium debuff.

Does curse on hit work with Spell Totems? EDIT: No, it doesn't seem to. Damn.
Last edited by Damon_Tor on Aug 21, 2014, 5:46:49 PM
Damon_Tor wrote:
Damon_Tor wrote:
Going to consider the viability to getting a high-level curse on hit and combining it with the Ball Lightning trap I use to trigger equilibrium: at high levels it improves curse effects.

Well nevermind that. Curse on Hit doesn't seem to work with the Trap support, and because I use Ancestral Bond, I need the trap gem to deal the lightning damage I need to apply the Equilibrium debuff.

Does curse on hit work with Spell Totems? EDIT: No, it doesn't seem to. Damn.
use lightning trap
soul4hdwn wrote:
use lightning trap

Not a fan of lightning trap: it doesn't hit multiple enemies reliably without a GMP or chain support. A Ball Lightning trap or Lightning Warp totem are far better at spreading the equilibrium "curse". For now I'll just keep casting the curse manually.
its just that... lightning trap would be able to use curse on hit unlike support gem versions of traps or totems... so it can do both. although yes it'll need chain, not like you're using it for damage though. might as well use the vaal version of lightning trap for the shock ground, but that more so requires chain.
"mainstream" skill Searing Bond: Damage at all levels has been reduced by 18%.

:/ :(


i absolutely can not understand

GGG, did too many players (ab)use this skill, because it was too strong?

to be honest, i expected a buff. somthing like: searing bond NOW COUNTS AS A SPELL.

i am a bit shocked.
Last edited by mannihello on Aug 22, 2014, 1:49:54 AM
Searing Bond Does not get support from Increased Burning Damage gem!!! The internet has lied to me!
echephron wrote:
Searing Bond Does not get support from Increased Burning Damage gem!!! The internet has lied to me!
It does.

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