Searing Bond

Seems an awkward fiddly skill to me that I think I'm missing something of why it needs nerfing.I'd expect a skill like this to do good damage to make up for the work needed in using it.
Sure, it should do good damage. But i was able to run a 58 dungeon at level 50 only with searing bond, life link and fire-weakness (forgot the name). I died once, because I didn't pay attention, but else everything died easily. For me that seems a little bit overpowered.
Last edited by oggimog on Mar 9, 2014, 7:41:58 AM
There's something wrong here:

Especially the damage he takes. How does he take far less damage with far less mitigation? Is there some TESIV: Oblivion style level-scaling (passive point-scaling) mechanic we haven't been told about?
The skeletons in Merc Ledge don't deal a lot of Damage. I don't see what's supposed to be wrong, except that Searing Bond is dumb as soup.
I cannot believe how this hasn't already been hotfixed. It doesn't exactly take a genius to realize how obscene the skill is.
I think this skill is way too strong, because most people dont know how to abuse it.

If you use the Support Gem Trap and Remote Mine together with this skill (y they work together) you get on lvl 16 from both skills about 80% MORE Damage.

Now skilling all trap and mines passives cost about (from witch) only 60 Points, even if you dont skill very smart and you have:

Trap Damage +% 168
Trap Trigger Radius +% 25
Trap Damage Penetrates % Elemental Resistance 10

Mine Damage +% 162
Mine Duration +% 20
Mine Detonation Radius +% 10
Mine Laying Speed +% 26
Mine Damage Penetrates % Elemental Resistance 10
Mine Detonation Is Instant 1

Giving you this spell "which cant be supported"

330% increased Damage
80% more Damage
20% Elemental Penetration

All together you get at a lvl 15 Searing Bond about 6k Dps, with only 3 sockets used.

And now you can aswell skill elemental and burning damage....
Last edited by Slayerchen on Mar 10, 2014, 5:18:31 PM
Slayerchen wrote:
I think this skill is way too strong, because most people dont know how to abuse it.

If you use the Support Gem Trap and Remote Mine together with this skill (y they work together) you get on lvl 16 from both skills about 80% MORE Damage.

Now skilling all trap and mines passives cost about (from witch) only 60 Points, even if you dont skill very smart and you have:

Trap Damage +% 168
Trap Trigger Radius +% 25
Trap Damage Penetrates % Elemental Resistance 10

Mine Damage +% 162
Mine Duration +% 20
Mine Detonation Radius +% 10
Mine Laying Speed +% 26
Mine Damage Penetrates % Elemental Resistance 10
Mine Detonation Is Instant 1

Giving you this spell "which cant be supported"

330% increased Damage
80% more Damage
20% Elemental Penetration

All together you get at a lvl 15 Searing Bond about 6k Dps, with only 3 sockets used.

And now you can aswell skill elemental and burning damage....

Fire Penetration doesn't work with Searing Bond.
Low level high DPS when you have 330% increased damage, who would've thought!? /sarcasm

Yes Searing Bond is strong, your reasoning however is stupid.
"so you can see who has more PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
"Everyone can at least be exposed to Leo's PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
Last edited by Kenzorz on Mar 10, 2014, 9:09:53 PM
Wouldn't a solution for being op be to change the AI so the mobs attack the caster, not the totem? Except for decoy...
Often it would be enough, if monsters would simply go out of the way and not stupidly stay there and burn. Especially when you place a totem opposite of a archer, It won't go out of the way. It seems only to react to the distance to the actual totem (or player).
Last edited by oggimog on Mar 11, 2014, 9:55:48 AM
Please Nerf!

It's boring to have constant damage that out-regains almost any monster even with no support links or passives.
Even if late game its useless early game needs maybe even a 50% nerf.

ST got nerfed (even if the reason was mainly for races) so I expect SB nerf incoming /Cheers
SSF since ~OB
Last edited by stonespeak on Mar 21, 2014, 12:26:46 PM

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