Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

Minion Damage causes minions from Supported Skills to have 25% less Life, so you might want to consider other supports if your minions scaled damage from their Life or if they're not tough enough when supported.

Another minion survivability nerf. Really? Minion life has already been nerfed into the ground where you can't keep them alive, and now you want to take another 25% of their life for supporting them with minion damage, which the minions need, because their damage was nerfed too.

We've made a number of changes to mechanics that protect against all Elemental ailments at once. Most Ascendancy skills that mitigated all ailments now provide partial or no mitigation. For example, the Raider now grants 50% chance to avoid elemental ailments while phasing instead of full elemental ailment immunity while phasing.

I'm fine with this, and the Raider change is a good example how to implement it. With further investment the Raider can still get full protection.

The Hierophant and the Pathfinder retain some level of Elemental Ailment mitigation, while the Inquisitor and the Elementalist no longer have any at all, as we felt that the Ascendancy passives that provided the Elemental Ailment mitigation (alongside other properties) were sufficiently powerful without it.

What? Pathfinder keeping some Ailment mitigation is fine. Hierophant keeping some Ailment mitigation while Elementalist now gets none is ridiculous. What part of the Hierophant identity screams elemental ailment mitigation? Why does the Ascendancy that identifies with being all things elemental now get no elemental ailment mitigation? Did anyone put any thought into the this?

Golem Elementalist no longer provides increased damage per golem.

Really? Elementalist suffers from Split Personality Disorder. This was added to the Ascendancy to try and alleviate the problem where after spending your first 4 Ascendancy points, that latter 4 Ascendancy points were completely useless.

The golem buff effect bonus on Liege of the Primordial now always provides 100% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems rather than scaling with Golem count. This Ascendancy path was providing too much power and defence compared to other high-investment Ascendancy effects, so is now more heavily focussed on the buffs granted by golems rather than generic effects. By changing the buff effect on Liege of the Primordial it creates less of a reliance on having many golems and makes it more powerful in cases where players want to use just a few instead of feeling forced to invest into maximum Golems through various Unique Items.

You want to nerf golem buff effect go right ahead. But trying to tell us the change is more powerful when players want to use fewer golems is pure BS. There is no case where this change is more powerful. You outright just set the Ascendancy's (as a whole) increased buff effect to 100% increased effect, which is 50% less effect that what the Ascendancy (as a whole) provides right now with ZERO investment. Everyone can summon one golem. Currently, taking the Ascendancy's golem nodes provides +2 golems and 50% increased golem buff effect per golem, which is 3 golems for 150% golem buff effect. All of this begs the question, what are you doing with the Ascendancy's Elemancer node?
Last edited by Galtrovan on Jul 20, 2021, 4:28:59 PM
Only like 0.01% of people are using Smoke mine in end game and you nerf it to the ground. Where's logic?

Content was becoming more and more challenging and players were given more powerful items to keep up like awakened gems. Now it all is beinged taken back without adding more sources of power into the game.

3.14 felt like the league should last at least 6 months w/o 3.13's harvest and atlas regions nodes. 3.15 already feels like this kind of changes should not be applied to a 3 month long realm.
Last edited by aefoa on Jul 20, 2021, 11:54:38 AM

Why rude?
Just tell you, when you like challenge and harder game ... yoz can go play HC/SSFHC. Or you are scared for 30+ challenges? Common. You want challenge, so lets go play SSFHC :) As you say, you kill every league end game content. Its nothing personal. I play only HC and thats why i leave this shit balanced game for defensive nerfs w/o balance oneshot shitfest + bugs in game and bad server perfomance. And when Dark Souls game have better craft system then PoE.

So when you play trade SC shit with copy build, you cant know how this game looks on HC bro ;) [/quote]

You need to learn some respect *bro*[/quote]
You're liking the challenge? You haven't done the 80+ hardcore character, or uberlab there, and telling about one? Well, someone is clearly a liar here, like it or not. Harder game ain't meant to be punishing for everything, and artificially slowing down the game, without any profits in loot, even when you're running the mf build, yeah, right.
Seem's like i've typed to the wrong guy, few pages ago he was also talking about challenges etc, so sorry for mistyped here, yet all almost all those who claim things about the challenge ain't done any hardcore characters.
Last edited by SniperSsvenN on Jul 20, 2021, 12:00:55 PM
So what it seems like is that to reach the same level of power will require far more play time. And I already have insufficient play time to even unlock endgame content.

I have to say GGG, I’m not very motivated to play this next league. Playing PoE has an opportunity cost for me, I’m not someone who will play a game regardless because I have nothing else to do with my time.

I’ve played since open beta on and off, and I do prefer a slower pace so I play at a slower pace… now do I need to play faster more powerful builds to get through the game? That seems to be the opposite of what you want…
So what it seems like is that to reach the same level of power will require far more play time. And I already have insufficient play time to even unlock endgame content.

I have to say GGG, I’m not very motivated to play this next league. Playing PoE has an opportunity cost for me, I’m not someone who will play a game regardless because I have nothing else to do with my time.

I’ve played since open beta on and off, and I do prefer a slower pace so I play at a slower pace… now do I need to play faster more powerful builds to get through the game? That seems to be the opposite of what you want…
Thanks for not destroying traps. Couldn't roll a trapper on ultimatum due to time constraints but will do so on expedition.

GL everyone!
Well, this is the first time I can not find a single exciting thing in the manifesto.

Slow pace is ok, but you just slowed down player action speed, nothing done to atlas, monster, bosses, drops...

"Buffs" are nothing to get people playing this League.

I'll probably stick to something else this time
Thank you GGG for the nerfs
Harder game is better game ;)
This season was really too easy...
The old flask system was the reason why I haven't played the game for a long time. Thank you ggg :)
geo1475 wrote:
Why do people assume that when a skill is nerfed means you can't play it. I am still going to use everything like normal. Melee physical damage or archmage are still in the game why are people acting like nerfing means can't play it. Just enjoy the game and try and make a strong build with what they give you, that's the challenge and fun aspect of poe.

I hate that mentality people have of nerfing something means not playing it like its gone from the game.

They changed enduring mana flask affix, so archmage might truly be in a bad spot. Also, they should think about cumulative mob damage vs burst damage, because if you can still be popped out of nowhere right now, before balance patch, you will be popping like a popcorn post patch.

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