Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

Your vision is killing my enjoyment of your game. I only started playing in Harbinger league because the game felt too slow and meaningless when I tried it prior. Why would you want to slow it back down after adding so much content it is hard to complete it all while zooming?

Hard content is fun when it is new. This content is not new, making it harder will not make it more fun. If you want to understand this in a more true to life way, go try to brush your teeth tonight with a toothbrush that has only 1 set of bristles or try to cook a family meal with an egg pan. That is the feeling that you are giving players.

The fun in this game is from doing NEW content every 3 months, and from comparing your NEW or UNTRIED build versus the one I liked before once it gets done / near done. Everything in between the planning stage and getting to the final point where I can use my build in action is like waiting on the bomb to explode after pushing the plunger. The time feels wasted and boring.

I was more hyped for this game than I've ever been in Ritual league. Every major change you have made since then has made the game less enjoyable for me. As a player who already has late game damage struggles on my self crafted builds, this will make playing the game feel worse and less rewarding than it ever has.

Obviously, it is your game to kill. I, personally, will definitely be skipping this launch weekend, and depending on what I hear, I may skip this league entirely. If this continues, I know I will not be bothering to play this game at all anymore.
"Golem Elementalist no longer provides increased damage per golem. The golem buff effect bonus on Liege of the Primordial now always provides 100% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems rather than scaling with Golem count. This Ascendancy path was providing too much power and defence compared to other high-investment Ascendancy effects, so is now more heavily focussed on the buffs granted by golems rather than generic effects. By changing the buff effect on Liege of the Primordial it creates less of a reliance on having many golems and makes it more powerful in cases where players want to use just a few instead of feeling forced to invest into maximum Golems through various Unique Items. "

or you could just support golem builds...people like the build.
Not once have I thought to myself that I wished it was longer and more difficult to get through the same campaign that I've played 15 times. Making the story and end game more of a slog for the average player isn't going to stop POE from losing 65% of its players after 4 weeks.
We have changed all existing unarmed unique items and stats to specifically work with melee skills. The upcoming skill Explosive Concoction was designed to work without any of these items so Facebreakers, Doryani's Fist, Rigwald's Curse, Hollow Palm Technique and Martial Artistry have been changed.

They're all Melee only items already, why would you apply "Attack" tag to Explosive Concoction, which sounds and looks like a spell.
I've been kinda hyped to try out Facebreaker new slam totems but eh, guess I'll have to see the actual rework before trying, my guess - It's terrible.
Well they will probably succeeded with keeping players for an extra day by making the Acts take longer... Well played! Let's just ignore the boring and unrewarding end game in POE that's the real problem.
Last edited by Vaildez on Jul 19, 2021, 11:12:56 PM
Well, I can understand the damage nerfs. White mobs are basically difficult to even distinguish from the environment they die in scores so quickly.

The issue is though, that lacking any reliable defence sources, 'kill them before they kill you" has been an important defence mechanism.

One shots are already frustrating and now we will get more of them.

Ok with the nerfs to damage but please give us better defence mechanisms.

GGG is moderating this page and removing any negative feedback it gets. so much for taking player's feedback into consideration.
balance (X) nerf (O)
It's all quite simple; if you like the direction GGG is taking this game buy supporter packs. If you dislike the direction GGG is taking this game, don't support them with you hard-earned money.

My wallet slammed itself shut on April 17, 2021.....and it will remain shut.
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
I mean if that changes are Nice or not is his own Question :)

Im excited to see what you Guys have for us now!
With everything i can Read here i REALLY Hope that incoming League wont be like last League or even Worse! PLS NO RNGBOSS Festival anymore!!!

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