New SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Thread

Exile009 wrote:
LennyLen wrote:
We're on day one of the nationwide four week lockdown, and already people in most of my Facebook groups are acting angry and stressed out. I think half the population might kill each other by the end of week four.

Makes you wonder - however will we handle that ever-prophecised time when a lot of the economy is automated and we finally get those 15-hour work weeks Keynes' promised us?...

were gonna have to switch production from drones to human beings. i think society can manage it, ggg are gonna have to order an awful lot more servers tho.

countries just need to step up and get their people through it financially. people have real money concerns and their governments are gonna have to help them out.

were gonna come out of this with 99% of our people still intact, unlike a war the deaths are not gonna be concentrated among young men in their prime. there isnt going to be cities turned to rubbed by bombs, were not gonna use up a ton of oil and metal metal. the problem is not going to be that our societies are stripped of the resources they need to function the way some other crisis would strip us. the problem is going to be on paper. we wrote a lot of little squiggles on paper, now in computer data, because we decided it would help us get the most our of our people and resources, a bunch of conceptual data we simply made up that would allow them to function to get real things done.

now were facing those little numbers we wrote down getting in the way. we will have the same people, resources, needs, demands, capabilities after that we had before, its just this construct on paper that will get in our way. the construct eventually boils down to who owes who what. its so vital to our real world logistics that it fixing it and changing it is monumental but were just gonna have to do what we need to do. we cant let the data hold real world back, its there to empower the world not to cripple it, if it ceases to do its job were gonna have to do the scary task of remaking it into something that works. we just cant lose sight of the fact its paper work, we wrote it down, we can tear it up and write down something new.

until then governments need to make sure people can eat and the people need to netflix and chill. if everyone just keeps perspective and does the right thing for society as a whole then were gonna be fine.
Last edited by Snorkle_uk on Mar 26, 2020, 9:27:54 AM
British epidemiologist who predicted over 2 million Americans — and 500k Brits — would die from coronavirus now says his model, which went viral, is wrong. Says England is unlikely to have more than 20k deaths & potentially much less. Whoops. Sorry for sending world economy into a depression and destroying millions jobs and small business' forever.

In other news they claim only 3.3 million are unemployed. in USA But that only counts those who filed. I bet less than 20% have filed and many can't like contract workers. I bet 20-30 million are unemployed as of right now and you'll hear it next week when 50 million are.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 26, 2020, 10:46:42 AM
The other big social media turn off for me is every single person who has had a cold/flu in the last 6 months claiming they had Coronavirus. Not sure how people can blame China for not acting on it in January this year when apparently nearly the entire population of the UK had it in November/December last year and nobody even batted an eyelid.
Last edited by RandallPOE on Mar 26, 2020, 11:25:33 AM
Good news, everyone! That expert who set expectations off mass die-offs due to Covid-19 has revised his estimations:

Aren't experts awesome? =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
RandallPOE wrote:
The other big social media turn off for me is every single person who has had a cold/flu in the last 6 months claiming they had Coronavirus. Not sure how people can blame China for not acting on it in January this year when apparently nearly the entire population of the UK had it in November/December last year and nobody even batted an eyelid.

this is one thing i thought - that people would soon be claiming they had it just as a way to virtue signal or gain attention or a feeling of special importance or some crap like that

and yes, that does happen
Why are you guys even listening to predictions? We have predictions that the virus will disappear in a matter of months, others which point out that the isolation must last for more than an year. Its all pretty worthless when the threat is even today widely unknown.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Mar 26, 2020, 3:40:43 PM
Raycheetah wrote:
Good news, everyone! That expert who set expectations off mass die-offs due to Covid-19 has revised his estimations:

Aren't experts awesome? =^[.]^=

I posted that same story above. xperts do make mistakes..Iraq WMDs...Hillary 100% Chance of winning, Corona pandemic but none will be as disastrous as this one... the economics of destroyed lives/businesses and destroying our status as world reserve currency trying to fix it will be end of American #1 IMO
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 26, 2020, 4:02:18 PM
Snorkle_uk wrote:
Exile009 wrote:
LennyLen wrote:
We're on day one of the nationwide four week lockdown, and already people in most of my Facebook groups are acting angry and stressed out. I think half the population might kill each other by the end of week four.

Makes you wonder - however will we handle that ever-prophecised time when a lot of the economy is automated and we finally get those 15-hour work weeks Keynes' promised us?...

were gonna have to switch production from drones to human beings. i think society can manage it, ggg are gonna have to order an awful lot more servers tho.

countries just need to step up and get their people through it financially. people have real money concerns and their governments are gonna have to help them out.

were gonna come out of this with 99% of our people still intact, unlike a war the deaths are not gonna be concentrated among young men in their prime. there isnt going to be cities turned to rubbed by bombs, were not gonna use up a ton of oil and metal metal. the problem is not going to be that our societies are stripped of the resources they need to function the way some other crisis would strip us. the problem is going to be on paper. we wrote a lot of little squiggles on paper, now in computer data, because we decided it would help us get the most our of our people and resources, a bunch of conceptual data we simply made up that would allow them to function to get real things done.

now were facing those little numbers we wrote down getting in the way. we will have the same people, resources, needs, demands, capabilities after that we had before, its just this construct on paper that will get in our way. the construct eventually boils down to who owes who what. its so vital to our real world logistics that it fixing it and changing it is monumental but were just gonna have to do what we need to do. we cant let the data hold real world back, its there to empower the world not to cripple it, if it ceases to do its job were gonna have to do the scary task of remaking it into something that works. we just cant lose sight of the fact its paper work, we wrote it down, we can tear it up and write down something new.

until then governments need to make sure people can eat and the people need to netflix and chill. if everyone just keeps perspective and does the right thing for society as a whole then were gonna be fine.

LOL there are trillions of moving parts to insure ppl eat. Especially so in modern era where people are collected in big cities so lockdown is impossible if people want to eat. Then why would farmers/ranchers/truck drivers etc put their ass on the line while u sit at home watching netflix? better be prepared to give em all the tea in china. Hyperinflation. Hope your rich or got gold bars.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 26, 2020, 4:55:56 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
Why are you guys even listening to predictions? We have predictions that the virus will disappear in a matter of months, others which point out that the isolation must last for more than an year. Its all pretty worthless when the threat is even today widely unknown.

People like predictions that validate their own personal opinion.
Last edited by RandallPOE on Mar 26, 2020, 5:41:35 PM
Thats fine as long as they don't genuinely believe in them. Plenty of "experts" kept saying how the disease is less dangerous than the flu. Taking crap like this seriously might be dangerous.

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