New SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Thread

NY has a similar density compared to Hebei. The higher numbers come from a higher amount of testing.

In NY there are waiting lines to be tested:

The problem is more that the safe test is invasive and only done to people with severe symptoms and their first contacts in most countries.

Several quick tests are faulty.

What will be worse is the recession following the crisis. Many companies live from cashflow and that cashflow is reduced or almost stopped meaning they amass debt.

In the USA the unemployment statistics are released 3rd April, so you can see the first consequences.

The problem I see is that the US economy will collapse creating a chain reaction meaning you have to invest into tech companies who offer services and don't depend much on the economy doing well.

Another issue that might happen is an too early release of lockdowns causing another wave of infections or a mutation of the virus with a more dangerous strain.

Reality deniers are a bigger threat to humanity than the virus itself.

It's ignorance and lack of interest in many fields.
Those people have no own opinion and copy the opinion of some media. Be it political motivated cable news or social media. Their arguments are shallow and superficial at best.

There are videos from North Italy where people in their 40s-50s literally suffocated on the street.

Or you read horrifying stuff like:

Imo the mid 2010s internet created many problems with: Echochambers, circlejerking, safe-spaces and cancel culture.

Those private platforms cause a lot of delusion.

In social media you see 3 big groups regarding Covid-19. The deniers, the Doomsayers and the indifferent(trolls also fall into that category)

Gameforums became nothing but echochambers creating deluded gamedevs similar to John Romero"We know better what you want" believing their product is the best but releasing absolute unacceptable end products. Deleting criticism or not reading it at all. Cancel culture only hitting the report button because their personal Jesus "getting attacked". It's nothing but promotion and selfadvertisement. In reality those devs would never participate in a one on one discussion because they would be shredded into Oblivion.

Look at WC3 Reforged and Blizzforumbannings, look at Path of Exile and "Code of Conduct". League of Legends even closed their own forums because all you read was criticism. If you want some serious discussion regarding games you join some modder communities.

Naturally an epidemic of that scale has political discussion because no matter the political orientation. The executive deceides how to handle a situation, so what do you expect here to be discussion?

Of course long lockdowns(political frustration) a high death rate among older people(changing the population pyramid) affect the poltical climate.

It literally limits the discussion to:
Numbers up "TT", Numbers down "yay".

You cannot discuss the structural changes between SARS-CoV-2 and other Betacoronaviruses because like 90% lack the knowledge and 9% are wikipedia intelectuals. If you expect a battle of DOI links you are either in an academic forum/circle or in a conference call.

You can discuss and predict the economical consequences but at some point it becomes political again because you will again end up with the groups "the economy recovers ffs", "there will be a recession" and "indifferent+trolls".

Back to playing video games I guess while I await bad news about friends and family members.

If you don't live paycheck to paycheck and have money at the bank. I suggest watching the stockmarket among hoping nobody close to you gets severe conditions would be the right thing to do.

While I believe the death rate will be in the higher 6 digits without accounting the USA and no new virus strains, I am rather on the doomsday side when it comes to the economy. To me the data indicates a worse crash than the 1930s with no real stock that ends up fine in case of a superinflation(imagine you have several 100k on the bank account and due the worth drops to like 2000$ right now). Tech Companies look fine right now but later on it's a big questionmark.

I wonder if anyone here even knows how this pandemic is playing out in, say, Malaysia? Bolivia? Nigeria? Slovenia even? It's like ya'll think the only countries that exist who're affected by all this are the US, Canada, Italy, UK, Germany, France, Australia, China, South Korea and Japan.

Infrastructure and density plays a big role during a pandemic.

The countries suffering the most are likely to be countries like Brazil(example for south american countries) and Bangladesh(example for high density country).
Larger countries have many rural areas so they won't be hit as bad.

Far eastern countries have a different mentality. African countries have many rural areas.

Other than that having bad leadership and a bad health care system also plays a major role how bad a country will be hit.

There was a suggestion in a country to do nothing and wait till herd immunity kicks in(It's just like the flu) and with an estimation of 250-500k deaths.

Europe made bad decisions and will be hit hard. The larger poor east European countries will also suffer strongly. If Belarus already has cases they will suffer the worst because they still do nothing.

I think the Czech Republic(current map) and Poland(Truckdrivers not enough doctors) will be hit pretty hard.

Here is pretty detailed map from Germany. It doesn't highlight the actual cases but rather cases/100.000

Other than that 2 regions don't have many cases right now but if they get hit soon. Commuters and Business trips will only create more hotspots. The Lockdown in Germany is pretty soft allowing work to be done and doesn't restrict business trips(unless it's towards a high risk region)
I call it paranoia. Plenty of people don't trust the officials at all, this is why when some doctor comes out and says that the thing is less dangerous than the flu (lol) they'll eagerly believe him instead of listening to official sources like the WHO.

Its not just the internet, its more like the authorities gradually losing trust they cant regain quickly.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Mar 25, 2020, 12:57:06 AM
xMustard wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
They locked the country down early on. That's why.

If I'm not dead, I'll check in on April 24.

no they didn't, lol

Do you actually have any knowledge at all of the situation there other than what you read on the internet? I have a brother who lives in Hong Kong and owns a firm that does a fair bit of work in China, they actually had a project going on in Wuhan at the time this all kicked off. I don't think they've had a new case in the whole province in a week or so now & lockdown is getting lifted there soon so they must have done something right.
Last edited by RandallPOE on Mar 25, 2020, 6:45:58 AM
One week of quarantine is over, one more week to go. This shit is getting old real quick. At least I have nice neighbors who get stuff for me. Before we barely interacted with each other. Really makes you think.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Ironically, I had this week booked off from work months ago.
Even if Baby Trudeau does go into full lock down mode, I still have to go back to work, as I have been classified as "essential".
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Last edited by Reinhart on Mar 25, 2020, 1:13:35 PM
Atleast there is talk about lowering the quarantinemeasures for younger notashighrisk people, if the percentages show significant differences in combination with alot of testing.

Dangerous but possible if it doesn´t explode the charts.
Probably a positive for having a low childbirthrate resulting in lower scooltransmission.
Still better to do a local test like that, than going into full lockdown for a maybe 2nd wave again.
Lachdanan wrote:
Atleast there is talk about lowering the quarantinemeasures for younger notashighrisk people, if the percentages show significant differences in combination with alot of testing.

Dangerous but possible if it doesn´t explode the charts.
Probably a positive for having a low childbirthrate resulting in lower scooltransmission.
Still better to do a local test like that, than going into full lockdown for a maybe 2nd wave again.

This just feeds into the false narrative about young people and COVID-19.

Over 20% of the hospitalizations due to Corona are younger than 44. If you expand that even higher to the 65 threshold it's over 40%.

Nearly half of all ICU and severe cases requiring hospitals, are from "younger people".

I dont know what people consider "old", but this notion that the virus only is severe for older people is absolutely false.

The NY data is more alarming, and also take into account lowered immune system issues and other underlying health issues.

Reducing quarantine levels for younger people isnt based on good science at all, and if anyone expects young people to never interact with "older " people for months on end, its wildly unrealistic.


If they dont it's not a quarentine at all, and is doomed to fail.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Mar 25, 2020, 3:36:20 PM
As mentioned just talks for now.
I´m not informed about the local ratios, but i guess they will be evaluated in a week or two.

Depends on what currency you want to spend, Education of the growing stock is how our capitalist part makes money, i´m under the opinion that if we lock down the scools (under 16age) for the next two years (we don´t know yet how much quarantine is neccessary for a full wipe of the infected harddrive), we´ll pretty much run out of educated* medical staff earlier for the future generations.

scooling/study over the web works best on over18´s , when they know they have to learn and what.
locking down the kindergardens leaves alot of social training on the road.
The universities weren´t closed during the black plague, they blossomed.

Government also plans to test healthy people for no reason, maybe there´s some percentage of immunized and not knowing.
We survive these shit !

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