New SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Thread
The_Reporter really thinks this is a Black Death type scenario. That's wild to say the least. Just look at China's numbers, it's nowhere near that bad. Inb4 never trust China because reasons.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" never trust china cause tencent bought my favourite video game |
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" You don't get to acknowledge undiagnosed carriers and then simply ignore that for the sake of tossing out a scary number. I ain't no denier, but this is pure alarmism. There's a reason why authorities aren't quoting your ratio as the mortality rate - because it's plain wrong. It's the wrong way to calculate it. The people who actually understand this stuff don't use that number, or at least you haven't shared any of them doing so. Also, "With wider testing, that's probably closer to the actual number" - based on what? You want to decry the "reality deniers" right? Well then try not to emulate them by peddling your own self-created narrative as well. There's an official mortality rate (albeit some variation of it across countries) - use it. It may not be set in stone atm, but it's very much a far cry from your own little exercise in reading the statistics however it suits you. |
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" Why not 100,000? Or a million? Or subtract 80,000? Or anything really. China possibly fudging their numbers doesn't give you carte blanche to do the same i.e. to emulate them by making up stuff from air. In fact at least they have to go through an official bureaucratic process to make their numbers seem semi-believable. You're not even doing that. You're just casting doubt on some things and affirming others where and when it suits your preferred narrative. Hell, even your explanation of motives doesn't make much sense. |
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" Maybe you should try to understand what the goal behind distancing and lockdowns are before posting dumb shit. I'll give you a hint: it has very little to do with making the virus disappear. " Out of whose ass are we supposed to get millions upon millions of testing kits to properly test every single person? Yours? |
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" i know exactly what the goal behind distancing and lockdowns is, thats my point. so you are saying they can't properly test for CV19 in these vast numbers because there aren't enough testing kits readily available.....right....i agree. so....why the fuck would you believe and religiously stick to the figures that they're throwing around in the media every single hour??? they can't properly test for it! the numbers mean nothing |
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" we already see the effect in china without needing to wait for flu season to end. they locked down and after the expected time delay they went from infection rates shooting up at a terrifying rate to basically flatlining. as china were starting to see the effects of the lockdown and hitting figures of 24 new cases per day italy that was not seeing the effect of a lockdown yet was going from 400 deaths per day to 800 deaths per day. italy n the first 2 weeks went from 1 death in a day to 200 in a day, in the second 2 weeks they went from 200 deaths per day to nearly 1000 deaths per day. the first jump was 200, the second jump was 800. where do you think this pattern ends up if its left unchecked? that something infectious and completely abnormal is hospitalising and killing people at a completely abnormal rate is simply a fact, its beyond doubt. that quarantine works as a method of halting the spread of infection is beyond doubt. " " its so true, weve got such a problem now with media and politicians essentially suffering from a boy who cried wolf situation. if you present everything like its the apocalypse in order to prey on peoples animal fear response and you lie to peoples face on a weekly basis, blatantly, with such frequency that people know you are compulsive liars, then this is what happens. you lose all trust, people will look for ulterior motives in everything that happens and they literally have no credible sources. what scares them more, what ur telling them or their existing paranoia that ur lying to them? I do it myself man, every time i see a thing im asking myself is this for real? whats the motives here? who stands to gain and lose from the repercussions of this? you have to, youre an idiot if you dont ask yourself these things. we will never know what this virus would have done if left to do its thing unchallenged. but its something you cant afford to risk because were seeing patterns that suggest 2 weeks having a 200 increase in deaths per day, to an 800 increase could then move to a 1800 increase in deaths per day at the next 2 week interval and at that point society itself starts to fall apart. people call this panic? some guy buying 6 packs of toilet paper and 10kgs of dried pasta at the supermarket while everyone sits at home and grumbles about having to binge watch designated survivor on netflix rather than go to the pub? governments are taking drastic measures, but the people en mass are not panicking. actual panic looks like gangs of men roaming the streets looting peoples houses as the emergency services collapse and police stay at home protecting their families with small hand weaponry. an uncontrollable virus outbreak has that potential, we cant risk it. i dont think people appreciate how close to collapse civilization exists at constantly. it seems like this massive machine thats too big to fail, its not, and were not talking about financial depressions. the potential is there if u remove some vital component for a rapid spiral into utter chaos. we live in a house of cards and food, electricity, hospitals, police, water, transport, theres many cards forming the foundation of this giant construction. this isnt some 'who shot jfk?' piece of speculative contrarian gameplay and we risk more than a depression that reduces life expectancy and quality of life for a lot of people, not to downplay how big a deal that is, thats huge dont think im underestimating how serious that is in itself. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" Yes some of them will stay. And, depending on what each of those legislations are and what purpose they serve, *some of them* should. That's kinda what learning from experience is all about - you don't simply go back to "normal" i.e. the way things were. And btw, things weren't so rosy before this pandemic came around either. You don't collapse the world economy just cos you need to put it on hold for a bit - that only happens if it was in a vulnerable position to begin with, if you've eroded your capacity for resilience and redundancy and got no savings to manage rough spots. If it wasn't this pandemic, it would've been something else at some point. We've now got a convenient scapegoat for all this mess when in truth the problem was that the world was dancing on the edge of a precipice to begin with - only able to keep the show going if the music never stopped. Think of it this way - Singapore will probably emerge from this ordeal relatively unscathed (apart from some slowdown due to the state of the rest of the world). Unless the public health situation there gets real bad, even Germany will probably be okay. Norway too. And Belgium. Etc. Responsible societies will be able to weather this, hurt mainly by its impacts on those who weren't so. Irresponsible societies won't. That's not because of the virus, it's cos their models were fundamentally vulnerable to begin with. The virus, and the response to it, is merely the trigger. And the worst part is, we'll likely fixate on said trigger and so fix nothing. Get right back on that merry-go-round of endlessly refinanced debt (and no, not just govt. and/or household debt, although they're bad too - see below) and window-dressing institutional value as soon as we possibly can. Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Mar 27, 2020, 7:16:34 PM
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" i dont believe china thinks in this way, in a competitive way to that extent. thats the way a country like america would think. i could buy china fudging to save face internally in terms of how fallible they are seen by their own population, as a false measure of competence. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" its so true, this is the big lesson that is screaming to be heard from all this, certainly here in the uk. and so far its falling on deaf ears im afraid to say. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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