Corona virus

Fed said unemployment could reach 30% in second quarter

For prospective in the Great Depression unemployment was 25%

You’ll be begging for the days when Coronavirus was your main concern IMO as you can't get transfusions w/o insurance and there is no food to eat. This is the silliest thing I ever seen shutting down whole economy for less than flu season deaths.

My guess is the people will put up with this a maximum of three more weeks then take to the streets demanding return to normal.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 23, 2020, 6:53:24 AM
If only the world leaders were as smart as you are.
Reinhart wrote:
New Zealand in full lockdown according to Euronews.

We're not yet, but will be after tomorrow.

They gave everyone a 48 hour window so that people could prepare gradually. Of course everyone went crazy and rushed out straight away to get supplies (even though essential retailers such as supermarkets will remain open).

Within half an hour of the announcement, there was a queue of cars over a kilometre long trying to get to the supermarket in my town. The supermarket had to close early because the shelves emptied so fast they needed extra time overnight to restock them.
Aim_Deep wrote:
Fed said unemployment could reach 30% in second quarter

For prospective in the Great Depression unemployment was 25%

You’ll be begging for the days when Coronavirus was your main concern IMO as you can't get transfusions w/o insurance and there is no food to eat. This is the silliest thing I ever seen shutting down whole economy for less than flu season deaths.

My guess is the people will put up with this a maximum of three more weeks then take to the streets demanding return to normal.

Some countries are already in recession and many with that possibility imminent.
Were I still playing PoE, I'd be more concerned about the CDN and gateways than anything in the relatively well-contained and led New Zealand. Those are what keep the game up and running, not so much the people developing it. And we've seen both have problems at the best of times...which these times most definitely are not.


LOL at the this ludicrous 'demand return to normal' claim. What are you going to do, go on strike if the pandemic doesn't bend to your will? Sue it? Shoot it with your dazzling excess of lethal weaponry?

Goodness, I don't imagine there'll be much demand for pools given Covid-19 is transmitted via droplets... -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 23, 2020, 7:31:53 AM
My non-gamer gf occupied the Switch (thanks Animal Crossing) and I can't buy a new one because all the stores are closed and Amazon delivery times are non-existant. Such is life during a pandemic.

Also that dig at Aim's livelyhood is low but also well deserved :D
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion on Mar 23, 2020, 7:34:25 AM
Aim_Deep wrote:
This is the silliest thing I ever seen shutting down whole economy for less than flu season deaths.

The thing about this is that it is not done spreading yet. Comparing less than flu season deaths is a bit premature. Wait for the peak, it is going to get much worse. All the experts who seem to think this is a big fuckin deal are, you know, experts. I think I'll take their advice and try to keep myself safe for as long as I can so I am not adding to the spread.
Sound the dread alarm, through the primal body! Sound the reveille, to be or not to be. Rise! Stay the grand finale! Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue. One drive to stay alive! Elementary, muster every fiber. Mobilize! Stay alive!
Xavderion wrote:
My non-gamer gf occupied the Switch (thanks Animal Crossing) and I can't buy a new one because all the stores are closed and Amazon delivery times are non-existant. Such is life during a pandemic.

Also that dig at Aim's livelyhood is low but also well deserved :D

Yeah, the GFiancee is blazing through Animal Crossing on the Switch downstairs or in bed (what an incredible little device it is) and I think it's a wonderful way to disconnect and just play with other people eager to chill. I'm mostly on PC so we're pretty good at domestic 'separation' as it is.

Oh, is that what it was? I was just musing about an industry that came to mind, and how people working in that industry would probably be quite upset over this pesky pandemic getting in the way of their money-making, about which I believe some of them have bragged in the past. Oh well, I'm sure they were very smart with that well-earned wealth and saved it for this very, very rainy day that's not going to stop for months yet.

three weeks. hahahaha. k. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Xavderion wrote:
My non-gamer gf occupied the Switch (thanks Animal Crossing) and I can't buy a new one because all the stores are closed and Amazon delivery times are non-existant. Such is life during a pandemic.

Consider it a blessing. You now have the opportunity to convert your non-gamer gf into a gamer gf. Upgrade your relationship! xD

Also, ewww Animal Crossing!!
Last edited by Exile009 on Mar 23, 2020, 7:58:48 AM

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