Corona virus


So that's how I can believe people here might be...distracted from the basic reality of things......


Struggling to interpret what we're being told by a government that is reacting days, sometimes weeks too late, and giving 'advice' that is barely feasible with no guidance or assistance.

I can agree with both these sentiments. Both as a school teacher worried about his little Final Year chickadees and as someone whose partner has a small bakery. The young people are largely ignorant of whats going on around them. The govt websites say its all OK and the media says 'stay at school' so .. they stay at school.. or piss off to the beach, dependent largely on the weather. Their attitude - it "doesnt affect us", and that's a direct quote.

The business on the other hand - we've put up rather large perspex frontage on the front counter and re-arranged things so no more inside eating or coffee. Outside is still fine. Placed another counter in front of the first just to increase the distance from customers to us, and no more cash payments, card only. Installed hand sanitiser dispensers on the front of the shop, next to the entry way and also have about 5 others up around the back area for staff.

Customers wont use it - it smells funny apparently (like only 65% alcohol can)

ANDDDDD ... we still get idiots who want to try and touch the bread, or walk around to 'see' what we are doing or otherwise. Bloody idiots.

We are also getting alot of 'tourists' moving down out of Sydney to us on the South Coast for 'holidays'.

Frankly, given our Australian governments lack of response, I'm of the opinion of just letting the disease spread to all the old farts who are taking all the handouts and none of the responsibility for their own welfare.

Kinda seems like I could be quoting anything Isaac's character in Castlevania S3 says here ...

Sorry .. Rant ended.

There are 10 types of people. Those that know binary, and those that dont.
Johny_Snow wrote:
Maybe it would have been better to lie about the disease and to artificially balloon the death rate so people would be scared and wont constantly break quarantine. Its too late now but maybe in the future

In the bakery today - a Woman came in - and said, and I quote.

"I've been visiting a friend who just came back from Italy. She's in isolation so I decided to come here and grab 2 coffees and a cake to take away'

So much. For fucking. Isolation.


There are 10 types of people. Those that know binary, and those that dont.
Oh, this again. Damn this government for asking us to get vaccine shots. We should do whatever we want damnit, screw everyone else we can infect.
Anti vaccers are going to be a hilarious bunch after this covid thing passes.

that seems like a possitive outcome in this whole trial, the public will have a lot less patience for them in the future.



edit : im going to assume charan is ignorant about economics, his refusal to aknowledge sarcasm on the UK comment part and his ignorance towards his "best-mate" who has to lead a company in these times seems proof enough for me since these are pretty much basics occupying a big part of the society currently.

This weird mentality that tries to say "lives before economy" as if economy isn't the stuff life is made off should also be a sign of somebody without knowledge on these things.

I'm gonna shrug off the irational comment that you need a job to have studied economy btw, before some peacher gets it in his mind to make such a silly argument again that amounts to "stay in your lane", as if.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Mar 21, 2020, 9:18:28 AM
its pretty easy to write me off and what i say based on credentials merits etc, but that dude? are you guys serious lol
sorry for your refusal to actually diligently researching a topic before basing your conclusion and opinion around it.

by the way, for everyone FREAKING OUT about this coronavirus stuff, you may want to read through these
I read articles like this one every day, not by choice. It always comes down to 2 things - citing how many people die from every other disease and calamity or claiming that the state of emergency gives the government too much power, which they can use. In theory.

Eventually I got completely desensitized to all this. Call me again when there is an actual proof of governments seizing more power because of the disease.
essemoni wrote:

In the bakery today - a Woman came in - and said, and I quote.

"I've been visiting a friend who just came back from Italy. She's in isolation so I decided to come here and grab 2 coffees and a cake to take away'

So much. For fucking. Isolation.



Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she's sitting a fair way away from her friend in the house, wiping down various surfaces after touching them, washing her hands thoroughly regularly. It is possible. Just because some of us are acting like it's airborne (because we can, and because overreacting trumps underreacting when your life is potentially at risk) doesn't mean it really is.

THAT SAID, we both know that's probably not the case. This is all so very inconvenient, isn't it?

I don't mean that facetiously. Were I not totally isolated and comfortably so, and were I not at risk, would I take all the precautions they're saying we should take in a work space? Wiping my keyboard down regularly, my phone, my desk, anything I touch? Go to the bathroom to wash my hands regularly? NOT TOUCH MY FACE? I'd try. I'd definitely try. But I'm pretty sure I'd slip. I'm taking advantage of the fact that I'm in a vacuum to touch my face a lot. To not wash my hands every hour. To happily open and close doors without wiping them down with alcohol wipes.

But perhaps you'd say, well, at least I'd be making an effort, right? Well, sure. At least there's that. Personally I think forced isolation/lock-down is preferable if it can be made viable, because we're lazy, forgetful fucks who really can't be trusted to act like germophobes 24/7 after living a privileged life of close contact and, well, slobbery.

Johny_Snow wrote:
I read articles like this one every day, not by choice. It always comes down to 2 things - citing how many people die from every other disease and calamity or claiming that the state of emergency gives the government too much power, which they can use. In theory.

Eventually I got completely desensitized to all this. Call me again when there is an actual proof of governments seizing more power because of the disease.

I compulsively check the bias of any site before giving anything on it too much credence. Any site that skews too far left or right, I am like -- yeah, okay, you're pushing a political agenda here that does not align with the general benefit of humanity. There are more than enough sources out there committed to presenting the facts with either no agenda or a focus on analysis with the well-being of the population in mind. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 21, 2020, 9:43:46 AM
best part is i´m winning a mobile cellphone now every second day.

Herzliche Glückwünsche! Sie sind einer der 100 Benutzer, die wir ausgewählt haben, um eine Gewinnchance zu erhalten Samsung Galaxy S20, Apple iPhone 11 PRO oder Samsung Galaxy S9

Maybe they didn´t get the memo that i could buy one myself if i prefered to be tracked all the time. Yesterday i had to drive my brothers Ford Focus back, he told me to late that i need my glasses, through the rainy night, couldn´t see shit for a hour, with just the backlights of his porsche to orient, i´m way to criminal.

I hope their study on movement of people during quarantine isn´t impacted by my decision to stay out of the system. :)
Johny_Snow wrote:

Eventually I got completely desensitized to all this. Call me again when there is an actual proof of governments seizing more power because of the disease.

Pointing out this is a dangerous time for goverment to take more power seems common sense to me.

It's what happened in every crisis situation we know off, the people give up some amount of freedom to the goverment to tackle the situation and it never gets turned back after the crisis passes.

There are some historical cases where the power was eventually returned to the people, but its much less common.

The pension seems like a perfect example of this, originally intruced to get people true the post-war period and then instituted and now normalized and something people consider "common".
Talking to any human being pre-war times, they would laugh in your face when you told them the goverment had a responsibility to take care of you in your old age.

I'm very critical of new goverment "think tanks" being pushed and "crisis centra" being instituted, because like all of those things they will take tax money and not be removed when the situation passes being a permanent burden on society.

People being a counter-weight to these things, if reasonably voiced are fine by me. somebody needs to keep the liberty vs rule balance in check.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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