Corona virus

It is. I won't even link my source because it's full of deniers being interviewed, which is...even harder to take.

But I think this is on our government for not locking us down. If your leadership doesn't seem serious, why should you be? Man. You are looking at a lot of sick people waiting to happen in that picture. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
What I don't get is folks from one of the risk groups still going outside for non-essential stuff here while one of the reasons we have to stay home is to protect them: From our flat, we have a pretty good view of a neighbouring church, the small convent attached to it and a cemetery. And the parking lot is still busy with elderly, sometimes pretty frail looking people. So what urgent business could you possibly have at a graveyard? Duelling over the best spots? Trying to bribe the dear departed with candles to put in a good word at the Pearly Gates? Oh, and why is hanging out there and chatting with others still a thing?

But we're definitely trying to do our part and currently only go outside to buy groceries and the occasional quick walk to stretch our legs for a few minutes.

So, best wishes and stay safe and healthy, everyone.
Have there been any projections yet of how many lives the economic shrink will cost?

It would be interesting to view those projections and see them in line with the current methods being applied to tackle the virus.

There is some sort of sinister element in the future economics being disgarded in the face of the current crisis while the whole crisis event can be brought back to not being prudent enough about future developments.
Wondering if any economist actually had the balls to make a public model yet that notes death tolls of the current global economic shrink.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Why don't you make one?
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Not sure if your pretending lives wont be lost by the economical actions or not.

Probably a lack of empathy between social classes.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Not at all. I'm asking why you don't go ahead and mock something up.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
But you know what? Maybe we fuckin' deserve this, we Australians.

This weekend, at our biggest beach:

i...i can't even.

Oh come on mate.. That's Bondi, you know there are no Australians there. It's all full of British backpackers!!


Stay safe,

Ps. Forgot to mention. The local Vincentia supermarket has "pensioner" opening hours so all the old farts can "shop safely". There was an all in brawl between 4 or 5 of them, and 300 people waiting to get in earlier. Needless to say the shop was emptied of pretty much all stock before the normal opening hours. I'm seriously thing of going down early tomorrow and start coughing as I wait in line with the multitudes of the old. It is however nice to hear my high school student complaining about the behaviour of these oldies. Normally it's the other way around.
There are 10 types of people. Those that know binary, and those that dont.
Last edited by essemoni on Mar 20, 2020, 11:13:45 PM
You don't have to go all the way to AUS to see fools. Look at the beaches in FL, Galveston this week for Spring Break. :(
Current rate is two times the negative gdp rate of the first world war which is obviously not sustainable.

There i mocked up a visual representation for you, enjoy?
and to be fair, thats using pretty optimistic numbers of a 10% global shrink

Unless of course you miss the old days of that good old world war I and its massive shortages and high suicide rates due to its economic shrink.
Doesn't america have an opioid crisis due to unemployment already which coincides with the rise of suicide rates?

And to be clear, i am all for the curent methods being employed of containment and issolation but this cant go on for long, realistically speaking.
People well off and with savings might be fine under this kind of economic pressure but thats not a majority of most economies.

If you think people will follow the goverment rules when they run out of cash your living in fantasy land.

Unless of course you don't care about future generations and don't mind giving your children and grandchildren a couple of billions of debt to pay off, just like the previous generations did to rebuild society after the great wars.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
essemoni wrote:
But you know what? Maybe we fuckin' deserve this, we Australians.

This weekend, at our biggest beach:

i...i can't even.

Oh come on mate.. That's Bondi, you know there are no Australians there. It's all full of British backpackers!!


Stay safe,

Ps. Forgot to mention. The local Vincentia supermarket has "pensioner" opening hours so all the old farts can "shop safely". There was an all in brawl between 4 or 5 of them, and 300 people waiting to get in earlier. Needless to say the shop was emptied of pretty much all stock before the normal opening hours. I'm seriously thing of going down early tomorrow and start coughing as I wait in line with the multitudes of the old. It is however nice to hear my high school student complaining about the behaviour of these oldies. Normally it's the other way around.

I can't believe you're fucking winning our bet, my friend.

I qualified for 'at risk delivery hours' with Woolies, so even if the deliveries get swamped (which they seem to be not doing for now), I am ensured a decent grocery delivery once a week or so. That's a huge load off my mind. I'm sort of surprised I qualified, given I assumed people are arseholes and would try to get on the list with more proof than I that I'm on hard lockdown at a mortal fear level.

Any deliveries we do get either go straight into the fridge/freezer or sit in the garage for several days because the virus can live on hard surfaces for days. The downside of this is little indulgences like menulog/deliveroo are out, since they tend to deliver in plastic or cardboard...:(

Anyway, I'm feeling personally safe in terms of resources. As long as I don't catch it, I'm fine. But oh there are so many people out there who aren't, who have been let down by our system. Small businesses dying left and right. Food/entertainment industry employers and employees? Fucked. I read that the UK is managing to pay out of work bar staff 80% of their wages. I wonder how they pulled that off.

Meanwhile in Australia, we're putting billions towards bailing out airlines, because apparently they were struggling until now or something. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

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