Corona virus

It's a good thing your guy doesn't have as much control over the medical system there as other world "leaders"

I hope you get your questions answered on air!

@ Molochmane - Thank you. THANK YOU <3
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Last edited by The_Impeacher on Mar 20, 2020, 8:05:13 PM
So the UK decided to course correct away from the herd immunity strategy, obviously far too late.

Latest news i watched from the netherlands was about one of its districts already failing to meet the demands for hospitalizations and making a public anouncement to have neighboring districts and hospitals help out.

Not sure if the goverment of the netherlands already made a course correction public but if not today i expect it to be made public tomorrow.

Meantime, Belgium closed all of its borders, we had a bunch of people from the netherlands visiting us to come fill up their car because of our lower prices which wasn't helping.

Isn't it amazing how fast "nationalism" becomes a top priority in a crisis, our politicians obviously don't call it that, they decided to go with "civic duty" but if it kwaks like a duck and struts like a duck it probably is a duck.

I expect the entire EU to have closed borders in a day or four with exceptions for mandatory travel and economic activity's.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
It's very telling that Dr John hasn't mentioned Australia once in days. Very.

So sobering thought:

China: ~3200 deaths reported over 2 months before it tapered off (result of hard lockdown)
Italy: ~3400 deaths over 3 weeks, still rising (hard lockdown in place)

I'm going to assume reporting methods for both are somewhat flawed but in the spirit of analysis, largely equally so. That is some scary acceleration. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
^How is the age distribution in china relative to italy?

The EU has a large aging population, which makes us relatively susceptible to the virus in general.

Not gonna harp on the same point, but china being the first chain in a lot of medical supply chains and having a "trained" population probably helps in a situation like this.

Liberal society's will pay a price in human life for that liberty which to my sense is justifiable by the freedom and joy gained over the amounts of years outside of crisis events.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
@ W

Italy is still way behind when China hard locked. I'd expect the numbers to continue to rise there. The US will likely be a nightmare. Italy times 10 at minimum.

Hopefully your government (and mine) gets more serious within the next week
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Last edited by The_Impeacher on Mar 20, 2020, 8:35:32 PM
Hopefully. Best case scenario, they figure out an easy testing method so that I don't have to treat every single person like a potential threat. That's where I am now, and believe it or not, paranoia does not come easily to me. I'm a big hugger once I've decided someone doesn't hate me (I once hugged Chris without thinking, and had a cold at the time -- I've beat myself up for that for years over that incident!). I generally trust others not to bear me ill-will unless I bring it down on myself.

So this whole 'fuck, stay the fuck away from everyone' thing is new and offputting for me. That isn't to say I'm not an introvert; I obviously am, as I suspect most Exiles are. But I like having the freedom to NOT be an introvert when it's on my terms. Take that away from me and I will very quickly be out of my comfort zone.

Anyway. That's best case scenario. More likely, there is some testing available if people think they need it, but no real recourse for what to do with them even if they do test positive other than decide: ventilator or home isolation. That sort of testing does not make 'out there' any safer for me. :) -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

we can all thx this guy right?
Unfortunately, it's best to think of every human as a carrier. Even after a reliable home/personal test method is developed, the deniers will continue to be a danger.
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But you know what? Maybe we fuckin' deserve this, we Australians.

This weekend, at our biggest beach:

i...i can't even. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
That's a load of deniers.
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