[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

For everyone:
You can save about 50c on your Presence of Chayula amulet by buying the Blessing of Chayula separately and the non-blessed chayula amulet for 1-3c :)
As of writing this comment, the chayula is 1.8-2ex, but the blessing is 1.4ex and the amulet unblessed is 3c. (the implicit stats reroll when blessed, so don't bother paying extra for +16 stat roll, just fix it after with bless orbs)


CelciusX wrote:
guys i need help with... everthing. :)
started red maps and having issues with survival and dmg.
i am hybrid atm dont have currency for shavs. 4,2k hp + 2k es atm.

any suggestions ?

Normally as life you'd want a tinkerskin, they are super cheap, a 5L sells for 2-4c. But if you aim to go low-life anytime soon (when you have the currency for shavs), then you should start collecting ES gear and transition by now from life to CI as you're quite far into maps.

CI will allow you to gear up ES fully, while you're saving currency for a shavs, plus ES items in the lower end are generally much cheaper than life items, you should be able to get 6k+ ES with CI at your level and progression and even if currently you got 4.2k and 2k, you only have 4.2k against any incoming chaos damage, and there's plenty of that in Ultimatum's.

You can get a 3c Wise oak and it'll give you a huge boost vs bosses and rare monsters, as you need the penetration. Just make sure your lightning resist is the highest of the 3, so wise oak works. Going CI will also let you drop your life flask and you should be able to do without a mana flask if you're running inspiration support and even just a lvl 1 clarity. (look at my current char, i'm CI right now, will probably change it tomorrow to LL)

Hope it helps

Cyterizz wrote:
Hello sirs.

I've made some upgrades and is wondering what next upgrade would be. (Profile is public) https://pastebin.com/Mw7nymFD - PoB
I'm thinking shield first, with mana reserve so i can use skitterbots. And then just gloves/boots.
What about belt, do we use Bated breath or is darkness enthroned better with x2 abyss jewels?

Bated breath has more ES/better defences, where darkness enthroned will give you more dps (if you have 2 decent jewels).

You should asap go get a shield with 200+ ES, it will boost you soo soo much vs your current one. We have nodes in our skilltree that makes our equipped shield ES count for 100% more.

Right now i'm at 6.6k ES as CI.

I have not reserved discipline, but I'll probably do it when I go low-life and instead i'll wait with reserving either skitters or wrath until I can fit all aura. (When I get/craft a shield with socketed gems has reduced mana reserve 15%).

But since it's early league and that shield is really luxury, i'll rather play without reserving either wrath or skitter when I go LL and instead aim to get a rare shield with 200+ ES and energy shield recovered when you block. That mod is HUGE for survival.

You could also just as easily choose to not reserve discipline and instead have more DPS from having all your DPS aura's running. It totally depends on your preference, your current gear and situation (do you feel you need more dmg, or feel you want more ES)

Ankhain wrote:
Hi, first of all thanks for this build guide.

This is my first character using traps and first time playing with es.

I'v just started doing t14-16 maps with it and killed first sirus yesterday and tbh the build is doing quite good at awakening lvl 5.

On the other hand we have league mechanic and I'm wondering how big improvement is that pierce enchant because I'm struggling at t14+ maps without it. Is there anyone here that could compare doing ultimatum with and without this enchant?

In spoiler I'll write some of my thoughts about this build
1. first of all ascendecy- take that blind node ASAP. It's huge for us. I was close to drop this build because of how frequently I died in yellow maps. Next time I would go 2 def nodes first and then offensive ones.

2. Buy 21/23 lightning trap gem. It's big damage increase and its very cheap.

3. Someone already said that but damage using 5link is enough to push as far as low red tier maps. Don't focus to much on getting 6 link if you just started mapping. You should focus on your def first but in poe it's nothing new.

4. Before you swap to ll copy your items to pob- you can do that by hovering your cursor over your item and just ctrl+c. I was so happy when I bought my shavrone that I just went for it and ended up with 3.4k es doing yellow tier maps. It was struggle. It's my first time playing ll build but imo be sure to have at least 4.5k es before going ll.

Probably everything I said in spoiler is somewhere in this thread already but wanted to share my thoughts. I'll write something more later because I'm far from full potential.

And please don't kill me because probably there is a lot of mistakes here as I'm pretty bad writing in English :)

First, congrats because imo you've done super well when this is your first time dabbling with an energy shield build! And then with an off-meta skill like traps:)

Getting pierce is huge for survivability because it means you will be blinding all monsters in the screen as your lightning balls will travel through monsters and hit multiple targets (blinding them with -50 chance to hit & also making them do 10% less dmg to you). This is big for survival in maps and big for the Ultimatum mechanic.

Also picking the right mods in ultimatum makes it easier. Stuff that I find easy to deal with is "ruin" both the monster and ghost version. Miasma cloud dodging. The fire spitting skull and the ice ball thingys and if its an open area, the lightning areas on the ground, also easy. :)

Anttrax wrote:
Here's an honest opinion regarding this build:

Its false advertising. This build is legit insufferable.
It probably is good when you can get to LL with it but its def. Not a starter build.

The only reason why I won't switch is that I've no clue what other build to play whit.

I've read the entire guide. And the TLDR version is keep suffering till you can go LL.

I don't know why you are struggling so much, if you truly read the guide.
I have videos literally fresh from this league, going from act 1 to first maps, only in rags gear found while league starting and cleared the endgame. I've done that every league since 3.5 and I'm definitely not some "pro" poe player, just average speed, average leveler and loving the trap off-meta mechanics.

The time you are most vulnerable is not while leveling or early mapping at all, if you followed the guide. The harder part is actually to transition to low-life, which is exactly what I wrote in the guide. That's where you temporarily feel weak because you don't yet have all the components that makes the build strong (shavs, chayla, es-onblock shield) but you have maybe 1 or 2 at best if you transition early. Hence why in the guide I say you can play the build as CI, until you've got at least close to 6K es, before you think of transitioning to LL. (of course, if you're a pro and know what you're doing, this is all about preference and what you feel comfortable with).

So I can't really say much other than watch my act 1-10 videos or the many videos from past leagues or come by my stream sometime and watch the gameplay, because I think you're doing something pretty wrong if you truly read the guide fully and are struggling that bad -- while I'm posting deathless run act 1-10+ early maps, AS league-starter.
Last edited by oestergreen on Apr 22, 2021, 4:01:47 AM
So you're saying i shouldn't run discipline untill i get a shield with 15 % reserved mana?

Discipline for me gives 800 ES. Seems waste to not run that over dps aura? Maybe i'm wrong.

So better to skip disc aura, and get a better shield with recover Es on block and huge ES but no reserved mana?
Sorry i'm noob first time saboteur :D Bit confused where to put the focus and priority.

Thanks for your reply, regards
Cyterizz wrote:
So you're saying i shouldn't run discipline untill i get a shield with 15 % reserved mana?

Discipline for me gives 800 ES. Seems waste to not run that over dps aura? Maybe i'm wrong.

So better to skip disc aura, and get a better shield with recover Es on block and huge ES but no reserved mana?
Sorry i'm noob first time saboteur :D Bit confused where to put the focus and priority.

Thanks for your reply, regards

It totally depends on the rest of your gear and your own preference.
If you already have 6k+ ES, but feel you lack damage, then definitely use wrath instead of disc. But if you already feel your damage is fine and you'll rather be a bit more tanky, then save wrath for later and use discipline.
(when you swap to lowlife you gain a lot of damage since you get 30% more spelldmg modifier + zealotry reserved with life)

In the guide I don't specifically tell people to run 1 over the other, because it's a fluent choice that depends on the rest of your gear and where you're at, what you need etc.. more dmg, or more health(es) --- obviously we want both eventually, but that's for late game or when you can afford to craft/buy the mana reserve shield. :) At first, i'd aim to get a rare shield with 200-250'ish ES and when you can, one that has ES recovered on block.

With a good rare shield + chayla, you'll be extremely tanky, even without discipline.
Last edited by oestergreen on Apr 22, 2021, 2:16:54 AM
i ve been running this build as starter and leveling and early maps was pretty smooth. Kinda learned a thing or two before i went LL.
Now that i reach red maps i feel like i miss trap throw speed as at red maps many bosses close in on you pretty fast and i most of the time dont have the time to throw traps more than once before i have to run again. So if i cant nuke the boss and maybe maven even heals, the fight gets messy.
Veritana on two watchstones wasnt nice either.
Obviously i miss 6 link shav as i am only 300 fusing into it (but that should only provide more damage). Shield with ES on block is still pretty expensive as are gloves with pseudo 6 link for the trap setup so i went with just some ES gear. I still need trigger wand with the exposure link.

Any obvious item upgrades i have missed ? i feel kind of squishy having only 4,9k ES with wrath instead of discipline and 5,8k ES with discipline

Character is also public if i made some mistake on the tree. Any advice would be nice and thanks again for the guide.
Last edited by Singulare on Apr 21, 2021, 8:37:11 PM
Singulare wrote:

Character is also pblic if i made some mistake on the tree. ANy advice would be nice and thanks again for the guide.

You lack two or three big nodes that boost es, on the midlle of the tree, the one with +18%max es and the one with +40intel+8%intel. Your gear doesn't have a lot of intel.
I had 6.4k es with dexterity helm and now that I switched for es helm i have 7.4k es or something around the line.
Your gear is just average everywhere so overall you lack es. It seems that you are overcap on res, try to get some piece with higher stats that increase your es. Your boots provide nice res but are low on the energy shield side, high es+intel everywhere you can, and you don't need so much chaos res, chayula provide 60% already.
Your gloves is good you don't need to change it.
Last edited by EzBreesy on Apr 21, 2021, 8:42:43 PM
My update:

Just finished Awk 5, Doing T12-T16 Maps on a regular basis. Unfortunately I bricked my first Sirus, but that was more me throwing flame dashes in the wrong direction and once you are out of the last phase it´s kinda annoying to get back into it... anyway, build is feeling good so far. Damage is a bit lacking I feel. But in general the leaguestart went really good. This is my gear so far:

Shield is selfcrafted with harvest, helmet I bought for 150c and rolled a few dense fossils. Lightning- and Cold-Res are balanced already.

For higher dps I am planning on leveling further now (only 91) to stack more cluster jewels and small jewels and probably get enlighten 4 at some point if to get my hands on Skitterbots as I don´t have them yet cause no mana. Maybe that´s why the dmg lacks a bit. What I want to say: It starts to feel a bit sluggish without trap throwing speed so getting new essence-crafted gloves is prio 1 for me now.

Anyway, very good character, great league start so far. Let´s see how far it can be pushed :D
Last edited by Vennto on Apr 22, 2021, 1:00:50 AM
Vennto wrote:
My update:

Just finished Awk 5, Doing T12-T16 Maps on a regular basis. Unfortunately I bricked my first Sirus, but that was more me throwing flame dashes in the wrong direction and once you are out of the last phase it´s kinda annoying to get back into it... anyway, build is feeling good so far. Damage is a bit lacking I feel. But in general the leaguestart went really good. This is my gear so far:

Shield is selfcrafted with harvest, helmet I bought for 150c and rolled a few dense fossils. Lightning- and Cold-Res are balanced already.

For higher dps I am planning on leveling further now (only 91) to stack more cluster jewels and small jewels and probably get enlighten 4 at some point if to get my hands on Skitterbots as I don´t have them yet cause no mana. Maybe that´s why the dmg lacks a bit. What I want to say: It starts to feel a bit sluggish without trap throwing speed so getting new essence-crafted gloves is prio 1 for me now.

Anyway, very good character, great league start so far. Let´s see how far it can be pushed :D

Ahhh you've done excellent mate, really nice gear already :)

Yes 100% the damage you lack is because you're not shocking anything atm (elem focus in your 6link and no skitterbots yet as you said).

According to POB, you're at 480k dmg atm and would instantly go to 600k with just skitterbots activated. That said, you've even still got a huge amount of headroom for upgrades (my ritual character had 3.3mil with 9k es still), but that's all down to gear upgrades and getting big jewels plus a good cluster setup. Basically just upgrading things/crafting as you go. I would say for how fresh the league is, you've done extremely well already.

When you get or craft the shield with reserve and ES-restore on block, you pretty much enter a new level of godmode similar to my videos from former seasons and then from there, it's all about jewels and the cluster setup (there's a pob directly to my ritual char under the skilltree section called "super min/max" - the tree is slightly different as i use more cluster points). Also, ES-on block is 1 of only 3 defence mods on a shaper shield and it has a decent weighting considering its power, so toss all your dense fossils and your harvest defence reforges on a shaper-influenced shield and anytime you hit reserve with something decent but no es-on block, you can consider selling the shield for a nice profit and simply continue the process with a new base bought off the profit. (this is more general for anyone reading, I have a feeling Vennto is already in the process of doing this^)

Last edited by oestergreen on Apr 22, 2021, 2:26:02 AM
I have a question about our auras. Is it possible to run all our auras without prism guardian and mana reservation shield? If yes what we need?
I'm trying to make the grind to past 97 in standard. Still dying to random stuff sometimes even when avoiding vulnerability maps at 554 life, 7565 es. Can you check my profile to see if there's anything very obvious I can do to improve. Not terribly rich with only total 21 ex or so.

I'm trying to make the grind to past 97 in standard. Still dying to random stuff sometimes even when avoiding vulnerability maps at 554 life, 7565 es. Can you check my profile to see if there's anything very obvious I can do to improve. Not terribly rich with only total 21 ex or so.

You should definitely get a rare shield instead of the prism guard.
A rare shield with 15% reduced mana reservation and 3-5% ES recovered when you block. That single item alone will carry you to 100. You did well though imo, getting to 97-98 with just the prism guard and relatively low ES of 7.5k. (prism used to be a 3-5c item, until this league lol).

You're max block or very close, so when you get the ES on block-shield, you become close to immortal(check my vids from former leagues), plus you'll go from your current low'ish 7.5k es to 9k+ es, on-top of the ES recovery.

Check my POB in the guide, the skill-tree and the shield i'm using, as you'll probably need to respec a few points to fit sovereignty or test with a lvl 3 or 4 enlighten.

Ankhain wrote:
I have a question about our auras. Is it possible to run all our auras without prism guardian and mana reservation shield? If yes what we need?

You need either a rare shield with mana reserve reduction and sovereignty, or prism guard. Either of those combos to fit all aura's. Without either of the combos, you run with 1 aura less. Either Wrath, Skitterbots or Discipline.

That is a choice depending on your other gear and how you feel your damage is, so that choice is different from player to player. Some will prefer to run 1 less damage aura and others will prefer to run without the ES from discipline.

Depending on your own gear and situation and how comfortable you are about your damage vs your survivability.

I will try to make this more clear in the gem section of the guide, but it's on purpose that I didn't specifically tell people which aura to choose or to not run, as it is very individual and based someones individual gear and experience playing and their preference (more tanky, or more dmg).
Last edited by oestergreen on Apr 22, 2021, 3:33:00 AM

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