
tobes111 wrote:

This is the most useless skill in the history of skills.

The uselesssness is so useless that I am surprsied anyone has actually used it.

It suxs so bad.

Totally useless.

The damage. Useless.

The charge up time. Useless.

The range. Useless.

The skill? Useless.

Please revamp this skill.

Give us an inferno type fireball in front of us where you hold and it does tonnes of damage. Not stupid damage over time.

Give us a meteor type burn.

Give us firewall.

Give us ANYTHING but this useless skill.

Useless skill is uselesss.

Lol your opinion is useless. I use this as my only attack on my level 86 marauder and I pwn everything in the game. Face tank lvl 73 map oak.
I know this skill is weak for anyone but insane blood magic users, but I decided to try it anyway on a new witch. It really feels like, probably, mana cost should scale per stage up to what it is now OR stage increases should be based on cast speed instead of a flat timer. If not even kripp can get much use out of it in comparison to fireball then it needs a change, BM users or not.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Still no icon
Lol. This skill suck so bad that they didn't even bother to make a gem icon for it.
Teflondon1975 wrote:
Do you guys/gals think it's worth it adding ignite chance if using a searing touch + burn damage nodes for 130% bonus burn damage? I'm trying to work out a templar(prefered) or witch dual spell totem build but having never played one not really sure what to use added with it. Actually does anybody here play an incinerate dual totem build and have some advice on what works well? Thanks!

Edit: Having used blind on two different characters I Really think this would help the totems. I've seen some dual totem build videos and the totems die fairly quickly. I'd think blind would work wonders here(my single fire totem/LMP/Blind lives for ages sometimes) and also add some defense for myself the odd time I'm targeted. Might allow them a large up time at stage 4?

No, the search touch is not worth it for an incinerate build. I sold my 5L searing touch because the increased damage isn't as great for Incinerate because it doesn't deal that much burning damage. Additionally, since the ingnite effect does not stack, it isn't as good for a fast casting skill like Incinerate. Lastly, the low base damage that Incerate deals makes it bad for burning damage because each damage tick is low, making the burning damage low as well.

I can't comment on the rest of your post because I don't use totems, nor have I tried using blind with incinerate.


haplessG00N wrote:
Lol your opinion is useless. I use this as my only attack on my level 86 marauder and I pwn everything in the game. Face tank lvl 73 map oak.

The skill is quite useless against higher hp mobs if you are using added lightning with it. You may survive because the life leech is ridiculous, but your damage output is laughable compared to freezing pulse builds.

There's a difference between killing everything slowly without dying and pwning everything in the game.
HowCouldThisHappenToMee (Hardcore Talisman)
Last edited by bassdoken on Apr 4, 2013, 7:07:24 PM
bassdoken wrote:
but your damage output is laughable compared to freezing pulse builds.

Of course, FP is the best Spell in the game, so no surprises there!
Please make the width of the flame scale with increased skill area. It seems logical that it would happen.


I also like the idea about the mana cost being associated with the stage.
Was just playing around with lvl 14 Incinerate supported by lvl 13 Faster Casting while using Blood Rage to get 5 frenzy charges.

That was so amazingly fun I just had to smile the entire time. Mana cost was obviously totally unsustainable, but this is probably the most fun I've had in PoE.
I've been using incinerate for awhile now as my main attack, and I gotta say, I HATE the new sounds effect. I'm using GMP so it's going off at an alarming rate. My friend couldn't stand it.
Last edited by haplessGOONtv on Apr 8, 2013, 7:53:38 AM
The 0.10.5 sound effect is horrible. It sounds like you're punching a head of lettuce. I don't know what you were thinking.
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