
Oh, so thats what that new sound is. I don't mind it honestly, but it sure doesn't sound like fire.
Does Incinerate Pierce?

Also 20% damage effectiveness seems very low when compared to firestorm which has AOE and range to make up for this.
akaneko wrote:
Does Incinerate Pierce?

Also 20% damage effectiveness seems very low when compared to firestorm which has AOE and range to make up for this.

It always pierces.

If you want to use Firestorm, use Firestorm.
The Amazon Basin: A Community of Friends Playing Games
Thanks for clarifying.

I pointed at something i percieved as unbalanced. If i want to use firestorm i will.

edit: the pircing is missing in the skill description. should be added i think.
Last edited by akaneko on Apr 10, 2013, 12:02:18 AM
OMG THANK U!!! You fixed the sound for this skill :) Good job guys it sounds great.
Do you guys think this build could work out?

This build is a CI, dual totem incinerate build with alot of minions so the totems wont die so fast. The spectres will add alot of dmg to the build aswell.

I have plans on using 5l-6l Searing touch with those gems in it (Incinerate - Faster casting - Spell totem - GMP - added lightning dmg) + if 6l faster projectiles or added chaos dmg

Im using Static Blows in the passive skill tree so the enemies get shocked since I have added lightning dmg in it.

Do you think the increased fire dmg on the skill tree will increase the dmg by alot?

Is searing touch even worth using or should I better use a wand + a shield so I get extra survivability?

WTS Soul Mantle, Spidersilk Robe (+1 totem chest) Ilvl = 67 write pm or offer ingame
please fix the skill.
You can't incinerate against lightning throns. you'll die in 3 seconds. so lame.
ingame name : ZMorphS
I know it's been said a great deal already, but I really feel something should be done to improve the mechanics of this skill. The ramp-up time isn't a bad thing per se - I like that it works the way it does in a very general sense, and it gives the skill a distinct feel. Still, it's hard to appreciate just how annoying the loss of full power can be until you've tried to find a reason to use it over other, more consistently effective skills. I'm not sure exactly how much can be done to improve it without trivializing the ramp-up, but I'll add my voice to those who have noted that starting over from stage 1 just because you needed to move slightly or cast another quick skill does make it feel very cumbersome.

That said, when it's working, it definitely works. Even a few seconds of charge retention would make it far more satisfying, though.
Last edited by rageofwalrus on Apr 14, 2013, 11:36:20 PM
I think I can see why GGG didn't want this to crit since they also just added Power Charge on Critical, but I think that if this skill had just a 4% crit chance or so then Ice Spear would still be a better charge-building skill overall, it's just that now Fire Witches play more with it, too.
is there a special reason why this spell doesnt work with the Trap support gem or is that a oversight?
same with remote mine
Its always in the last place you look
Last edited by Verb on Apr 20, 2013, 9:47:58 AM

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