
Verb wrote:
is there a special reason why this spell doesnt work with the Trap support gem or is that a oversight?
same with remote mine
traps/mines disappear on cast on trigger, so they only get one shot.
rageofwalrus wrote:
I know it's been said a great deal already, but I really feel something should be done to improve the mechanics of this skill. The ramp-up time isn't a bad thing per se - I like that it works the way it does in a very general sense, and it gives the skill a distinct feel. Still, it's hard to appreciate just how annoying the loss of full power can be until you've tried to find a reason to use it over other, more consistently effective skills. I'm not sure exactly how much can be done to improve it without trivializing the ramp-up, but I'll add my voice to those who have noted that starting over from stage 1 just because you needed to move slightly or cast another quick skill does make it feel very cumbersome.

That said, when it's working, it definitely works. Even a few seconds of charge retention would make it far more satisfying, though.

I would have to disagree. It's a useless spell by itself, low range, annoying mana cost, and really only one target, while forcing you to stand still. So are alot of skills though. And like alot of skills add in a few gems and it's god like.

Try on a 4 link, Incenerate, GMP, Faster Projectiles, (Mana leach or fire pen, reduced mana or my personal favorite, blind) Go to a zone like dock's on merc, or any map where there are alot of meele guys. Hold down the button. At stage 3 it more or less becomes a wall of death that kills even most boss's in under 4 seconds. FP almost doubles the range, and GMP spreads it out. So you end up being able to sit in a corner and cover 30% of your screen with insta death. Ranged mobs you use another spell. Combine this with flame totem, of roughly the same build and it's about as effective as ice defensivly only with 8 times the dps.
Can Incinerate crit enemies with the Critical Weakness curse applied to them?
incinerate needs some sort of rework. For all the down sides the spell has it simply doesn't do enough damage.

I use incinerate on my 74 templar right now and sustain it through life regen. my current gems are: incinerate-LMP-iron will-blood magic.

it costs roughly 184 life a second to cast, and only deals about ~4800 damage per second if all 3 beams are hitting. Not to mention your character has to stand still for this meaning that there's a high defense requirement as well.

For such a difficult skill to build around the reward is very negligable. I could easily deal more damage with a different build without requiring so much life regen (currently have 370 life regen per second with vitality aura)

IMO for having such short range and such high cost AND requiring you to be immobile incinerate needs a significant damage boost.
shade4x wrote:
rageofwalrus wrote:
I know it's been said a great deal already, but I really feel something should be done to improve the mechanics of this skill. The ramp-up time isn't a bad thing per se - I like that it works the way it does in a very general sense, and it gives the skill a distinct feel. Still, it's hard to appreciate just how annoying the loss of full power can be until you've tried to find a reason to use it over other, more consistently effective skills. I'm not sure exactly how much can be done to improve it without trivializing the ramp-up, but I'll add my voice to those who have noted that starting over from stage 1 just because you needed to move slightly or cast another quick skill does make it feel very cumbersome.

That said, when it's working, it definitely works. Even a few seconds of charge retention would make it far more satisfying, though.

I would have to disagree. It's a useless spell by itself, low range, annoying mana cost, and really only one target, while forcing you to stand still. So are alot of skills though. And like alot of skills add in a few gems and it's god like.

Try on a 4 link, Incenerate, GMP, Faster Projectiles, (Mana leach or fire pen, reduced mana or my personal favorite, blind) Go to a zone like dock's on merc, or any map where there are alot of meele guys. Hold down the button. At stage 3 it more or less becomes a wall of death that kills even most boss's in under 4 seconds. FP almost doubles the range, and GMP spreads it out. So you end up being able to sit in a corner and cover 30% of your screen with insta death. Ranged mobs you use another spell. Combine this with flame totem, of roughly the same build and it's about as effective as ice defensivly only with 8 times the dps.

I have to retract my original assessment, because you're absolutely correct - using GMP + FP + Life Leech on an RF / PA build at the moment, and rarely ever have a reason to move while mobs are on the screen. This could have something to do with RF / PA's absurd effectiveness - but it works, whatever the case.
Last edited by rageofwalrus on Apr 24, 2013, 4:12:04 PM
Just dropped by to post some hate about this skill and Lighting throns. So there comes the hate: It's ridiculous. I've created new char, made him to lvl 30 and faced lighting thorns, I mean faced the ground instantly. I don't even want to see how it works on higher diff.

Last edited by CookieVortex on May 7, 2013, 6:49:33 PM
GMP incinerate vs lightning thorns.....

With a cast time of .16 seconds, you should see why this a problem.

Even if I go straight for the ones who cast it, if one manages to get a LT cast i can't see it because GMP incinerate covers everything. There's literally nothing i can do! But attack the casters first and hope I get lucky. For someone who's level 86 with 4k life and 84 lightning resist it's pretty stupid to die in < 1 second when some biotch cast LT on a monster from off screen. I literally don't die to anything but lightning thorns.

It ain't fair!!!!!
I didn't realize lightning thorns even triggers on spells; I thought it was an attack-based thing. They should maybe change it to that.

Aside from that, lightning thorns just seems lame considering the amount of hits some builds do per second compared to others (around like 1.2 to 8+). That said, I guess there's nothing wrong to just balance it for those skills/builds which hit many times per second and have it essentially do almost no effect for the slower builds.

Skill statistics/attributes should also indicate the crit chance of 0% just like all other spells have crit chance indicated; is this like a sort of bug due to not displaying values that are zero?
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Last edited by Xapti on May 15, 2013, 9:12:05 PM
Xapti wrote:
I didn't realize lightning thorns even triggers on spells; I thought it was an attack-based thing. They should maybe change it to that.

It used to trigger against Melee only (which was bullshit), but to make it fair they changed it to nuke everyone roughly equally. The equivalent of Incinerate would probably be Splash Double Strike or something.
(now it's marginally less bullshit)
Has there been much consideration changing the skill to AoE? Just have a cone of flame cast out in front of the caster rather than relying on LMP or GMP to increase its angle.

Another point to make...I feel Flame Totem's animation should be the rightful animation for Incinerate, as they both fire projectile spells, I don't see why they should share different animations (Would look better too).

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