
Just wish this had at least 1% critical strike chance, even 0.5% or 0.1% would be fine. Then maybe people will stop saying Flame Totem does everything better (which it does, since it can crit and LMP/GMP is easier to shotgun with on it than Incinerate)

This would cause my added damage gems to crit, pushing incinerate over 100k DPS. Which would be miles beyond OPness.
trenan wrote:
Just wish this had at least 1% critical strike chance, even 0.5% or 0.1% would be fine. Then maybe people will stop saying Flame Totem does everything better (which it does, since it can crit and LMP/GMP is easier to shotgun with on it than Incinerate)

This would cause my added damage gems to crit, pushing incinerate over 100k DPS. Which would be miles beyond OPness.

I don't know where you got 100k DPS from but that is wrong, I'm not entirely sure about the calculation but 100k DPS is definitely wrong, maybe the DPS can reach 10k.

The 80% more damage stages aren't as huge as you think.
"so you can see who has more PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
"Everyone can at least be exposed to Leo's PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
trenan wrote:
Just wish this had at least 1% critical strike chance, even 0.5% or 0.1% would be fine. Then maybe people will stop saying Flame Totem does everything better (which it does, since it can crit and LMP/GMP is easier to shotgun with on it than Incinerate)

This would cause my added damage gems to crit, pushing incinerate over 100k DPS. Which would be miles beyond OPness.

I don't know where you got 100k DPS from but that is wrong, I'm not entirely sure about the calculation but 100k DPS is definitely wrong, maybe the DPS can reach 10k.

The 80% more damage stages aren't as huge as you think.

considering i can get 30k dps easy, then shotgun it with LMP for 75k DPS, add in constant critical strike.... and boom you got 100k dps.

Someone doesn't realize that added lightning damage + static blows = 10k DPS from just the gem damage itself. Owell...
Last edited by trenan on Mar 14, 2013, 10:54:04 PM
trenan wrote:

considering i can get 30k dps easy, then shotgun it with LMP for 75k DPS, add in constant critical strike.... and boom you got 100k dps.

Someone doesn't realize that added lightning damage + static blows = 10k DPS from just the gem damage itself. Owell...

Show me screenshots of your current DPS then, or videos of how well you're performing with it.
I can use Critical Weakness with my 500% multiplier (not including the *1.8 from my 9% quality CW) and the damage is still pathetic compared to FP or Fireball. I'm a tri-ele crit build just so you know.

Please get off your high horse.
"so you can see who has more PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
"Everyone can at least be exposed to Leo's PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
Last edited by Kenzorz on Mar 14, 2013, 11:04:28 PM
Just wish this had at least 1% critical strike chance, even 0.5% or 0.1% would be fine. Then maybe people will stop saying Flame Totem does everything better (which it does, since it can crit and LMP/GMP is easier to shotgun with on it than Incinerate)

How much does a flame totem do with GMP? When I get Incinerate to step 4, I deal around 12k damage (before resistances).
HowCouldThisHappenToMee (Hardcore Talisman)
ign = ultrahiangle
Last edited by ultrahiangle on Mar 15, 2013, 12:35:10 AM
1. it might be slightly viable to use shocks solo
2. if you run maps with 3-5 other people, you arent shocking shit
3. there will be someone else in party shocking anyways
4. with 20% dmg effectiveness added lightning dmg is adding like 10 light dmg per hit (before stage increase, not even close to what fire pen does)

did you really say that the stage dmg increase doesn't work with lmp/gmp?

flame totems are not even close to as good as this skill.
ign = ultrahiangle
Last edited by ultrahiangle on Mar 15, 2013, 12:35:35 AM
level 18 added lightning does 5-86, so it averages ~45 a hit. at stage 4 on incinerate that's

45*0.2*1.8*1.8*1.8 = ~52 a hit. Just a little over it's normal damage. On a tiny cast time.

So yeah, added damage gems are fine with incinerate. Don't expect to shock anything in multiplayer, but even without shock this will get you pretty far.
Party or not you'll shock the same, the base amount of hp is used to determine stuns and status ailment, not the modified value due to group size.
JonnyMonroe wrote:
level 18 added lightning does 5-86, so it averages ~45 a hit. at stage 4 on incinerate that's

45*0.2*1.8*1.8*1.8 = ~52 a hit. Just a little over it's normal damage. On a tiny cast time.

So yeah, added damage gems are fine with incinerate. Don't expect to shock anything in multiplayer, but even without shock this will get you pretty far.

Exert from a previous post I made:

As I mentioned above, the Added Damage gems base damage is increased by Spell/Elemental/fire/cold/lightning damage.

My final build puts my total lightning increase at 266%, with the gear im currently wearing.(not even decent end game gear)

That means the gem will do max 370 lightning damage at 100% efficiency at level 20.

370 * 20% = 74 lightning damage per incinerate tick.

74 Lightning Damage, 10 times per second = 740 dps, stage 1

740 DPS at stage 4 = 3700 DPS; without Shock stacks, elemental weakness or anything else that would buff my damage.

lets see, shock stacks and elemental weakness would push it to like 8k+ dps, and since we arent getting perfect lighting damage rolls every time, lets say MINIMUM DPS increase for 1 lightning damage gem, is 4k+ dps.

Added chaos damage is even more potent, so probably puts it at something like 7k-8K DPS

Added cold is the worst, but with my -100% cold resist, higher low end dps, its on par with lightning, so.... another 5-7K dps

1. it might be slightly viable to use shocks solo
2. if you run maps with 3-5 other people, you arent shocking shit
3. there will be someone else in party shocking anyways
4. with 20% dmg effectiveness added lightning dmg is adding like 10 light dmg per hit (before stage increase, not even close to what fire pen does)

did you really say that the stage dmg increase doesn't work with lmp/gmp?

You would be wrong, it is very easy to Shock and Freeze mobs with added lightning and added cold damage. I do it all the time in full groups in merciless. You guys simply state stupid stuff without having ever tested it.

Quite frankly you are the reason why there is so much innaccurate information about the game floating in the forums.
Last edited by trenan on Mar 15, 2013, 3:56:25 AM

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