3.5 Chaos/Cold Storm Brand - Uber Elder✓ 10k EHP ✓ Budget ✓ HC ✓ Hierophant or Occultist

I want to know if this build as Ocultist is a END GAME/ ALL CONTENT viable??

until now i`m on t13 maps with 7k EHP but i dont want to spend to much currency on this build if its not end game viable!

So what you think?

my gear

Last edited by Gattringer on Dec 25, 2018, 6:29:43 AM
You keep saying totem but when i'm looking at your gem setup I don't see anything using totems? Am I missing something?
The build is fine for mapping but the single target damage is a bit low for me. I'll keep an eye on the topic for an uber elder kill video
"The exodus of humanity in search of a new home? It is like spreading a virus in the healthy space."
What do you guys do for speed? This build feels extremely slow to me.
What do you guys do for speed? This build feels extremely slow to me.
Last edited by Some_Day on Dec 27, 2018, 4:57:34 PM
Last edited by killkarabill on Dec 27, 2018, 12:02:55 PM
Someone with good knowledge for the build should keep it up..The build seems fantastic..I am a newcomer to poe and i am gonna try it.I have some questions though.The tree for occulist is legit?Or it is outdated?
Also,someone should post a video mapping with the build.We would like to see its gameplay style.And last..Can someone make a picture showing the passive tree priorities? I mean where do we start from. and where do we head to etc etc..

Thx a lot for the guide bro..Hope everything goes ok for you,in and out of the game:)
I'll see what I can do to keep up with this thread. You can check my profile for updates. Cleared all t16 maps so far, but still working on leveling gems and gearing for higher single target dps for Elder/Shaper.
Last edited by aremboldt on Dec 27, 2018, 1:33:42 PM
Guys sorry about the last post, I found out I am starting a new job again in 20 days. So I have all that time to play poe.

My 9k es Occultist died at lvl 92 in delve depth 250. I died to offscreen voidscreemer, my curse didnt cover him. And I found out the hard way that this is the occultist weakness.

I have drafted a rough Hierophant build, this one doesnt rely on curses, has more damage and 14.5k EHP! with 2k leech to our ES and 255 regen from mana and hp. Of which 25% of elemental goes to. 75% chaos resistance and 900k shaper dps!

I will be starting this build today, here is the pob if anyone is intertested in this much tankier version that doesnt rely on curses


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