[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

jeremy_u_s3 wrote:
I would switch out Vaal arc for level 21 regular arc, that extra chain is sick for mapping, helps with boss damage (still less than Vaal but can be spammed) and makes it easier to use Vaal RF or Grace.

thanks allot man! any other improvements like weapon or shield?

thnx i will get a normnal arc

and yea the belt XD
JayCy wrote:
Hi! Thanks for the build. I've enjoyed it quite a bit so far. My only issue is that, while I'm no expert on Uber Elder, I find my damage on him and other bosses seems to be lacking a bit. My arma build melts everything but is too squishy. Any suggestions on tactics or gear changes? Thanks in advance.

Her's my gear -

Lightning damage to attacks/skills does nothing for mines/arc as your using a spell.
Your amulet is basically just crit multi/life/light res/attributes, if you can afford it, go with added spell damage, more life, mana, res if needed, crit multi, cold/light damage. http://poe.trade/search/ookokogerihita

Also lvl up so you can get the CritMulti/CritMulti for spells on your tree will deff help boost your damage.
I moved my LST out of my helm and into boots where I can throw it instead of laying it, deff helps with bossing when you need an extra boost.
Also use Vaal RF for addional damage on bosses.

This pretty much what I did and have been able to most content (Shaper/Uber Atziri/Guardians/etc) albeit with the odd death here and there surprisingly well.
Lightning damage to attacks/skills does nothing for mines/arc as your using a spell.
Your amulet is basically just crit multi/life/light res/attributes, if you can afford it, go with added spell damage, more life, mana, res if needed, crit multi, cold/light damage. http://poe.trade/search/ookokogerihita

Also lvl up so you can get the CritMulti/CritMulti for spells on your tree will deff help boost your damage.
I moved my LST out of my helm and into boots where I can throw it instead of laying it, deff helps with bossing when you need an extra boost.
Also use Vaal RF for addional damage on bosses.

This pretty much what I did and have been able to most content (Shaper/Uber Atziri/Guardians/etc) albeit with the odd death here and there surprisingly well.

Thanks so much. I honestly can't believe I never noticed those said "to attacks" as I'm well aware that they don't have any benefit to spells... feel kind of dumb lol. Also I agree that LST is annoying in the helm. Will move it.
HI, i'm here again :)

Now at Level 91 ... but i die to often. Killed Hydra 2 days ago and died 4 times and also died several times while mapping.

How can i increase my survivability?

Some thoughts:
- better Diamond Flask (which?)
- LvL21 Arc
Thanks for the build, Uber elder in SSF down
4 days 4 hours of /played time, took me all 6 portals :(

btw, is that "place an additional mine" mod so rare or I'm just unlucky?

took me like 1k alterations to roll it
Last edited by blg_RealiZe on Feb 14, 2019, 10:05:50 AM
DerKiLLaX wrote:
HI, i'm here again :)

Now at Level 91 ... but i die to often. Killed Hydra 2 days ago and died 4 times and also died several times while mapping.

How can i increase my survivability?

Some thoughts:
- better Diamond Flask (which?)
- LvL21 Arc

you are missing A LOT of life on year gear. also try to get 4+ abyss jewels with T1 life and any combination of T1 flat lightning damage to spells, global crit, cold damage to spells and/or other QoL affix. dont use LSP in helmet, it doesnt work well with remote mine support. your wand is lacking a lot of damage. you wont get killed that often if you kill everything before it touches you. watchers eye with clarity mod for chance to get mana back when using a skill is very nice, too

im using 4 abyss jewels + lightning pen/mana back watchers eyes. my gloves are far from perfect but are ok-ish. my daggers also are medium. flat lightning would be a lot better than hybrid spell damage/extra chaos. my gear is very sufficient to oneshot T16 packs and LST melts T16 bosses very fast

EDIT: one of the reasons my gear isnt that optimal (aside from me being lazy) is that i managed to get exactly 80/80/80 res with it for my wise oak. this is a huge buff in survivability and offense
pls keep in mind miners are NOT tanky. you have to dodge around a lot and learn phases and mechanics no matter what. ALLWAYS try to kite tanky bosses you cant melt within a few seconds. lay mine, run away and deto mine. repeat until boss is dead
Last edited by Nikkaj on Feb 15, 2019, 10:35:53 AM
This build is legit! I dropped a pseudo six link gloves for lightning spire trap and been using a tabula for six link arc and been killing it in SSF. Def strongest build I played this league, really should have started the league with it as I don’t play much but glad I got around to it before they likely nerf Arc next league. Able to do T15 easily and bosses melt. Defense is nice too.
i tried killing red elder with this, but failed. got him to abuot 40% life.

can u see how i could improve my build so I can beat him please?

my dmg seems too low

Any ideas on what I should be looking to upgrade next? Have about 10ex to spend.

Up to now I have mainly just spent money on the 2 wands and 6-linking the loreweave.
Does a ring with "xx% increase lightning damage" increase arc damage?

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