[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

TheWatermelon wrote:
Thank you so much! Was really hoping to see another reply soon because I didn't know how else to proceed (: Was afraid to start buying gear as I assumed I was going to change everything.

Looking forward to hearing again soon, really appreciate the help!

Sorry for the late reply. Normally I check this thread during breaks at work, but they blocked POE amongst tons of other websites for the whole company :(

So yea, looks like you did a bunch of stuff already. Here's a few more things:
Try to get a 4-5 point of the same cluster jewel you have, will save you 1 point.
Arcane Guarding is bad if you use Prism Guardian. Move those 5 points to the wheel to the left, Unnatural Calm. With the 1 from cluster, should fill that wheel and get over 7k ES.
Random extra point to the left of Deep Wisdom. Finish Melding with it.
You're still leveling a bunch of gems, so you'll get more damage and ES as you level them more.
If you de-level Stone Golem and max Increased Duration at 11, you can save a point for the +30 STR. Stone Golem dies instantly anyways in deeper content.
Need to up your lightning res for Wise Oak. Needs to be highest for lightning pen.
Weapon needs more damage eventually. Ideally aiming for 4 damage mods like spell damage (Tacati's even better), high flat to spells, crit to spells, crit multi, and open suffix for trigger. Lots of other options, but that one is pretty basic. Mine needs more attention and adds like 10% DPS to you.
Open prefix on gloves for % ES? If not, need higher ES gloves.
No INT or ES affix on Golem Circle ring. Replacing this should also make Wise Oak having lightning res highest easier.
And then farming lab for boot enchant. Want the if you haven't killed because the crit one just gets burned up with trigger spells.

Should be able to reach 8k ES pretty easy with that set-up and then just hyper tuning from there if you want to go more defensive or offensive.
Last edited by blackdeath101 on Apr 2, 2020, 9:15:32 PM
blackdeath101 wrote:

Should be able to reach 8k ES pretty easy with that set-up and then just hyper tuning from there if you want to go more defensive or offensive.

With the Assassination notable, is that needed? Because with controlled destruction isn't it 100% reduced chance to crit? So we don't crit at all with our Ball lightning mines.

Could I possibly take those two skill points away and put them somewhere else, such as go towards Faith and steel?

EDIT : I realise that that doesn't mean there's no chance to crit... oops, I understand how it works and it still does crit. Thank you for the tips! Never had this much ES/life before it's crazy!
Last edited by TheWatermelon on Apr 3, 2020, 5:28:30 AM
TheWatermelon wrote:
EDIT : I realise that that doesn't mean there's no chance to crit... oops, I understand how it works and it still does crit. Thank you for the tips! Never had this much ES/life before it's crazy!

Haha, no problem. If you get another 15-20ex, I can teach you how to work in the Herald cluster jewels. I just switched to them last night (still using all LL gear, just a bit more optimized for res/attributes for more skill points) and it basically tripled my DPS and added another 2k ES.

Played around with Arc again and it was speed clearing some T16's, just struggled a bit on boss DPS still.
blackdeath101 wrote:
ImpureFeeling wrote:
I didn't know about that, thank you for letting me know, I already unchecked the hide characters options, would you mind giving me a hand about how should I go about progression next gearwise? Also I've been using arc for mobs and pyroclast for single target as the guide says but I'm seeing it's not the best combo. Thank you so much in advance for all you time. GL and HF !

Pyroclast is probably still strong, but I prefer more of the 1-skill set-up and Ball Lightning does that for me. I can nuke bosses and clear Delirium with it. And especially when I'm overgeared, speed clearing with Hypothermia instead of slow for maps that don't suck like Cells, it is nice killing stuff off-screen or behind me as I keep progressing. And Kaom's will add a lot more survival than MoM. And by no longer using MoM's, you can reserve your mana for damage auras.

I'd still work towards that PoB I posted when you can afford it. Also, I think you took kill all instead of Alira unless you have 1 point unused. If you did kill all, Google the recipe to switch to Alira for some mana regen, crit multi, and all res. And then check /passives if you missed a passive from quests.

You've got quite a few redundant points, so yea.. just follow that POB if you want my opinion on where to build and should give you lots of tips. Diamond flask, Atziri's flasks, more jewels, secondary set-ups, etc. Can upgrade to a 6L life/res armor for like 15-20c which you can use until Kaom's + 6L Tremor.

My personal preference with miner for the last 2 leagues is 6L armor and dual wand. Last league and this league, switching to LL was so nice, but you have to save a good 8-10 ex which is more than most people can afford and requires a good bit of pre-planning and pre-gearing. I helped a lot of people convert to LL and have not had any complaints from people that did with the even more damage/survival that comes with it. And opens the door for more gear progression than life-based miners will allow.

Hi, thank you so much for all your help. I've made some changes in my gear and they have absolutely helped me out reach level 85. I changed the arc/pyroclast set up for ball lightning and it sure works wonders. Now I have a bit over 200 chaos orbs and I was wondering if it was worth to get a 6L tremor rod + kaom's or if I should use the double wand set up you were mentioning, also I have about 5 skill points and I have no clue where should I put them, I was wondering if maybe you could help me out a bit with those two questions I have. Also I changed my flasks and they are wonderful, I've been dying a lot less and can do maps until tier 8 now easily, of course I still need to be careful and move a lot while popping flask constantly. Anyways, thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it, good luck and have fun !
ImpureFeeling wrote:
Anyways, thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it, good luck and have fun !

Are you familiar with using PoB? You're missing a handful of things like the CWDT set-ups and still have some redundant points. And missing your 3rd lab which should be pretty nice throwing speed and damage.

As you're still fairly new, I'd go with the Tremor/Kaom's set-up. Should cost around 100c, just be careful with the Tremor Rod as some people like to scam and try to swap in a 5L. I go dual weapon set-up as I know how to make some currency and made quite a bit this league. If you stick with this league longer and get around 8-10 ex (over 1k chaos), we can revisit low life with ES. But fair warning.. it will require some work. My brain melted for a few days as I forced ES knowledge into my brain.

Extra point around Successful Detonations.
Extra point after jewel socket above Blood Drinker.
Save 4 points skipping Saboteur and Elemental Focus.
Save some more points bypassing the start and going around, just taking the needed Assassination, Trickery, and life.
With all of those points, you can look into a Medium Cluster Jewel with Surprise Sabotage, Guerilla Tactics, jewel socket, and at most 4-5 passive (6 wastes a skill point). With the extra jewel socket, you can get a smaller cluster for more life.
Then remaining points to get Devotion and later Arcane Will and more HP.
Check the PoB for CWDT set-up.
If you want to use Flame Dash, link it with Faster Casting, Arcane Surge (level 7), and Second Wind.
Add Vaal RF to empty socket, use only the Vaal RF (not regular RF) for burst damage.
Replace 2 Heralds with Wrath, should be more damage.

And then remaining currency to get better stuff like Conductivity ring, better amulet annointed with Counterweight, boots with better movement speed and res (lab enchanted yourself will be cheaper but more time consuming), etc.
Is there a 3.10 PoB ?
jens01325 wrote:
Is there a 3.10 PoB ?

Go back a page. I posted a decent set-up for 3.10 for budget life and more expensive LL variants.
blackdeath101 wrote:

If you get another 15-20ex, I can teach you how to work in the Herald cluster jewels.

Played around with Arc again and it was speed clearing some T16's, just struggled a bit on boss DPS still.

If anything I'm fine with staying with Ball Lightning. Loving it and it's made the build so much more fun with how quickly it clears!

I'm finally back with 17ex (hence the wait) so if there's anything I can improve on then I'm happy to listen (: I assume herald clusters would be rapidly changing in price rn though so if I need more ex I'm happy to farm it
TheWatermelon wrote:
I'm finally back with 17ex (hence the wait) so if there's anything I can improve on then I'm happy to listen (: I assume herald clusters would be rapidly changing in price rn though so if I need more ex I'm happy to farm it

So this is what I came up with for Sabo Herald abuser using only 2 of the cheapest Voices. Guarding would probably be better, but you lose the mine ascendancies and I didn't want to reroll. There is a tree that uses 3 of them, but the cost is essentially 1.5x as much as you need another Voices, 3 Purposeful jewels, and 3 damage/ES jewels.. damage goes up even further, but ES took a slight hit.

Anyways.. here's my current PoB for a level 94 Sabo. Since you're only 92, you might need to drop a jewel or jewel + extra aura effect around Sovereignty. And once again, going to need a ton of Regret Orbs :)


The tree itself is fairly basic: 2 Voices, at least 2-3 Heraldy + PH, rest Endbringer + PH. If you go even further with mana reduction you can throw in the Purity auras for 90% ele res, but I didn't want to. With remaining points you just grab all of aura effect, biggest ES, and big dmg nodes. It turns your Ball Lightnings into even bigger boulders that just smash through content. Even without Vaal RF I still pretty much instant-kill AL8 conquerors (except the cheater one).

Gear is mostly the same, just a lot of jewels and cluster jewels just keep in mind that we have massive flat ES from the supercharged Discipline so INT and % ES become even stronger on gear and jewels since I only have 99% ES (not including INT) from tree with this build as opposed to 200+% previously. You will also need 2 Enlighten 3's for all 5 of your Herald's plus Precision.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Last edited by blackdeath101 on Apr 8, 2020, 8:37:26 PM
blackdeath101 wrote:
ImpureFeeling wrote:
Anyways, thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it, good luck and have fun !

Are you familiar with using PoB? You're missing a handful of things like the CWDT set-ups and still have some redundant points. And missing your 3rd lab which should be pretty nice throwing speed and damage.

As you're still fairly new, I'd go with the Tremor/Kaom's set-up. Should cost around 100c, just be careful with the Tremor Rod as some people like to scam and try to swap in a 5L. I go dual weapon set-up as I know how to make some currency and made quite a bit this league. If you stick with this league longer and get around 8-10 ex (over 1k chaos), we can revisit low life with ES. But fair warning.. it will require some work. My brain melted for a few days as I forced ES knowledge into my brain.

Extra point around Successful Detonations.
Extra point after jewel socket above Blood Drinker.
Save 4 points skipping Saboteur and Elemental Focus.
Save some more points bypassing the start and going around, just taking the needed Assassination, Trickery, and life.
With all of those points, you can look into a Medium Cluster Jewel with Surprise Sabotage, Guerilla Tactics, jewel socket, and at most 4-5 passive (6 wastes a skill point). With the extra jewel socket, you can get a smaller cluster for more life.
Then remaining points to get Devotion and later Arcane Will and more HP.
Check the PoB for CWDT set-up.
If you want to use Flame Dash, link it with Faster Casting, Arcane Surge (level 7), and Second Wind.
Add Vaal RF to empty socket, use only the Vaal RF (not regular RF) for burst damage.
Replace 2 Heralds with Wrath, should be more damage.

And then remaining currency to get better stuff like Conductivity ring, better amulet annointed with Counterweight, boots with better movement speed and res (lab enchanted yourself will be cheaper but more time consuming), etc.

Thank you so much for all your help ! I managed to fix my build and got a tremor/kaom setup and now I'm at 5.5k life, and easily doing 9-10 tier maps, I guess all that's left now is to farm enough chaos/exalted orbs to transition into LL to be able to output more damage and get further into the endgame !

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