[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

Hey everyone,

Could someone check my gear and give me some pointers on upgrades or what I can change? I feel like my damage is great but is 4.3k enough health? I am only on t10 maps and feel like it may be to low soon when i get to higher tier maps.

Also I dont use the totem gems or anything. I havent even tried it yet and feel like im not missing much and my gloves dont have anything plugged in them. Is there anything else I should put in there?

Happy New Years!!
jhneoh wrote:
So I've gotten my hands on this wand:

If I wanted to improve it, how would I go about it? Still a noob at this game.

Or should I sell it? Looking at similiar wands on trade I can get 3+ exalts for it?

I have
as a backup to craft with if I sell the first.

Thanks in advance.

yep, Toptante is really good and is only (just) beaten by 20% ele as extra chaos from ilvl85+ shaper weapons. The only reason it doesnt come out on top is that it blocks the spell-damage crafts.

Anyway, best craft should be T4 non-chaos as extra chaos. For the second wand, I would gamble on regal+annul for this:

for a multimod craft. Better be sure though as that costs 2ex. Also the annul might destroy your topante.

Now if get really lucky with your regal, you can skip the annul and come close to the weapon I just crafted:

I will use that myself, but wouldn't be surprised if someone would pay 15-25ex for something like that. (currently only two better weapons exist on the trade sites, at 30ex and 35ex)


Toptante+T1crit wouldn't be that far off I guess? Would have to check.

Edit: btw, if anybody needs such crafts but hasn't unlocked them (and decides to trust me), just message me ingame (tips are nice).
Last edited by chochom on Dec 31, 2018, 10:11:39 PM
chochom wrote:
jhneoh wrote:
So I've gotten my hands on this wand:

If I wanted to improve it, how would I go about it? Still a noob at this game.

Or should I sell it? Looking at similiar wands on trade I can get 3+ exalts for it?

I have
as a backup to craft with if I sell the first.

Thanks in advance.

yep, Toptante is really good and is only (just) beaten by 20% ele as extra chaos from ilvl85+ shaper weapons. The only reason it doesnt come out on top is that it blocks the spell-damage crafts.

Anyway, best craft should be T4 non-chaos as extra chaos. For the second wand, I would gamble on regal+annul for this:

for a multimod craft. Better be sure though as that costs 2ex. Also the annul might destroy your topante.

Now if get really lucky with your regal, you can skip the annul and come close to the weapon I just crafted:

I will use that myself, but wouldn't be surprised if someone would pay 15-25ex for something like that. (currently only two better weapons exist on the trade sites, at 30ex and 35ex)


Toptante+T1crit wouldn't be that far off I guess? Would have to check.

Edit: btw, if anybody needs such crafts but hasn't unlocked them (and decides to trust me), just message me ingame (tips are nice).

Cheers, that's really solid advice. Guess I'll gamble with a regal + annul for a rare topotante's.
Dkm23 wrote:
Hey everyone,

Could someone check my gear and give me some pointers on upgrades or what I can change? I feel like my damage is great but is 4.3k enough health? I am only on t10 maps and feel like it may be to low soon when i get to higher tier maps.

Also I dont use the totem gems or anything. I havent even tried it yet and feel like im not missing much and my gloves dont have anything plugged in them. Is there anything else I should put in there?

Happy New Years!!

I cant see your tree on my mobile but I assume you have MoM? How much mana do you have?

I have about 5k life and 2k mana at level 90. I took the big life wheel instead of acrobatics though.

For defenses your shield looks rather weak. If you get 100+ life on your shield that would boost your life considerably.

Id replace one mana flask and one life flask with a diamond flask (crits are lucky is an insane dps boost) and a defensive flask. Perhaps the one with smoke cloud which I use or the one with additional dodge or perhaps aquamarine doing chilled ground?

An 80 % loreweave is considerably less damage taken from elemental damage than a 77%. I do t11-t13 atm though and I havent switched around any gear to get 80 % res yet and I survive unless I get overrun by enemies so I guess 77 % would suffice with a larger life pool
puppapuppa11 wrote:
Need help, what can i upgrade? Actually i can do t13-14 but i'm a bit in trouble with syndacate

Some things you could do:
- Figure out if your damage is good enough.
- Replace boots with +life and mana
- Your shield is pretty mediocre, can/should be replaced

Otherwise, syndicates are a bit more annoying than regular mapping. One thing that helped me stay alive is to NEVER stand still. Drop 1 set of mines, move away, detonate.

I'm using a Bear Trap + Vaal RF + Inc Duration setup to burst them down. Most of the time I don't hit bear trap, but Vaal RF is 39% more damage.

Hey man, just downed first shaper guardian in SSF :) Great build.
I have question.

5L Setup --> MineField - Remote Mine - Inc Critical Strikes - Arc - Added Cold

Added Cold batter than Added Lightning?

I am confused plz help!
Last edited by Queisa on Jan 1, 2019, 9:33:41 AM
Queisa wrote:
I have question.

5L Setup --> MineField - Remote Mine - Inc Critical Strikes - Arc - Added Cold

Added Cold batter than Added Lightning?

I am confused plz help!

1) You're not supposed to put Arc into the helmet. It still goes into the 6L body. We only want the 1 extra mine, which will apply even when Arc is not in the helm.
2) Put your character into POB and see the damage. Then decide if shattering is worth the damage loss.
Sick build, killed uber atziri, shaper and uber elder for the first time

Also have Watcher's eye with pen and mom.
Is there any upgrades? Should I change shimmeron for rare multimodded wand with "gained ele as extra chaos" and drop power charges on tree or change watcher's eye for pen and recover mana?
Last edited by damirkz on Jan 1, 2019, 12:19:36 PM
Th3LoRD wrote:
Queisa wrote:
I have question.

5L Setup --> MineField - Remote Mine - Inc Critical Strikes - Arc - Added Cold

Added Cold batter than Added Lightning?

I am confused plz help!

1) You're not supposed to put Arc into the helmet. It still goes into the 6L body. We only want the 1 extra mine, which will apply even when Arc is not in the helm.
2) Put your character into POB and see the damage. Then decide if shattering is worth the damage loss.

Why Ideal Gear Helmet option

'Socketed gems are Supported by level ## Remote mine'

How to use this option?

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