[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

Th3LoRD wrote:
How the fuck are you supposed to craft a +1 mine helmet?

Dumped over 200 alts into each of these helmets, saw %mine damage at least 10 times, have not seen +1 mine EVER.

There is a reason miner helmets are a bit more expensive. Crafting them might take a few hundred alterations or more!
hey. great build. did most of content. im thinking what i can improve more. any help?

sencik wrote:
hey. great build. did most of content. im thinking what i can improve more. any help?

If you feel like you have enough life, consider switching out the shield for another sceptre since all that shield gives you is 19% spell damage and some crit. A sceptre with more spell damage, flat lightning to spells, crit chance and chaos conversion is gonna give you a huge dps boost.
So, i'm almost completing this build, currently at lvl 87
I just didn't understand the shaper helm part (it's my first time in endgame content). So, when i get one (already did tbh but didn't equiped it yet, gotta roll the right collours) i should put Arc on the helm? So, in that way i would be able to use the "place additional mine" affix. But that would also reduce the number of links to 5, since it would've been 4L on the helm with the prefix of the Remote Mine.

Is that correct?

Last edited by mvrsts on Dec 30, 2018, 5:36:21 PM
Hey i don't usually play casters but i actually really enjoy this build.

I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions on what i should work towards upgrading, i have about 100c to work with.


mvrsts wrote:
So, when i get one (already did tbh but didn't equiped it yet, gotta roll the right collours) i should put Arc on the helm? So, in that way i would be able to use the "place additional mine" affix.

The place an additional mine mod is global. So your arc setup in your chest will also benefit from it.

kamil410 wrote:
what about chaos res? Do we need it capped or we will be safe with -60%?

Capping chaos res is not needed. But getting some chaos res will certainly not hurt you.
Last edited by kingzero753 on Dec 30, 2018, 6:23:19 PM
Hey i don't usually play casters but i actually really enjoy this build.

I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions on what i should work towards upgrading, i have about 100c to work with.


that amulet can be upgraded, as well as the ring.
definitely get a spare loreweave to attempt a 6l on, you can divine that one to 80 once you get it
the 2nd sceptre is worse than the 1st,, consider upgrading it and try to craft the "non-chaos as extra chaos dmg" mod on both, it costs 6-8vaal and adds 10%more dmg
your boots/gloves/belt can all get more life/mana

also it might be a bug, but why is your helmet just a 3l?
Anyone running Tremor Rod for Arc? Spitballing numbers it looks juicy compared to body armor; I get 0.25s mine laying speed with Arc in Tremor Rod vs. 0.33s in body armor. Also opens up chest slot for Lightning Spire Trap 6L or other skills.

Working on getting 6 link in this guy.

So I've gotten my hands on this wand:

If I wanted to improve it, how would I go about it? Still a noob at this game.

Or should I sell it? Looking at similiar wands on trade I can get 3+ exalts for it?

I have
as a backup to craft with if I sell the first.

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by jhneoh on Dec 31, 2018, 4:05:30 AM
Need help, what can i upgrade? Actually i can do t13-14 but i'm a bit in trouble with syndacate

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