[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

jeremy_u_s3 wrote:
I understand early when your crit chance is low anyway, but why past level 70ish should we use controlled destruction with its halving of crit chance? The more modifier is great but it seems like crit chance reduction is a killer.

The more spell damage gives us more dps as long as your crit doesn't fall too low.
I've been leveling in SSF with this guide and I absolutely love the leveling guide that comes with it.

Is there any reason why you don't take Acrobatics or Phase Acrobatics though?
A few things I learned from playing this build.

a) Replacing add cold damage / increased critical => traps and mine / elemental focus is a 46% damage increase. Even if you want to shatter, you should definitely replace increased critical with elemental focus for a free 18% damage increase with no real negatives. I will go without shatter I think, going from add cold damage to traps and mine is 23% more damage overall. I am clearing T15 map monster packs in one shot and I don't really see the point of shattering (yet).

2) At this point, lightning spire trap on a 4 link just can't compete with arc for damage and safety, especially against moving targets. Your best bet is to stand nearly a screen a way from the boss and spam mines, never have to aim. Throwing/aiming with a trap bring you closer to the boss than necessary. I stopped using it and just puts down a detonation totem, pop my diamond flask and spam mine from max range. Just melts everything.

3) In my opinion if you are going to take a shield, a shield like Lioneye's Remorse is much better than a spell damage/crit shield. Lioneye's Remorse takes care of our physical damage problems. Death just hurts too much in this game.

Level 98 vs Shaper, level 21 Arc

Dualwield: 63880 per hit, 5536 health, 10% block
Spiritshield: 53934 per hit (-16.5% damage), 5726 health (+3.4%), 10% block
Lionseye: 48676 per hit (-24% damage), 6108 health (+10.3%), 20% block, 6% extra physical damage reduction

I think I am going to play with Lionseye until I am level 100, then dual-wield all the way when there is no longer death penalty. This is an extremely safe build, we are really just playing around the 1% because that 1% chance to die cost you many hours of experience.

4) You should try to get a weapon with most possible damage stats, not focus on a specific stat. For example extra elemental damage as non-chaos damage is amazing, but it is also super expensive and weapons with it even while sacrificing other stats, are priced much higher.

Here is a simple search to get really nasty weapons with 400 or more combined damage stats cost a little as 10 chaos.

Last edited by hitmantb on Dec 29, 2018, 2:00:45 PM
Hi, i saw your vid and notice that you are using vaal Righteous fire, how do you compensate the degen from VRF?, I saw your PoB but didn't notice anything that can lead me to the answer.

Have about 2 ex to spend and thinking of what to upgrade next. Thought about getting a 6linked Loreweave but then I found my current chest and spent a few fusings to get my needed links. Any suggestions?
Also I don't really like smoke mine and I don't feel like I need spell totem + detonate mines so that frees up 4 links from gloves. Probably gonna replace cold snap in cwdt with phase run btw.
Last edited by Nikfu on Dec 29, 2018, 2:48:30 PM
Thanks for the guide.

Managed to kill Uber Elder with it a few minutes ago for the first time.

never attempted him before and managed to do it with 2 deaths on first attempt. Wasn't too messy either. Died first time to shaper slam from not paying attention and then once more to tentacles. Damage was good and it only took a few mins.

Had to change the main gem set up a bit by replacing added cold damage and increased crit strikes with controlled destruction/trap and mine damage and switched to dual sceptres over a shield after finding a good one.

Rocking double Lavianga's and kaom's def helped.
Thanks to the people suggesting a clarity watcher's eye! I decided to fork over 5.5ex to buy this one

and am already in love. Really good for QoL+survivability.

Regarding some other things:
hitmantb wrote:
A few things I learned from playing this build.
Even if you want to shatter, you should definitely replace increased critical with elemental focus for a free 18% damage increase with no real negatives.

That's not how it works. the gem prevents shocks/freezes, so no shattering at all and possibly missing dps from shock depending on the situation.

caladblog wrote:

Hi, i saw your vid and notice that you are using vaal Righteous fire, how do you compensate the degen from VRF?, I saw your PoB but didn't notice anything that can lead me to the answer.

I assume he only uses the vaal version. So no degen, just a direct, one-time 30% hit to life (not affected by MoM)

@silentsisu: congrats!
Last edited by chochom on Dec 29, 2018, 5:08:18 PM
I've been leveling in SSF with this guide and I absolutely love the leveling guide that comes with it.

Is there any reason why you don't take Acrobatics or Phase Acrobatics though?

We actually take Acro/Phase Acro later, around mapping level. Idk if it's better to take it early.

Nikfu wrote:

Have about 2 ex to spend and thinking of what to upgrade next. Thought about getting a 6linked Loreweave but then I found my current chest and spent a few fusings to get my needed links. Any suggestions?
Also I don't really like smoke mine and I don't feel like I need spell totem + detonate mines so that frees up 4 links from gloves. Probably gonna replace cold snap in cwdt with phase run btw.

You want to replace the helmet with Remote mine + place an additional mine.

hitmantb wrote:
A few things I learned from playing this build.

a) Replacing add cold damage / increased critical => traps and mine / elemental focus is a 46% damage increase. Even if you want to shatter, you should definitely replace increased critical with elemental focus for a free 18% damage increase with no real negatives. I will go without shatter I think, going from add cold damage to traps and mine is 23% more damage overall. I am clearing T15 map monster packs in one shot and I don't really see the point of shattering (yet).

2) At this point, lightning spire trap on a 4 link just can't compete with arc for damage and safety, especially against moving targets. Your best bet is to stand nearly a screen a way from the boss and spam mines, never have to aim. Throwing/aiming with a trap bring you closer to the boss than necessary. I stopped using it and just puts down a detonation totem, pop my diamond flask and spam mine from max range. Just melts everything.

3) In my opinion if you are going to take a shield, a shield like Lioneye's Remorse is much better than a spell damage/crit shield. Lioneye's Remorse takes care of our physical damage problems. Death just hurts too much in this game.

Level 98 vs Shaper, level 21 Arc

Dualwield: 63880 per hit, 5536 health, 10% block
Spiritshield: 53934 per hit (-16.5% damage), 5726 health (+3.4%), 10% block
Lionseye: 48676 per hit (-24% damage), 6108 health (+10.3%), 20% block, 6% extra physical damage reduction

I think I am going to play with Lionseye until I am level 100, then dual-wield all the way when there is no longer death penalty. This is an extremely safe build, we are really just playing around the 1% because that 1% chance to die cost you many hours of experience.

4) You should try to get a weapon with most possible damage stats, not focus on a specific stat. For example extra elemental damage as non-chaos damage is amazing, but it is also super expensive and weapons with it even while sacrificing other stats, are priced much higher.

Here is a simple search to get really nasty weapons with 400 or more combined damage stats cost a little as 10 chaos.


Have you dropped Minefield after getting the +1 mines helm?
chochom wrote:
Thanks to the people suggesting a clarity watcher's eye! I decided to fork over 5.5ex to buy this one

and am already in love. Really good for QoL+survivability.

Regarding some other things:
hitmantb wrote:
A few things I learned from playing this build.
Even if you want to shatter, you should definitely replace increased critical with elemental focus for a free 18% damage increase with no real negatives.

That's not how it works. the gem prevents shocks/freezes, so no shattering at all and possibly missing dps from shock depending on the situation.

caladblog wrote:

Hi, i saw your vid and notice that you are using vaal Righteous fire, how do you compensate the degen from VRF?, I saw your PoB but didn't notice anything that can lead me to the answer.

I assume he only uses the vaal version. So no degen, just a direct, one-time 30% hit to life (not affected by MoM)

@silentsisu: congrats!

Thanks I guess that is why you use elemental focus on lightning spire trap, and use increased critical strike on arc! Noted and updated.
chochom wrote:
Thanks to the people suggesting a clarity watcher's eye! I decided to fork over 5.5ex to buy this one

caladblog wrote:

Hi, i saw your vid and notice that you are using vaal Righteous fire, how do you compensate the degen from VRF?, I saw your PoB but didn't notice anything that can lead me to the answer.

I assume he only uses the vaal version. So no degen, just a direct, one-time 30% hit to life (not affected by MoM)

@silentsisu: congrats!

Thank you :)

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