[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

Vlaaqo wrote:
Than you for replay.
1. In this build i have all res on 75%. What should i change in my gem set if i add a 5 link tremor rod? Switch gems from Tabula to rod, than buy some rare body armor? What gems in armor?
2. What should i add to my boost 4L setup (Precision-Clarity-Skitterbots) - Enligten? I think precision is to many mana reserved for this build. Clarity + Skkitterbots and Wrath in my ring is enought?
3. Does phase run work good in my 4L boots?
4. 4L in my gloves is my experimental add to build. It is good addition for boost my dmg on big bosses?

Just follow the main guide on page 1 and the path of building posted there. You move Arv into the tremor rod and get Ice Spear, Pyroclast Mine or Ball Lightning in a 6L in your Body Armor. So you have arc for clearing normal monsters and another skill for single target damage against bosses.

You can buy a cheap 6L armor with some life and resist for now until you have enough money to get a loreweave and 6L it or buy a 6L one.
After reading quit a bit of this thread and looking at the builds at poe.ninja I find myself with a few questions I could not figure out, gear-wise.

1. How does Shroud of the Lightless compare to Loreweave?
2. Is it better to have a 5L Arc in a helmet, a 6L Arc in a pair of gloves, a 6L Arc in a Shroud or a 6L in a Loreweave (/Rare Armor)?

Any experiences/tipps/thoughts would be much appreciated, really unsure what I should aim for (and tinkering with PoB did not get me all that far :().
Can i get some tips on good anoints?
Can you help me to update my build? Have over ~20ex's.
Hey guys, 2 questions here.

1) For a crafted Sceptre what is the best thing to do now with the new multimod?
Get an ilvl 85 Void/Opal Sceptre, alt spam to get extra chaos + another good stat, regal, then multimod? Which 2 crafts are best to go with? Spell Damage + Non-chaos as extra chaos and Crit Chance, or Light Dmg as Extra Chaos?

2) Just a general gear check, wondering what I should go for next. Currently getting my gems to lvl 20 so I can do the gem recipe to quality them. I feel like my stuff is decent, I've been up to t14 so far without much issue.

Edit: I reread some of the last 20 pages and realized I have a bunch of changes I can make to my passive tree as well as getting rid of my essence worm and adding infernal legion to skitter as well as changing out my flame golem for stone golem. Also getting boot enchant. Aside from that, anything I am missing?

Thanks everyone.
Last edited by etherel90 on Jan 3, 2020, 2:42:45 PM
Hello everyone.
I would like to ask 1 simple question.
Why is there only 4 link?
Hi guys, thought I’d join the discussion. Also trying this build this league, but I’m playing on Xbox so I don’t have an abundance of options as far as trading. I’ve also only been playing since late Blight so I’m still trying to grasp a number of things but i understand what I should as a “new” player except for crafting.

I just acquired a Lv 22 Blastchain helm and a decent enough 6L chest to replace tabula for now so I believe next is to replace tremor rod? But with what? With limited resources on Xbox how should I go about looking for a more suitable weapon? Scour the entire trade market searching for which modifiers? Or can someone give me a better understanding of crafting/multimodding so I can begin to work on that?

I have 13 watchstones currently and ~9 ex to work with. Single target damage is dropping off quickly.
Thanks guys, these comments have been a huge help!

I have 13 watchstones currently and ~9 ex to work with. Single target damage is dropping off quickly.
Thanks guys, these comments have been a huge help!

Hey I only just briefly looked at your gear but noticed 2 things:
No anointment on Amulet and you aren't using skitterbots. You could also switch out one of your rings for Call of the Brotherhood as you are using both arc and lightning ball, so the cold damage conversion would help with freeze. Seems a lot of people are getting rid of essence worm so you could just drop zealotry altogether and go skitter + precision lvl 1.

Additionally, you can go for the enchant on your boots, either "Adds # to # lightning damage if you haven't killed recently" (which has almost 100% uptime because your mines killing things don't count as you killing things) or lightning penetration enchant.


Hey I only just briefly looked at your gear but noticed 2 things:
No anointment on Amulet and you aren't using skitterbots. You could also switch out one of your rings for Call of the Brotherhood as you are using both arc and lightning ball, so the cold damage conversion would help with freeze. Seems a lot of people are getting rid of essence worm so you could just drop zealotry altogether and go skitter + precision lvl 1.

Okay thanks for the input. Is my current amulet good enough to anoint or should I look for one better before anointing? If it’s not good enough, are there other anoints that are cheaper than Destructive Apparatus (oils are fairly expensive on console) for the time being on this one?

Why skitterbots? Their ailment auras? I never noticed a difference when I removed them after leveling so I’m just curious as to the reasoning.
Also should I be using a totem to detonate my mines or should I just be self detonating? Or do the skitterbots handle most of that?

For boots enchant I can just spam run any lab?
Any input on weapon situation?

Edit: also I’m using elemental focus on Ball Lightning. Is that correct? Wouldn’t that conflict with call of the brotherhood for ailment procs?
Last edited by Al Kharid Guard on Jan 3, 2020, 3:30:24 PM
I'm feeling like i'm lacking damage as i am built now. I'm doing t14-t15 maps and the bosses ressist a lot and sometimes i get killed because of that.

I have 3 ex to invest on my character to improve. Can anyone help?
The character is KuroStorm

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