[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Nephentus wrote:
Med1umentor wrote:
Nephentus wrote:
so what the better option scion or ocultist? Wanna start league with this character... Why new orb skill dont so good with scion?

Nobody ever said that. New winter orb is equally good whether you are scion or occultist, whether you use cold version or fire convert version. Winter orb is equal in all of them.

Discussion about scion vs occultist is only about - scion is definitely better in damage, occultist have about 20% less damage (which is huge), but occultist have some sick defensive options, huge ES pool and stun immunity.
It's our usual "damage vs defence" considerations.

ок i see, i think i go scion... But not decide make pure cold or fire? What better? or they the same?

The thing about fire-conversion, it was long ago, when we actually didn't have enough damage nodes, so it was good to benefit from both fire and cold nodes. Pretty sure that elemental damage nodes even apply twice (first for cold, then for fire).
Then scourching ray was introduced that only made fire version more superior, because it allowed us to have additional -24% fire res debuff with no cost.
Now that we have winter orb, there is a time to think about. Is fire conversion really needed? We can also get cold res debuff through frost bomb, so we don't really lose much.
Also, in past times we always had fire conversion by just having pyre ring, but now we need to have avatar of fire and use gemslot in our mainlink...
tl;dr - fire conversion isn't that required anymore. Due to the nature of elemental conversion it still have better damage (probably), but with cold version we have much more safety due to chill and freezes, we can use atziri's promise flask, due to not having avatar of fire, etc

Kelvynn tested and said that he doesn't really noticed difference in damage after leaving out fire conversion, but clearly noticed enhanced survivability in deep delves, where damage we take becomes stupidly high.

Still need tests and all, that's why it's still not final answer. But this entire thread is excited about trying something new, and i think it's already decided that it will be cold version.
Inialla wrote:
long time not played but, frost bomb doesn't chill during the pulse right ? only on the explosion, and with our increased durationon on the tree, it would take too much time to be effective.

I agree, but nevertheless, i don't think that we have enough gem slots for all of this together... neither the time to cast all of this...

If we have free slot, maybe it's not a bad choice.
Looking at the posted cold trees, there is some other thing that is missing: resistances :(

It was very easy to gear for resistances since we got so much from the tree. Now we probably lose 18% allres and 15% fire which we have to compensate with gear or jewels.
Med1umentor wrote:
Nephentus wrote:
so what the better option scion or ocultist? Wanna start league with this character... Why new orb skill dont so good with scion?

Nobody ever said that. New winter orb is equally good whether you are scion or occultist, whether you use cold version or fire convert version. Winter orb is equal in all of them.

Discussion about scion vs occultist is only about - scion is definitely better in damage, occultist have about 20% less damage (which is huge), but occultist have some sick defensive options, huge ES pool and stun immunity.
It's our usual "damage vs defence" considerations.

Well, you're gonna get almost all the Lightning res you need from Malachai's Artifice. But yeah, it's probably gonna be somewhat tricky to sort out the resistances. We can always use jewels for that until we find good rares for that purpose.
Last edited by Ragnaroz88 on Dec 6, 2018, 10:11:01 AM
Do note that Winter Orb seems to require GMP to function at all, and WI gains no benefit from extra projectiles. That cuts an extra link off Icestorm.
That's true, I'm honestly not sure how well WO is gonna be able to clear on it's own at higher tiers.
Hey guys,

I am feeling a bit foolish but I am looking at the original post for the cold version of this build that's being talked about and I cannot seem to spot it.

Would anyone happen to be able to point me in the right direction? I am not a huge fan of scorching ray so the prospect of using something different is quite enticing.

I'm not quite sure what your question is? This build always used Scorching Ray. It's just that there is now discussion that Winter Orb might be good replacement if it can clear stuff.

And seriously if it's good for clearing, you bet I'm rolling this build again. I can't play it atm, because cascade kills my fps.
Last edited by Lirhtim on Dec 6, 2018, 11:10:02 AM
Its not there yet. I'm sure Kelvyn is typing like mad! Patience 😉
Geexx wrote:
Hey guys,

I am feeling a bit foolish but I am looking at the original post for the cold version of this build that's being talked about and I cannot seem to spot it.

Would anyone happen to be able to point me in the right direction? I am not a huge fan of scorching ray so the prospect of using something different is quite enticing.


The discussions about dropping the Fire conversion and sticking to pure Cold start on page 188. Start from there if you want to read up on everyone's thoughts so far.

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