Tempest Shield

Make the Lightning DMG apply to Attacks/Spells or something, and then damage added reduced.
Else it should have reduced mana multiplier when coupled with Support Gems to allow us to do something more interesting with it.

It's a pathetic gem in its current state.
Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar:
Last edited by Derpey on Sep 28, 2014, 7:49:02 AM
add lifesteal to it ... * gem *

every time u block u gain life back
@dragnar <<< ingame or pm me
Last edited by dragnar on Oct 4, 2014, 6:36:52 AM
this gem seriously needs a rework

for what it does 25% reserve is way too much.
for a 25% reserve i would expect 8-10% block with something else like % lightning damage as a base instead of a quality effect.

Fudman wrote:
this gem seriously needs a rework

for what it does 25% reserve is way too much.
for a 25% reserve i would expect 8-10% block with something else like % lightning damage as a base instead of a quality effect.

Yet another in a long line of people who doesn't understand how valuable 4% block is.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
4% block is not bad, but not so much +the dmg sucks... maybe if reflected dmg from gears apply to it would be good enough
The_26th_King wrote:
4% block is not bad, but not so much +the dmg sucks... maybe if reflected dmg from gears apply to it would be good enough
4% block taking you form 71 to 75% block is more than 15% damage reduction, for 25% reservation that's better than any aura except discipline. The damage reflection is amped by spell and lightning damage (meaning that a full block spell damage build actually does an interesting amount of damage). The fact that the skill can;t have significant gem multipliers is more of a downside than the raw stats on the skill.

People underestimate just how powerful TS is because it's not big huge numbers. It has one of the best base damages of any spell, it has the second best defensive contribution of any aura. The only thing holding it back is poor gem support, which is a good thing because if it had the gem support it would be damn near mandatory.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
The damage on this skill was cut nearly in half in 1.3.0.
Last edited by LimitedRooster on Dec 12, 2014, 3:54:04 PM
looks like this one survived the nerf bat, it should only give 2% block
I have an Iron Will gem linked to Tempest Shield. Does the reduced cast speed of IW have any effect on TS at all?

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