Tempest Shield

soul4hdwn wrote:
well you roll dodge AFTER rolling for blocking...

B > LB.
If Tempest Shield gets a buff so it works like Arc, I'd use it 24/7. To see a arc chain through the nearby enemies on block? Man, that would be so sweet. Not a bit over powered in my own opinion either.
Does the quality on Tempest Shield work ?

I have a 0% one and a 20% one... 20% one is suppossed to add 15% lightning damage, but doesnt add any to the tooltip dps of my arc, or does it only apply to the lightning damage done by tempest shield ?
FlamaBlanca wrote:
Does the quality on Tempest Shield work ?

I have a 0% one and a 20% one... 20% one is suppossed to add 15% lightning damage, but doesnt add any to the tooltip dps of my arc, or does it only apply to the lightning damage done by tempest shield ?
its only on tempest shield's effects, why would it be on a different skill's effects?

however i can see why this question was brought up a few times in the past. righteous fire has increased spell damage as a quality effect and does apply to other skills. however in that case the buff was already to boost spell damage (while burning self and foes). tempest shield is to gain some block chance and damage foes. considering its still a buff, this is where confusion happens, people might think everything of the skill is the buff.
wrong thread, sorry.
Last edited by FreeMark on May 17, 2014, 12:36:57 AM
Don't know if this has been posted already or not.. but here's what I have to say.

Often when you zone out or even level up a gem, tempest shield often wears off. Doesn't have to be a gem relating to tempest shield, any gem will do. Other skills such as auras that reserve mana stay on - but not tempest shield. I have to re-apply it often which is no fun.

Today I heard that the skill has always been like this, since beta.. makes me wonder why? I thougt it was a bug.

Can't it be changed to work just like other mana reserving skills?
Tempest Shield requires you to have a Shield equipped. If you level up a Gem socketed in a shield, the shield has to be re-equipped to apply the new values. You momentarily lose your shield -> TS deactivates. Gems that are not socketed in your shield will not trigger an update, and thus will not deactivate TS.

As for it not transferring between zones, that's being looked into. It has to be recast when you enter a new zone, which currently does cost Mana again (or Life if you're into Blood Magic). If you don't have enough Mana post-Reservation, that can't happen. If it was as simple as flipping a switch, they'd have done it.

It doesn't work the same as Auras because it's not an Aura.

(oh, and yes, this has been posted all over the place)
Last edited by Vipermagi on May 25, 2014, 9:47:24 PM
I know it's not an aura. I just think that skills that reserve mana should function the same way in the sense of how they stay up. Glad to haer the zoning issue is beeing looked at. I don't know how hard it is to fix stuff, I just have my fingers crossed and wanted to share my thoughts.
Last edited by Heisendonger on May 28, 2014, 11:11:40 AM
Maxwells wrote:
If Tempest Shield gets a buff so it works like Arc, I'd use it 24/7. To see a arc chain through the nearby enemies on block? Man, that would be so sweet. Not a bit over powered in my own opinion either.

Try elemental proliferation or CoC - Arc.
Last edited by MCSMvsME on Jul 14, 2014, 10:33:17 AM
I am currently using Tempest Shield along with the 12% of Block chance converted to Spell Block node and I am wearing Stone of Lazhwar. I would expect to gain roughly 2% spell block increase from activating Tempest Shield, but I don't. Does Tempest shield not work in conjunction with Block to Spell Block converting items and nodes?


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