Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

sidtherat wrote:

you can play Bow Builds including uber farming and various core farming with a 1c unique pre-rolled bow. if you cannot - then you are lucky as there are throngs of things for you to learn still.

bow builds are easy mode for poor people. money is optional and if anything it goes into defences. but you talk only about the weapon and i point out that this is pure bull.. of immense magnitude.

when i see that you tell me that equivalend of mirrored bow is REQUIRED to play bow build i laugh and point you out. sorry. this is absurd and laughable. and 100% WRONG

ROTC is not an equivalent to a mirror bow, but with your attitude I am not going waste my time trying to show you otherwise. Go record some uber kills with a 1c bow and post them here so we can all see how possible it is.

Also I never said you "NEED" a good bow to play a bow build, but that this item makes it attractive enough for me to try without having 100~200ex lying around.
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
Last edited by Ageless_Emperion on Aug 10, 2016, 6:10:02 PM
ropumar wrote:
Them silver coins.

My suggestion is:

Make silver coins not drop anymore, but that every day (together with master reset) prophecy slots get reset automatically. So every day people would have 7 new prophecies.

While coins last, people that hoarded coins could buy new prophecies on same day (being the excpetion of more than 7 prophecies per day) until the silver coins run out and everyone has to wait for a lucky day with good prophecy rolls.

The sealing of prophecies would be gone since everyday they would be reset if not completed.

I vote "no" to this suggestion.

I like the coins. I like sealing prophecies and giving them to my other characters that can use them.
I don't want to lose the chance to get two of items I have in my list right now. I had that happen to me in Perandus a few times. I prefer Prophecy-style drops to the Perandus-style.

I'm curious if the prophecies will be reset when the league ends? I have a prophecy that requires Silverbranch. I have Silverbranch in my standard league stash and I would like to complete the prophecy once it goes into core.

Alternatives to resetting all of them each day:
-Navali offers to change a few prophecies in the Hideout after completing her daily challenge. The amount of change depends on your standing/level
-Navali sells Silver Coins from her "Buy Items" screen. Limit how many of these you can buy in a day, resetting after completing the daily mission.
-Silver Coins drop at the same rate as Blue/Magic (Yellow/Rare if you must) items, or drop from the enemy that was the target of the prophecy. A self-filling prophecy? :-)
-Silver Coin as an extra quest reward?
took me 10 seconds to find this:
(there might be other videos but ill that to you)

will you admit you are wrong on all accounts or will you move the goal post somewhere else?

people are doing this with mirror clones, elemental TS, various LA/FB jokes etc etc..
sidtherat wrote:
took me 10 seconds to find this:
(there might be other videos but ill that to you)

will you admit you are wrong on all accounts or will you move the goal post somewhere else?

people are doing this with mirror clones, elemental TS, various LA/FB jokes etc etc..

Will I ever admit I was wrong about anything to someone so confrontational and irrational as you? Never.

Your video is irrelevant, your arguments are irrelevant. You don't even begin to grasp why I am making the point I was. As far as I am concerned our conversation is over.
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
sidtherat wrote:

you can play Bow Builds including uber farming and various core farming with a 1c unique pre-rolled bow. if you cannot - then you are lucky as there are throngs of things for you to learn still.

bow builds are easy mode for poor people. money is optional and if anything it goes into defences. but you talk only about the weapon and i point out that this is pure bull.. of immense magnitude.

when i see that you tell me that equivalend of mirrored bow is REQUIRED to play bow build i laugh and point you out. sorry. this is absurd and laughable. and 100% WRONG


I honestly don't think you know what you're talking about. 'Easy mode for poor people'? Money is optional? I've played bow char's and trappers for 3yrs and they are as difficult and expensive to perfect as other characters.

My guess is that you consider melee as the only 'valid and proper' playstyle and just don't see any merit in ranged. Melee-elitismatitis?

(Oh, and if you are referring to the crude bow/frostwall thing to prove your point, well we all know that frostwall abuse is broken. That's why it's called abuse.)
I'm all for expanding game content with Prophecy, especially since I enjoy playing standard league heroes and actually get to use the fruits of my labor :) Although trivial in nature may I recommend a small mechanical change? Can we add a mute option for the prophecy dialogue? Some sort of drop down option to either lower or mute the in-game blasting dialogue that precedes obtaining a prophecy (without effecting other dialogue). Its a quality of life issue for me! LOL I for one can't stand the screeching over bearing voice to the point that I forgo even cashing in on the content. I know, I know, small in comparison but after playing the game for hours on end it simply gets on my nerves!
sidtherat wrote:
took me 10 seconds to find this:
(there might be other videos but ill that to you)

will you admit you are wrong on all accounts or will you move the goal post somewhere else?

people are doing this with mirror clones, elemental TS, various LA/FB jokes etc etc..

Will I ever admit I was wrong about anything to someone so confrontational and irrational as you? Never.

Your video is irrelevant, your arguments are irrelevant. You don't even begin to grasp why I am making the point I was. As far as I am concerned our conversation is over.

so, let me get this straight. you went and asked him for a video of someone killing an uber with a 1c bow, he did, and then you refuse to argue with him anymore. lol.

score is clearly sid 1, you 0
and you cant even admit you were wrong. sad.

I honestly don't think you know what you're talking about. 'Easy mode for poor people'? Money is optional? I've played bow char's and trappers for 3yrs and they are as difficult and expensive to perfect as other characters.

My guess is that you consider melee as the only 'valid and proper' playstyle and just don't see any merit in ranged. Melee-elitismatitis?

(Oh, and if you are referring to the crude bow/frostwall thing to prove your point, well we all know that frostwall abuse is broken. That's why it's called abuse.)

Thanks, i couldn't find better words.

@Ageless_Emperion: Don't feed that Troll it's not worth your Time.
Thank RNGesus

Prophecies like div cards are a "deterministic" means of acquiring items, their whole point of existing is to let you get loot without hoping for a 1/large number chance of it happening. You kind of misunderstood why they exist.

first, prophecies arent a deterministic mean at all, because the outcome of seeking a prophecy is...wait for it...random

in fact, there is no difference between brute forcing prophecies for a 6 link prophecy and actually 6linking something with fuses. yeah you get cool quests in between but since you consider them trash anyway, it doesnt matter much. so no, thats not deterministic in any way.

second, divcards ARE 'more' deterministic, however it is you who misunderstands how they work and what their design goal was.

div cards drop rate are tied directly to drop rate of item. so if on average a drop rate of an t1 item is a year, you can expect to find all cards of a set on average in about that time as well.

what div cards do is remove variance, so if SSF player really really wants an item, they can farm their life away in one area and avoid situation where they get all other t1 items BESIDES the one they want

that, and div cards remove binary 1-drop 0-no drop situation, by giving you partial item value.

the problem is, a lot of people misunderstand the divcards and prophecies and think they up drop rates. they do not. you still have to farm and grind. there is no shortcut to get that item faster than it would otherwise be due to drops.

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