Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

lol Prophecy killed my guild and people want it in the main game. Bleh
If coin rewards are too low prophecies will become more of a headache/forgotten feature than a boon/enjoyable experience. Please consider this carefully.
Prototype80 wrote:
For example, for Reach of the Council we knew went out with risky balance values. We pushed it a little as we wanted it to be used, but knew if it went out too high it would only be temporary.

Good in that case you can make the League Reach of the Council go Legacy, because they are the one you are speaking from when you said it would only be temporary.

It take me alot of time to get the currency for a good rolled Reach, because i play PoE not PoE Trade!
I think people who invest their time and playing hundreds of Hours a league should keep their Items as a reward for their efforts, UNTOUCHED i mean!
There's alot of Legacy stuff, some of them still available in the temp leagues ( HeadHunter for example, wich is a way OP ), alot of others exist in standard and do nothing to the economy there, the same it would be with the handfull of Legacy Reaches.

So please, in that case you know what you put into the Game before you put it into the Game.

kind Regards.
Seriously guys, its the only good item ive ever had, why not just... make it rarer?
if so, nerf headhunter, that hing is op, not reach
you guys are amazing

what i read here is 'dont care about the content, it is irrelevant - i WANT MY OP ITENZ!'

you are playing the game to be paid for that.. paid in pixels. when you realize that you are not playing it for fun but because the next OP is even stronger than the last OP.. youll be for a rude awakening.

as for people sealing prophecy chains - you are and you were doing it the absolutely worst way! 10c to seal a prophecy (chains are even more expensive), it is 1c minimum. at the same time this 'useless prophecy' usually gives you at least 1c in return (or a lot more) while chains give A LOT more (keys are instant chaos when they drop, exiles drop TONNES of rares etc)

the way you are doing it is you ARE PAYING to get shot in the foot. smart (LOL). but someone did that and said it is a good idea so you copy it? prophecies were quick (the infamous backtracking that even people with (1) to his name talk about) or unobtrusive (all other) sources of cash, XP and entertainment. if you were unable to spot that and decided to pay to skip all that and literally ruin your budget.. i hope you all the best next league when you completely miss the point again and swim upstream for the second time.
Also careful, your elitism is showing, you even went so far as to unzip and pull out your e-peen with a demigod link. Jeez now I can't even take you seriously.

Even more pathetically it is a demigod for being a #5 slayer, which means one of two things. It has nothing to do with your skill using ranged characters or you bought it so you could brag and your full of shit. I am leaning towards you bought it so you could brag.

That was me, not sid.

And I didn't buy it, as "Unknown League" means its in a Remove-Only Tab as part of the reward. Seeing you frantically edit to add another paragraph of insults is pretty sad to see, but hey, internet! You're totally right, I definitely have no skill with ranged characters, and spent the whole two-week race leveling gems and buying bow gear so I could pretend I was playing ranged. /s

Quit taking it so personally. Point was, you have a guy complaining that this item is the only way to play an archer, and that people are "ignorant scrubs" for calling for nerfs. You can interpret my Demigod as whatever you like (because I know you will, like making assumptions without checking to see where it came from), but I merely showed him the potential that can be done with a Lioneye's Glare, a bow that people see as very low-tier.

I am not taking it personally, I just don't like when people item link to their accounts when making a point against someone else, its as low as you can go in terms of trying to discuss a topic.

Is ROTC the only way to make a decent bow build, no, is it the only affordable way to make a good bow build, yes. As for your information I feel perfectly fine with it being nerfed as long as it gets the legacy treatment, I have been saying so repeatedly in my posts.

Before it was made I knew the only way to do a bow build was to go MF, Go Lioneye's, Chin Sol or Crafted, none of those were cheap options. Also none of them had a reliable deterministic means of acquisition. No matter how you view ROTC, it has become a build enabler, a bow that is good enough that makes the notion of going ranged attractive and affordable enough for me for the first time in two years of playing the game.

~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
you sound as if playing a bow build was DIFFICULT pre RotC? are you ok? you know how ABSURD it is what you say?

noone who plays this game for longer than a week will believe and take your statement seriously.

bows are the 'easy mode' of this game since Tornado Shot cancer got introduced and Harbs got their Crit+. it is easier with every f.. patch. Infractem, Lioneyes, Chin Sol (or Strom Cloud, Retch or even Death's Harph) are ALL endgame viable. ALL of these can clear any content (some as elemental builds only tho). it wont be 5mins T13+ clear but it will be a clear. if you rate builds only on Uber-viability then one can turn these into Uber farmers as well.

so please, stop spreading this nonsense. noone buys that. RotC is a broken toy and people are getting angry that the unjust power they've got by accident is being taken away. that is understandable - but be reasonable and stop saying that RotC is a 'build enabler'! thats criminal nonsense!!
sidtherat wrote:
you sound as if playing a bow build was DIFFICULT pre RotC? are you ok? you know how ABSURD it is what you say?

noone who plays this game for longer than a week will believe and take your statement seriously.

bows are the 'easy mode' of this game since Tornado Shot cancer got introduced and Harbs got their Crit+. it is easier with every f.. patch. Infractem, Lioneyes, Chin Sol (or Strom Cloud, Retch or even Death's Harph) are ALL endgame viable. ALL of these can clear any content (some as elemental builds only tho). it wont be 5mins T13+ clear but it will be a clear. if you rate builds only on Uber-viability then one can turn these into Uber farmers as well.

so please, stop spreading this nonsense. noone buys that. RotC is a broken toy and people are getting angry that the unjust power they've got by accident is being taken away. that is understandable - but be reasonable and stop saying that RotC is a 'build enabler'! thats criminal nonsense!!

What fucking unjust power, can you say that out loud and see how stupid it sounds?

I didn't play bows because I always viewed them as the rich man's easy mode. Now there is a cheaper alternative to those rich mans' crafts which makes it reasonably acceptable to play that easy mode.

You are speaking for an infinitesimally small portion of the population that holds all the wealth and has arbitrarily assigned themselves as the fun police. FUCK THAT.

~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
Last edited by Ageless_Emperion on Aug 10, 2016, 5:54:45 PM

you can play Bow Builds including uber farming and various core farming with a 1c unique pre-rolled bow. if you cannot - then you are lucky as there are throngs of things for you to learn still.

bow builds are easy mode for poor people. money is optional and if anything it goes into defences. but you talk only about the weapon and i point out that this is pure bull.. of immense magnitude.

when i see that you tell me that equivalend of mirrored bow is REQUIRED to play bow build i laugh and point you out. sorry. this is absurd and laughable. and 100% WRONG
sidtherat wrote:
you sound as if playing a bow build was DIFFICULT pre RotC? are you ok? you know how ABSURD it is what you say?

noone who plays this game for longer than a week will believe and take your statement seriously.

bows are the 'easy mode' of this game since Tornado Shot cancer got introduced and Harbs got their Crit+. it is easier with every f.. patch. Infractem, Lioneyes, Chin Sol (or Strom Cloud, Retch or even Death's Harph) are ALL endgame viable. ALL of these can clear any content (some as elemental builds only tho). it wont be 5mins T13+ clear but it will be a clear. if you rate builds only on Uber-viability then one can turn these into Uber farmers as well.

so please, stop spreading this nonsense. noone buys that. RotC is a broken toy and people are getting angry that the unjust power they've got by accident is being taken away. that is understandable - but be reasonable and stop saying that RotC is a 'build enabler'! thats criminal nonsense!!

Death's Harp is far from a good bow for endgame, as is Storm Cloud (and the fated is only slightly better). Please don't make absurd points when arguing for nerfs.

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