Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

suwapsychodad wrote:
suwapsychodad wrote:
This is horrible news for me.
Playing to get coins so I can seal the crappy prophecies I have and get new crappy ones that I have to seal . . . 300+ coins later . . .

Very few of the prophecies are interresting and for me this might be the end of the game.
I do dailies and then switch to standard.
Now I have to live with the crap?

There must be another game out there worth playing . . .

Or you could pretend it doesn't exist?

I honestly don't get the people saying they're quitting/leaving because an optional function is being added to the game that some other people like. Not to mention a function they have been participating in without quitting up to now from the looks of it.

It went from something that would vanish in a few weeks to permanent.
This would of course make a difference if I don't participate in it and affect the chances to reach to the last parts of the game.

Looking at the number of active players atm I'm convinced I'm far from the only one that dislikes this.
But fun for you and some others. Enjoy your gaming since that is what I will do.

I will enjoy it, thank you...very much.

Also prophecies have nothing to do with reaching end game. If you couldn't reach it before prophecies, which is what it sounds like, you won't be able to after unless you, excuse me, "git gud".

There is so much nonsense being posted along with actual constructive feedback towards this move. The only people spitting bile here can see is the league they were just in, I see the potential for a lot more. If you don't see the development potential of prophecy then I can't help you. Thankfully GGG realizes this and that's really the only thing that matters.

sidtherat wrote:

if you need RotC to have endgame worthy build i.. i.. just do not know what to say. sorry but that it is just unreasonable thing to say.
that bow was and is broken and most likely will remain even with the nerf (just like Voltaxic and Incinerate are still perfectly fine)
you are just conditioned to playing on cheats so you do not know how the rest of this game looks like

Headhunter is also broken, legacy kaoms is also broken, they can nerf reach for future leagues as long as they keep it legacy and not the retroactive bullshit with voltaxic.

Also careful, your elitism is showing, you even went so far as to unzip and pull out your e-peen with a demigod link. Jeez now I can't even take you seriously.

Even more pathetically it is a demigod for being a #5 slayer, which means one of two things. It has nothing to do with your skill using ranged characters or you bought it so you could brag and your full of shit. I am leaning towards you bought it so you could brag.
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
Last edited by Ageless_Emperion on Aug 10, 2016, 1:51:51 PM
The way I see it, keeping prophecies is fine as long as they adjust the chances to get good/bad ones.
97% (random high number) of them are simply useless and annoying to do. Especially the chains. I dont want to spend all of my coins to seal and destroy "Plaguemaw I" a thousand times just to try and get a useful one. If you lower the dropchance for coins then this needs to change or else it will be a useless mechanic based on more bad RNG experiences.
This makes me happy, I like the prophecy stuff.
I'm really glad to see that prophecies are making it into the core game. I really liked the content and rewards they added. I knew Reach of the Council would be nerfed if it did make it into the core game, I just hope it isn't so drastic that it becomes one of the trash uniques that are so common.
Also careful, your elitism is showing, you even went so far as to unzip and pull out your e-peen with a demigod link. Jeez now I can't even take you seriously.

Even more pathetically it is a demigod for being a #5 slayer, which means one of two things. It has nothing to do with your skill using ranged characters or you bought it so you could brag and your full of shit. I am leaning towards you bought it so you could brag.

That was me, not sid.

And I didn't buy it, as "Unknown League" means its in a Remove-Only Tab as part of the reward. Seeing you frantically edit to add another paragraph of insults is pretty sad to see, but hey, internet! You're totally right, I definitely have no skill with ranged characters, and spent the whole two-week race leveling gems and buying bow gear so I could pretend I was playing ranged. /s

Quit taking it so personally. Point was, you have a guy complaining that this item is the only way to play an archer, and that people are "ignorant scrubs" for calling for nerfs. You can interpret my Demigod as whatever you like (because I know you will, like making assumptions without checking to see where it came from), but I merely showed him the potential that can be done with a Lioneye's Glare, a bow that people see as very low-tier.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Aug 10, 2016, 4:26:19 PM
GWillner wrote:
Yajirushi62 wrote:
How is this not them balancing around standard? "Well, this item was absurdly powerful in the temp league so even though there are a number in standard already from PHC rips, lets go ahead and nerf them anyway."

They are rolling it into the core game, which means it will be in all future temp leagues, which would not be balanced if Reach continued to exist in its current state. They balanced for that, not for standard.

They can reduce the stats on drops without affecting Standard/PermHC all that much considering the fact that a large number have already dropped in the temp leagues. Which would allow the current supply to exist unchanged and still allow them balance for future leagues.
But no, GGG has suddenly decided to go back on their previous stance of allowing legacy items even though they didn't want to make them. And now those of us who only play permanent leagues are getting shafted by new development decisions.
you guys are so fucking stupid, people don't like prophecies, they just like voidheart and stuff. If you could get fated uniques without doing prophecies I'd wager that prophecies wouldn't be popular at all.
Prophecy was OK. Was not by any means a great league. A few of the items introduced were cool, needed and have been asked for for years so that's just what SHOULD have happened. As a whole though, the entire prophecy system needs to be redesigned.

The chick needs to be in your Hideout. Fuck going back to town and being forced to load all the laggy MTX every map. For that matter, let us just login directly to our hideout. 90 percent of the player base is strictly solo now because the lag in parties is so gross.

Sealing prophecies should cost zero coins OR you shouldn't be able to get a prophecy you have sealed, and still have in your inventory or stash. Repeats are pointless, annoying and poorly designed.

The vast majority of prophecies are pure junk, filler content with no value, either implied or implicit within them after doing them once or twice. Upon completing a prophecy, there should be an algorithm where that prophecy becomes harder and harder for you to get, thereby decreasing the crazy rng odds of some people getting several extremely valuable ones, and decreasing the pure trash, expensive sealing dozens of junk prophecies with no sell value just to get rid of them.

I severely doubt many people engaged at all in Prophecy while leveling. There is no point. No unique items that only drop in certain difficulties. Everything you can do early on is 20 times easier once your build is up and running with decent, then great gear.

But what am i thinking? GGG doesn't even read their own websites shit anymore. I suppose if i post this up on Reddit there will be a higher likelihood but i find the people there to be too irritating to use logic with.

Last edited by CorranHorn on Aug 10, 2016, 2:22:36 PM
ropumar wrote:
Them silver coins.

My suggestion is:

Make silver coins not drop anymore, but that every day (together with master reset) prophecy slots get reset automatically. So every day people would have 7 new prophecies.

While coins last, people that hoarded coins could buy new prophecies on same day (being the excpetion of more than 7 prophecies per day) until the silver coins run out and everyone has to wait for a lucky day with good prophecy rolls.

The sealing of prophecies would be gone since everyday they would be reset if not completed.

I really like this idea!

Think about it, GGG-Brothers :)
good news, but rip my 6l bow T_T

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