Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

I don't like the whole prophecy thing at all .
suwapsychodad wrote:

It went from something that would vanish in a few weeks to permanent.

So? You don't need to get Zana 8. You don't need to run Uber Atziri. You don't need to engage with Navali. You are forced to deal with lab for your character progression and that's a valid point of contention, bitching about a completely optional part of the game that is at its worst just boring? What an asinine complaint to do the whole "screw you guys I'm going home" temper tantrum with.

suwapsychodad wrote:

Looking at the number of active players atm

It's the last, what, 2 weeks of the league? And people aren't playing anymore? No shit Sherlock.
Great news about the game in general.
The thing i dont like is the nerf on the bow.

It's a thing that kind of pushes me away from Poe.Whenever i try to invest in a build that works a new patch comes out nerfing it completely.2000+ hours into the game and i feel like iam starting over and over again with character building after each patch.

If a spell or mechanism is op fix it quickly because people actually try to build around it and when they progress they dont wanna see their build completely nerfed.
Incinerate, Voltaxic Rift , Chaos Conversion and now Reach of the council bow builds...And probably Frost wall-KB LA to follow.
I think there should be a way to just throw prophecies away, for a lower cost, like 1/2/3 silver coins (normal/cruel/merciless), because with coin drop rate being nerfed, there will be some prophecies that will sit forever in our prophecies circle.
Me lub you long tai
I knew they would do it -.-

They listened to all of the ignorant scrubs and have decided to nerf the "Reach of the Council". In reality the only OP bow was Deaths Opus because, for the level requirement that it has, it is exceedingly more powerful than it should be. It has both absurdly high crit multi and is easily end-game worthy. The "Reach of the Council" was only ever slightly better dps wise depending on the build and like i said if they made any actual change to it in terms of dmg the Opus bow would easily overtake it. Did any of you listen? Nope. Now we have to deal with people bitching and when it does get nerfed people will only move on to bitch about the Opus next.

Stop listening to the ignorant scrubs that have only played a few leagues and actually check the content yourself GGG. You released it under the pretense of understanding that it was within the realm of balance when compared to some other endgame worthy bows. If you didn't believe so then why release it with the stats it had? Why back down now? Seriously, this is the first time i have ever actually enjoyed a bow build! Both the Opus and the Reach made me feel like building an archer was worth building into instead of the same old CoC, RF or CWDT builds that literally everyone and their mother does. It is laggy as mess, absurdly OP and extremely cheap compared to most other builds in the game that can be called "Endgame worthy".

..Rant over.
Completely in Disagreement with what is posted. Not Good! People will take advantage of prophecy league market to buy coins and all the people who instead gathered coins and played prophecies to have ''Legacy'' items are going to be like any other lazy person who didn't even bother to play the league and support it. NOT GOOD, SIMPLY NOT GOOD
I knew they would do it -.-

They listened to all of the ignorant scrubs and have decided to nerf the "Reach of the Council". In reality the only OP bow was Deaths Opus because, for the level requirement that it has, it is exceedingly more powerful than it should be. It has both absurdly high crit multi and is easily end-game worthy. The "Reach of the Council" was only ever slightly better dps wise depending on the build and like i said if they made any actual change to it in terms of dmg the Opus bow would easily overtake it. Did any of you listen? Nope. Now we have to deal with people bitching and when it does get nerfed people will only move on to bitch about the Opus next.

Stop listening to the ignorant scrubs that have only played a few leagues and actually check the content yourself GGG. You released it under the pretense of understanding that it was within the realm of balance when compared to some other endgame worthy bows. If you didn't believe so then why release it with the stats it had? Why back down now? Seriously, this is the first time i have ever actually enjoyed a bow build! Both the Opus and the Reach made me feel like building an archer was worth building into instead of the same old CoC, RF or CWDT builds that literally everyone and their mother does. It is laggy as mess, absurdly OP and extremely cheap compared to most other builds in the game that can be called "Endgame worthy".

..Rant over.

if you need RotC to have endgame worthy build i.. i.. just do not know what to say. sorry but that it is just unreasonable thing to say.
that bow was and is broken and most likely will remain even with the nerf (just like Voltaxic and Incinerate are still perfectly fine)
you are just conditioned to playing on cheats so you do not know how the rest of this game looks like

Completely in Disagreement with what is posted. Not Good! People will take advantage of prophecy league market to buy coins and all the people who instead gathered coins and played prophecies to have ''Legacy'' items are going to be like any other lazy person who didn't even bother to play the league and support it. NOT GOOD, SIMPLY NOT GOOD

so you do not play for fun but to make Standard money?..

we are in the new era - where players play because they are paid. in game currency or MTX'es (overpopulation of (36) everywhere hints that they stop the second they hit that 36

playing a game for any reason that is not 'fun' is very very toxic in the long run. but to each its own
sidtherat wrote:
I knew they would do it -.-

They listened to all of the ignorant scrubs and have decided to nerf the "Reach of the Council". In reality the only OP bow was Deaths Opus because, for the level requirement that it has, it is exceedingly more powerful than it should be. It has both absurdly high crit multi and is easily end-game worthy. The "Reach of the Council" was only ever slightly better dps wise depending on the build and like i said if they made any actual change to it in terms of dmg the Opus bow would easily overtake it. Did any of you listen? Nope. Now we have to deal with people bitching and when it does get nerfed people will only move on to bitch about the Opus next.

Stop listening to the ignorant scrubs that have only played a few leagues and actually check the content yourself GGG. You released it under the pretense of understanding that it was within the realm of balance when compared to some other endgame worthy bows. If you didn't believe so then why release it with the stats it had? Why back down now? Seriously, this is the first time i have ever actually enjoyed a bow build! Both the Opus and the Reach made me feel like building an archer was worth building into instead of the same old CoC, RF or CWDT builds that literally everyone and their mother does. It is laggy as mess, absurdly OP and extremely cheap compared to most other builds in the game that can be called "Endgame worthy".

..Rant over.

if you need RotC to have endgame worthy build i.. i.. just do not know what to say. sorry but that it is just unreasonable thing to say.
that bow was and is broken and most likely will remain even with the nerf (just like Voltaxic and Incinerate are still perfectly fine)
you are just conditioned to playing on cheats so you do not know how the rest of this game looks like

It says so much really.

Let's face it, if I can win this:

With a Lioneye's Glare, and this guy "needs" an ROTC to play the game as an archer, trust me when I say, it's definitely the player and not the game. But what do I know, I'm an "ignorant scrub" :>
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL

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