Shock Nova

JACjr wrote:
Anyone know if concentrated effect support makes the deadzone smaller?

Concentrated Effect and no AoE passives or supports make Shock Nova able to hit almost everything but super skinny stuff like Skeletons and Bandits in melee range.

It also severely reduces the size of the actual damage zone, and such a tactic isn't viable if you plan on casting Shock NOva yourself. You can make up for it if you put SHock Nova on totems and get double coverage with two of them.

Right now my Shock Nova totems do ~2k damage each and kill almost anything when overlapped.

It's still disappointing though, I could just use Spark and it would be more effective.
I find this skill rather lackluster, and on top of that I find the hit box is very unreliable.
Sorry but i have to say it...
By definition, this skill is not a nova.

A nova is something that "radiates" from you.

Shock Nova skill is just a ring that deals lightning damage.

I think it should be renamed "Shock Ring" or something like that.
okra wrote:
A nova is something that "radiates" from you.

A 'nova' is a star that emits more light than usual for a period of time.
There's not a single accurate flat-plane representation of a nova-like effect, because it's a three-dimensional effect.
As such, Ice Nova should also receive a new name.

(it's a name)
(also: Spark)
this skill needs rework

the idea is ok.

but its not trustful enough.

I) the graphic of the nova is not exactly where the damage applies. the edge could be sharper. it also seems that it is not symmetric - to the left the damageradius seems bigger. but i may be wrong.

II) this skill has a BIG problem with desync, MUCH MORE than any other i think.
you dont "target" an enemy, you position yourself and cast the skill. if that what you see on your screen is not what is really going on you are fckd up totally.
when you use firetrap for example, you dont care about desync, you target the mob in the left corner, and your trap flies to the right corner and dealing damage. thats not nice, but its not gamebreaking.
for shocknova IT IS gamebreaking. you dont know where you have to go to hit the target. thats frustrating

III) it needs a better hit-indicator in generel. some GFX to be sure if you hit or not.

IV) the inner deadzone should get smaller with increased AE. the 4% nodes are already VERY weak. there is also no build i think, where its really usefull to stack a lot of increased AE. why not this/shocknova?

I) and II) can make this skill REALLY annoying and frustrating. ("why the hack i didnt deal damage? he was in, wasnt he?") because you have mostly ONE try to hit with shocknova, and than you have to run and kite again...
Last edited by Khastro on Feb 17, 2013, 6:00:02 PM
"there is also no build i think, where its really usefull to stack a lot of increased AE."
Cleave, Sweep, Leap Slam, Ice Nova, Discharge, Rain of Arrows all benefit greatly from AoE passives, and that's just a few I thought of in the span of three seconds. AoE nodes are plenty useful.

(doesn't mean they can't be more useful, but, you know)
Vipermagi wrote:
"there is also no build i think, where its really usefull to stack a lot of increased AE."
Cleave, Sweep, Leap Slam, Ice Nova, Discharge, Rain of Arrows all benefit greatly from AoE passives, and that's just a few I thought of in the span of three seconds. AoE nodes are plenty useful.

(doesn't mean they can't be more useful, but, you know)

well yes they profit.

but I mean...
did you ever seen someone who used a "increased AOE" supportgem over a "concentrated effect" support gem for his Cleave or Groundslam? If yes, I dont believ u :)
the latter support gem is the way to go, which means for me that AE is so unimportant in this case, that you can do fine even with a REDUCTION of AreaOfEffect.
I wouldn't use Conc on Cleave without getting an Inc. AoE on it as well. :/ Ground Slam is favored over Cleave for its far superior range. Why would you then want an even smaller range on Cleave.

Regardless, the problem there is that Conc grants way too much damage, not that increasing the AoE is not good. There's a big difference there.
well if you use cleave as your main attack you almost has to use conc effects. because like you already said, its a very important dmg boost.

6: cleave-fasterattacks-moremeleedmg-addefiredmg-conc.effects-wpnelementaldmg

the AE nodes are rare. even rarer than regen-nodes.
and you will never see a cleaving duelist heading for some 4% increased AE. thats just not worth.
but you will see a lot of people grabbing all the regenartion nodes they can catch.

cleave is for dualwhield mainly, Groundslam for mace and staff. cleave does way more dmg (higher attackspeed -> auras/flat elemental, some guy in the forums did 60k DPS or so?!), groundslam is safer. they are not favored over each other in any way because they are too different.
e: so you dont care at the end about the range of cleave. its a dps tool, and the increased AE wouldnt change that.

back to topic:
i would like to see some change on the deadzones behaviour with increased AE.
there is no build that stands and falls with with increased AE. it is NEVER the top priority. its a good gimmick, gives comfort, not useless but not necassery.
and because increased AE is rare in the passive tree, this could be a nice thing.
Last edited by Khastro on Feb 18, 2013, 5:51:28 AM
I like the idea of a dead zone on this skill, but I'm not a fan of the way it was implemented. Having that dead area not count as a hit greatly limits the possibilities of interesting support combinations; ie, knockback, stun, faster casting. Imagine that; knocking enemies into the damage zone and stunning them there-- I'd use it. Of course you could potentially keep knocking them out of the damage zone, but nothings perfect.

I'd personally like to see it have greatly reduced dmg where the current dead zone is and keep the rest of it the same.

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