Raise Zombie

Do Zombies / Skelletons have a base critical strike chance?
My zombies seem substantially less durable now after the last path. I noticed a mention about a bug fix for zombie health, but I'm unable to find any real detailed information.

Before the patch, IIRC, my tooltip life for zombies was about ~8k. Now, after the patch, it's reading at ~9k.

Is there perhaps any details on how much extra life was being given with the bug?
Agreeing with above that it'd be nice to see some information on the change. My zombie tooltip stayed the same showing ~10,400 life, but after the patch they're significantly weaker. Before the patch they would rarely die except against tough mobs, and now they just die so easily it's barely even worth the trouble it takes to summon them. And I'm also running both vitality and purity.
Everyone complaining about the AI of Zombies nowadays have no clue about the pain in closed beta.
Good lord the nightmares still echo in my brain
Somewhere in the 0.11.4 series of patches, someone accidentally unchecked zombies from being player summoned minions, and they got the monster life progression rather than the minion one. This results in substantially more life at higher levels. We found the bug and fixed it fairly quickly, so they're back to their previous, correct values.
The tooltip has always shown the monster progression due to a different bug, so has been incorrect, but in fact lined up with the incorrect values for the brief period where the actual values were wrong. Now both the actual values and the tooltip stat use the correct life progression.
Weslie wrote:
Agreeing with above that it'd be nice to see some information on the change. My zombie tooltip stayed the same showing ~10,400 life, but after the patch they're significantly weaker. Before the patch they would rarely die except against tough mobs, and now they just die so easily it's barely even worth the trouble it takes to summon them. And I'm also running both vitality and purity.

What level content are you running and how are yours slotted?

On my 79 summoner my zombies rarely die. They are 4linked in a +2 helm with minion life, minion damage and multistrike. This is with Midnight Bargain & Bones of Ullyr so I have 10 zombies. I run Vitality, Purity and Discipline.

Even tougher than that - Giant Monty zombies (hereafter "Monbies") generally tank Piety without dying. I did a run of 66-67 maps last night to test the new void sceptre and only lost Monbies on one map - an Arsenal with a bunch of multiproj fire alchemists. The tooltip shows 16.2k hp for the Monbies and around 14k for the normal zombies.
so apparently lvl 20 zombie only has 2709 hp ? wth happened?
/forum/view-thread/869543 all my builds' compilation
Please PM me on forum to inform me if I won an auction. Thank you.
My level 12 zombies (+50% life) now have 974 shown life instead of 1799.
They feel definitely weaker than before.
gg summoner, won't be playing them anymore. 60% zombie life nerf is a bit drastic, bug or no bug.
ign: DaEDaenarys
Last edited by BldSwtTrs on Sep 30, 2013, 1:40:12 PM
Their Life wasn't actually changed. Just a description fix.
(which actually makes Mon'tregul's Grasp much more interesting)
Last edited by Vipermagi on Sep 30, 2013, 1:54:53 PM

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