Raise Zombie


Its Review Time of that Raise Zombie Gem

Also looks like i got my Zombie´s to lvl 12, they are my real Life Savers cause they are Strong and can endure some hits but... they are sometimes really Stupid (ok they are Zombies after all xD).

The Good(IMO)

They are Strong Fighters.

They got many HP.

They dont fade over time.

The Bad

Also these Zombies got much Hp but they die fast in Ruthless its no big problem now (They Explode anyway), but i fear in Merciless they will get Slaughtered too fast! (i think i will try that after i reach Merciless).

Cause i like what IGSkaarj wrote i have Quoted his Opinion
IGSkaarj wrote:
I'm gonna have to agree with majority on this skill, Zombies need three things;

- Zone restriction, to stop them running off to the other side of the map as soon as I summon them.

- Some sort of inbuilt aggro, so they can properly be used as tanks for the summoner.

- Some sort of indicator to show how many are summoned, so you can see in the midst of battle if your forces have been reduced in any significant way.

If these three problems can be addressed, I'd be very happy. As it stands, Zombies are pathetic when compared to minion AI and management in other games like Titan Quest, Torchlight or Diablo.

Takahiro the Inferno Necromancer!
My Army of Death is Filled whit Tons of TNT:)!
Last edited by Takahiro86 on Jun 21, 2012, 11:12:27 AM
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This skill seems to be really messed up sometimes. I go forward, my zombie squad goes the opposite direction even when there are no enemies around in open space.
I then follow them back until they get stuck in front of some wall - wtf?
It happens much more often in narrow spaces (tunnels, bridges), basically when there's no path to the enemy (ie. I'm standing on a bridge) all of my zombies run the opposite direction and never come back.

This is a major pain in the ass because even if only one of my zombies runs off then I usually end up having to resummon all of them because that zombie was not considered dead and instead the spell killed all zombies that were summoned before (but were standing next to me).

In fact now that I have unlocked most of the minion passives combined with minion health support rune I think 80% of all my Summon Zombie casts are because they ran off and 20% is because they actually died.

Also the visual indicator of how many zombies are alive would be nice but I guess that's much lower priority than having the running off issue...
@Vanzi, 75 Shadow
@Arrathan, 78 Ranger

I've experienced some randomness with this skill.

Character Slashymagix, level 6.

Skill tree: Here

My skill gem is level 3 and states that I should only be able to summon 1 Zombie at a time. Nevertheless, while fighting a pack of those damned Rho-dog-thingies and spamming the skill in a panic I managed somehow to summon 2 Zombies at a time to fight by my side. The problem with them on the other hand is that they seem to disappear quite quickly if you run and don't keep them on your screen (I play with 1980x1060 resolution) and they also mystically run away when you transition from an area to another.

I'll conduct some more testing as I level this character more (I've been focusing on my Marauder, I like beating things to bits a bit more :) )

Just my feedback for now.
One Question (sry for my bad english):

The Gem allows me to summon 3 Zombies. I've skilled +1 Zombies to max. in the passive Skilltree. But now i still can summon only 3 Zombie.

Whats my mistake?
Last edited by ikzorn1 on Jul 28, 2012, 11:27:19 AM
ikzorn1 wrote:
One Question (sry for my bad english):

The Gem allows me to summon 3 Zombies. I've skilled +1 Zombies to max. in the passive Skilltree. But now i still can summon only 3 Zombie.

Whats my mistake?
game already did the +1 for you.
This skill really needs an icon in the top left hand corner showing how many zombies I have summoned, otherwise when there are so many summons running around I cant tell if my army is at max or not
Zombies seem incredibly weak now compared to when I last played a couple patches ago.

There are too many AoE dealing mobs at low levels that can cut through zombies. Leveling as a summoner is not fun.
I really wanna see a way to make the passive bonuses to minions show on the gems or character tab, because I don't really know how much the passives actually benefit my minions overall.
IGN: Rustet
I currently have 2 zombie summon gems in my gear and have +2 summons on the passives.

When my gems were at a different level I was able to summon a total of 6 zombies.

Now they have both reached the same level, the game appears to be reading this as one 1 gem.

I have made sure to select 2 different spells on the pop up when you assign a spell to a action button.

Bit annoying as I have gone from 6 to 3 minions, was quite looking forward to recreating my summoner from D2.
Crabbie wrote:
I currently have 2 zombie summon gems in my gear and have +2 summons on the passives.

When my gems were at a different level I was able to summon a total of 6 zombies.

Now they have both reached the same level, the game appears to be reading this as one 1 gem.

I have made sure to select 2 different spells on the pop up when you assign a spell to a action button.

Bit annoying as I have gone from 6 to 3 minions, was quite looking forward to recreating my summoner from D2.
that sadly is one of the known bugs and a painful exploit that will be fixed. not the "treated as same gem" part but the before that happened, the separate levels providing separate counters. it'll get fixed to be properly global between gems and levels of gems on next patch.

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