Raise Spectre

I'm sure this is nothing new but...

I've been using the following:

GMP/Raise Spectre/Life On Hit/Knockback/Faster Attacks (Optional)

I take the Lunaris Temple Level 2 WP and run around for 30 seconds and find a Tentacle Miscreation to raise as my spectre.

This thing pretty much never dies and keeps packs of mobs knockback/stunlocked for me. When I curse the mobs with Projectile Weakness it brings even more luls (22% more chance to knockback).

I've been farming 69+ maps with two of these and my usual Spell Totem/Summon Skeletons.

faster attack or faster casting for fireball minions?
(i am using the queen)
Not sure if this was discussed before but would it be possible to make necromancer type specters resurrect your undead minions? Might seem a little overpowered but you would give up the DPS you can get since they have no attack for the utility of keeping your pets alive.

Also a suggestion for other summoners who use ranged type specters: get a vitality aura along with the usual life on hit support. It will also keep your zombies alive too.
no necromancer spectres dont raise minions at all all they can do is curse thing for you
<3 exploding minions
pow3r wrote:
I'm sure this is nothing new but...

I've been using the following:

GMP/Raise Spectre/Life On Hit/Knockback/Faster Attacks (Optional)

I take the Lunaris Temple Level 2 WP and run around for 30 seconds and find a Tentacle Miscreation to raise as my spectre.

This thing pretty much never dies and keeps packs of mobs knockback/stunlocked for me. When I curse the mobs with Projectile Weakness it brings even more luls (22% more chance to knockback).

I've been farming 69+ maps with two of these and my usual Spell Totem/Summon Skeletons.

are you using the minions passives and necro gear like midnight bargain ? or just raise spectre and auras and the rest of the build is focused on something else ?
Like a few other people, i'd love to see more details about the minions i'm raising. On the spell tab in my character sheet it just shows how fast i cast this spell, but how about what my Spectre is casting, what sort of damage, how much damage, amount of life... etc.

Make1kiLL wrote:
Current Version: 1.0.4

I have some suggestions to make:

First, let the spectre's portrait have an additional bar to show the least HP of the spectres, percentage wise. You can also make this additional info on the original bar, make it a dim color or something like "energy shield bar stacked on/below HP bar" that kind of style. Summoner cares about every of his spectres, so the lowers HP info matters a lot.

Second, game play in indoor maps especially like spider lair where range spectre wont go into through door/gate/entrace is really frustrating. I have two solutions:

1. Make a recall buttont that recall all of your spectres to your current position. I believe the UI is there, similar to remote mine where you would have an additional button. You can add a cooldown to that button to prevent spamming.

2. Make a spectre(or minion) move button to instruct minion's moving direction. Similar UI to the first solution. But I'm not sure if the pathing algorithm is existed in game, and this might requires a lot of testing.

Those changes shouldnt have any technical issues, and won't interfere with any other gems or support gems, so it takes very little resources to implement and test.

Id like to see that being implemented as well
I would join as well saying spectres either need 2 things

1. Be a summon, you have to pick a dead monster and the gem will remember it, with the condition that you can't summon higher levels monsters than your character

2. Raising spectres on the fly made more viable, with most likely limiting their life spam to max a few minutes and making them better

I would prefer the first
Dear GGG,
May be you will do that reviving the spectre from corpses, do not destroy corpse, and let players to revive all group of spectres from one corpse, it help to reduce time of making the whole group and makes players VERY happy! ;]

I ask you to do this, becouse while farming our favorite maps, and sometimes spectres dies, and necromancer must revive them again, and it greatly slows down group farming process. So random parties don't like necros at all, becouse they couse a lot of lugs and spending time of all party to make summoners again and again - it is not good.

In addition this is not contradict the idea of the spell, becouse player creates only "spectre" copy of the mob, not ressurect himself!

fix the lag caused by gmp fire sentenels from solaris pls.. its the only reason i dont play with summoners

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