Leap Slam

Leap Slam seems extremely picky as to where I click. Often it does nothing at all. For example, I'm trying to leap slam, but there is a small obstruction, so instead of leaping to the nearest neighbor, it does nothing at all. Another example, I'm trying to leap slam away from Vaal boss's smash, but I clicked a bit too close to the wall, so nothing happened.

Leap Slam should round to the nearest neighbor in terms of targeting, like I suppose ROA does. If this was done, I would very much enjoy using it.
beefnuggy wrote:
Leap Slam seems extremely picky as to where I click. Often it does nothing at all. For example, I'm trying to leap slam, but there is a small obstruction, so instead of leaping to the nearest neighbor, it does nothing at all. Another example, I'm trying to leap slam away from Vaal boss's smash, but I clicked a bit too close to the wall, so nothing happened.

Leap Slam should round to the nearest neighbor in terms of targeting, like I suppose ROA does. If this was done, I would very much enjoy using it.

I have the same problem. It's very irritating but the fix you suggest would make it a lot more enjoyable.
I couldn't agree more. I've died multiple times because leap slam didn't quite like my targets :/
beefnuggy wrote:
Leap Slam seems extremely picky as to where I click. Often it does nothing at all. For example, I'm trying to leap slam, but there is a small obstruction, so instead of leaping to the nearest neighbor, it does nothing at all. Another example, I'm trying to leap slam away from Vaal boss's smash, but I clicked a bit too close to the wall, so nothing happened.

Leap Slam should round to the nearest neighbor in terms of targeting, like I suppose ROA does. If this was done, I would very much enjoy using it.
I fully agree with this and I hope this skill will be improved as you say in the next patches.
Was the sound changed with patch 1.2.0? Because the weapon-rushing-through-the-air part now sounds like someone's scratching over synthetic fibre tissue.
Really uncomfortable - it forces me to turn the audio off :/

Would be nice to have the old/normal sound back.
From http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1080858/page/3
Inarion1986 wrote:
At about 1:20 you say:
Chris wrote:
We like the use of Devoto's Devotion as a helmet for this build. Movement speed is very useful because of the frequent use of Leap Slam.

My understanding was that Leap Slam's duration can exclusively be altered by attack speed modifiers...?

Do all movement skills get a boost from movement speed or just lightning warp? Or was Chris just wrong?
Chris got it wrong; Leap Slam is unaffected by Movespeed.

It's not just Warp though. Shield Charge also benefits. Whirling Blades fits in with Leap Slam.
I just discovered you could leap slam through prison bars.


This makes no sense.
I just figured out a HUGE contributor to my "low ping desync" issue and it is most apparent when using Leap Slam. The problem seems to be when I use Shift and Leap Slam assigned to a key in combination with Move Only on my left click. When those 3 are used together, really crazy things start to happen. At its worst, I will leap and move forward, the map will be revealed and then will warp back to where I started. If I continue to hold, the next leap will continue where the LAST leap left off before resetting, reveal the map again on that further point, reset all the way back to the initial position, and this will continue for as long as I hold down Shift-E for Leap Slam and left-click with Move Only assigned. Or as long as there is map left in the direction of the leap/warp.

But most of the time its much less extreme but still dangerous to my character. I've had to try and remember to NOT use my left-click at the same time I am using Shift-Leap Slam. But since Move Only is assigned to my left-click and is my primary means to get around, it often doesn't happen. And this means when I'm Shift-Right-click attacking and get into trouble, try to move, can't and then try to Leap Slam, the nasty key combo happens and I sometimes warp right back in to where I was trying to get out of.

I hope that explains it. I feel pretty confident at this point I can even repeat it at-will. It almost feels like left-click Move only and Leap Slam are competing for position sometimes when used together and the Move only command usually wins. The big problem is the battle that plays out sometimes until the resync.
Last edited by defektiv on Nov 13, 2014, 10:30:09 AM
i'm 100% sure this "issue" got already mentioned at least a 100 times here, but still: add unarmed to leap slam. i don't want to have to rely on INT based lightning warp to move my STR based facebreaker char around the maps ..
ig: rokki_xXx

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