Leap Slam

Deen1983 wrote:
Mark, can you please tell us the radius of the leap slam area? Is it the same as the sweep area - radius of 20 around the player?
The base radius is 15
Why duration of this skill cannot be affected by Reduced Duration gem? I understand it is not duration skill by design but it should be so by logic. Sorry for my English ^^
By that logic, every skill activation should be affected by Reduced Duration - Leap Slam is no different from other Attacks in that regard.
It's always great to hear people want to completely destroy your favourite main skill.
Thinking about making a Leap Slam Templar with max block from Shields...does anyone know if it is possible to block attacks while Leap Slamming? With the skill taking rather long to execute (1.4 seconds if I'm not mistaken) it would be crucial to know whether he would be protected during that time. I'm also unsure about whether Leap Slam is still good enough with only a one-handed weapon, or is it too weak for later levels?
scroogetemplar / scroogewitch / scroogemarauder

Freezing Pulser (safe + affordable): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1529856
Last edited by scrooge999 on Dec 10, 2013, 5:51:15 AM
The Skill only does what it says. Just like with everything else, you can Block while Leap Slam is doing its thing.
Thanks for your reply! As for my second question, is it actually worthwhile using Leap Slam with a one-hander + Shield, or is the damage too small for high levels and I'm better off using something else?
scroogetemplar / scroogewitch / scroogemarauder

Freezing Pulser (safe + affordable): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1529856
Leap Slam is meant to work with maces right?

It's not working with this mace atm, says Skill can't be used

Is it in your Main Hand, and if not, what weapon is your Main Hand?
Do you get an individual crit check on every mob hit, or just one group check - and are these crit checks just equal to the weapon's crit chance?

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