Leap Slam

adghar wrote:

I can't help but read this as "moving chais" every time.

If a moderator would ban for "fucking chairs" and not for "f*ing chairs", that moderator is a bad moderator; also you're probably fine, swearing is a thing that happens. Just don't overdo i-- oh.
(the last part is just a personal preference actually, so don't mind that)

Also Leap Slam I guess!
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jun 15, 2013, 8:01:58 PM
I didn't read every page because I don't have the time to do so currently but I wanted to say;

I was wondering if I was the only one who thinks you should be able to leap over projectiles.

At least ones that have already been fired.

It doesn't make sense mechanically for a fireball to hit you when you leaped towards it after it was already cast. And getting frozen/shocked in mid air is white knuckle frustrating sometimes.

Just a mechanic change I'd like to see, and makes more sense.
Is Leap Slam focusing on elemental dmg. viable choice since it only uses main hand weapon meaning I would have to go 1H+Shield?
The AoE of the skill should increase with passives like Master of the Arena of Duelist. Would be awesome!
Hi there,

ive tested the following szenario with Leap Slam and +15% Attack Speed on Weapon (Quaterstaff with no other affixes). DPS = 433
Then i'm used a Quaterstaff with no Attack Speed-Affix (its enchanted with +11% increased Cast Speed-Affix only). DPS = 377.9

I see 4 possible Reasons for that:
1) Leap Slam is effected by the aps of the Weapon
2) Leap Slam is effected by + X% Attack Speed-Affix of the Weapon
3) DPS-Display ist bad
or 4) Me -> stupid :)

Leap Slam's speed is increased by IAS. This is.. a pretty well-known fact, considering it's true for every Attack.
Attack Speed on Weapon increase the attack per Second of the weapon directly (from 1 to 1.15 with 15% + Attack Speed) ... i refer to this post:

"IAS on weapons is a local mod, modifying the attack speed of the weapon itself."

Yes, Leap Slams speed is increased by IAS, thats really well known .... but (for me) its also well known, that it is not effected by the aps from the Weapon because Leap Slam got his own APS, or i'm wrong about this?

So the Question is about the effect of local Weapon IAS (like i'm posted before).... im looking since 2 days about this and didnt find a pointed answer... so i have tested with local IAS and it suprised me.

If local Weapon IAS effect an skill gem that got his own APS like Leap Slam... that would be a great mechanic... but is it true and also well known, or buggy ?
IAS on weapons is just Increased IAS like any other for Leap and Sweep, and is applied in the same manner as other sources of Increased IAS.
Thx for your answer, that was the point i'm searching for :)
Mark, can you please tell us the radius of the leap slam area? Is it the same as the sweep area - radius of 20 around the player?
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