Infernal Blow

Hi, if my friend mae a detonate dead build and i run with my infernal blow mara, can he still detonate corpses? Or am I blowing them all up so he has none to use?

Once you get Melee Splash on that IB, he's going to be hard pressed finding corpses. Any monster that explodes due to IB's debuff, well... It explodes. Not much of a corpse there.
Does the Amplify passive affect IB in any way?
The explosion is an AoE, so, yes. Hence the 'AoE' tag in the gem description :P
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Aug 18, 2013, 4:10:02 PM
ivkoto77777 wrote:
Thank you for the answer, Mark! Stay awesome!

Currently, I can easily one-hit kill myself against champion packs with reflect aura (I one-hit a white mob, his explosion crits and the reflected damage kills me). This basically means, that I will never reach anything close to lvl80 on this char.
So is the explosion damage intended to be reflected?

P.S love you GGG!

Reflect mobs 80+ currently make Infernal Blow not worth using IMHO. Unfortunate that this isn't addressed.
IGN: Mortezzah, prolly playing on character Gellig, for an end-game boss tank guide.
It's not like IB is ranged or anything - you should be able to see a reflect mob before meleeing it.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Hi there guys
am using an IB + Melee splash set up
Im wondering if mobs blown up by the explosion get affected by my IIQ/IIR as well
if anyone knows the answer do kindly post

Thanks !
They do.
I have been considering making a build using The Goddess Scorned, and was thinking about using this ability with it. I was wondering, has anyone checked to see if the swords "You can only deal Damage with this Weapon" cancels the explosions damage? :)
In the big thread where the recipe was being discussed, Infernal Blow was brought up a couple times, and basically everyone is expecting the explosions to deal zero damage. After all, the explosions are not Weapon Damage (nor Spell Damage for that matter). I'd be very surprised if they still deal damage.

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