Rushing... Legitimate Tactic or Poor Etiquette?

exmse wrote:
TheMadCow wrote:
Firstly, I did not say have disregard for real life law, that deals with your hacking and stealing comment.

So pretty much your morality is limited to 'real life', which is expected and appreciated? But without restraints or benefit, your moral obligations ceases to exist?
not bool cro

To start let me re-state what I said in my last post I DO -->NOT<-- play pvp and therefore do not play in the manner described. So please stop imposing the ideals and theory as if they were me.

Now to go off topic for a second here to address your comment, there is a very famous quote going around the Internet that is "There are no girls on the Internet". Some people wrongly take this as the literal meaning and make the conclusion it means simply because you don't know who your actually talking to. This is not the case "There are no girls on the Internet" actually refers to the socially accepted manners in which men treat women such as gentlemanly gestures, talking to them with respect and generally being much nicer than men are with a fellow male. Therefore "There are no girls on the Internet" is a waving of these female privileges that shelter them from the vulgarity of mens social behaviour in real life and allowing them to act in anyway they see fit regardless of gender.

For example:
Real life:
A good looking female walks into the room and makes the preposterous exclamation that "Bacon tastes like crap"

(by most well mannered people) *laugh* "WHAT! its amazing!"

A good looking female goes onto a forum and makes the preposterous exclamation that "Bacon tastes like crap"

(by most questionably mannered people)
"fuck you heathen" "get the fuck out" "I found the vegan" "go and jump off a bridge!"

So you see the fact that morality ceases to exist up on entry to the Internet is a rather common thing.
Last edited by TheMadCow on Jun 29, 2013, 3:57:00 AM
If you don't think rushing is a valid strategy you don't know anything about competitive gaming.

No one in their right mind believes pro-Starcraft players should get 15minutes norush in a competitive match. League of Legends doesn't involve both teams agreeing to farm up to maximum items before their first engagement. Players in fighting games don't outright refuse to fight until they both have full meter.

The threat of a player rushing is what keeps builds honest and opens up competitive metagaming. If auras and buffs are incredibly powerful, then it stands to reason you should have a way to prevent them, or at least force a player to only have time to freely cast the most important ones.

Rushing is an additional layer of interaction. It lets auras be balanced to be incredibly strong because they are't guaranteed to be up, and it lets fast, aggressive builds have a place against plodding, invincible aurabots. It is absurd, coming from a fighting game and RTS background, to think that rushing would be frowned upon in a competitive environment.
tedsternator wrote:
If you don't think rushing is a valid strategy you don't know anything about competitive gaming.

No one in their right mind believes pro-Starcraft players should get 15minutes norush in a competitive match. League of Legends doesn't involve both teams agreeing to farm up to maximum items before their first engagement. Players in fighting games don't outright refuse to fight until they both have full meter.

The threat of a player rushing is what keeps builds honest and opens up competitive metagaming. If auras and buffs are incredibly powerful, then it stands to reason you should have a way to prevent them, or at least force a player to only have time to freely cast the most important ones.

Rushing is an additional layer of interaction. It lets auras be balanced to be incredibly strong because they are't guaranteed to be up, and it lets fast, aggressive builds have a place against plodding, invincible aurabots. It is absurd, coming from a fighting game and RTS background, to think that rushing would be frowned upon in a competitive environment.

This man speaks truths.
TheMadCow wrote:
tedsternator wrote:
If you don't think rushing is a valid strategy you don't know anything about competitive gaming.

No one in their right mind believes pro-Starcraft players should get 15minutes norush in a competitive match. League of Legends doesn't involve both teams agreeing to farm up to maximum items before their first engagement. Players in fighting games don't outright refuse to fight until they both have full meter.

The threat of a player rushing is what keeps builds honest and opens up competitive metagaming. If auras and buffs are incredibly powerful, then it stands to reason you should have a way to prevent them, or at least force a player to only have time to freely cast the most important ones.

Rushing is an additional layer of interaction. It lets auras be balanced to be incredibly strong because they are't guaranteed to be up, and it lets fast, aggressive builds have a place against plodding, invincible aurabots. It is absurd, coming from a fighting game and RTS background, to think that rushing would be frowned upon in a competitive environment.

This man speaks truths.

Agree , only those loser-noob always blame on something for his lost , even in Starcraft (one of the global tournament) , DOTA , rushing is the very effective if you playing Zerg or if u got many Gankers in team if you play DOTA . Every has its own weak-strong points , just like every build has its own . You take more time buff up than ur opponent , that's ur biggest weaknest , this noob summoner 'Toughmudder' lost to me by my rushing so many times , so he just came here and make complaint , and guess what , when I stop rushing this noob , he still lost to me 5-0 , and he has gone off since there , lol .

There are rules in boxing like if u and ur opponent both have rested for a specific time , they will have to stand up to fight no-matter what how hurt you or ur opponent are . At the beginning of the fight , after touching gloves , the fighters both have the right to attack whenever they want , it's boxing rules , just like the area'rule : After 3 seconds call down, You are on your own and dont expect your opponent to wait for you (that's just ridiculous), you lose cause you are noob so you dont have any strategy to beat your opponent or your build is so weak.

This guys really want to make this 'competitive gaming' for kids only , lol

Edit : You even get beaten by me tons of times with ur summon and beartrap ... I dont blame you if you use beartrap to prevent me from rushing , but what if I use mine ? Even without my beartrap , you got beaten easily . If your build and your tatic are not good enough then you are a loser .

Why his build is not good enough , he depends on auras so much and have to summon a tons of zombies so that he could hide in them and throw-out beartrap , that his build's problem , not mine ! I could finish my opponent in just 2 seconds without any buff ( for rushing if needed ) , and if I got my 3 buff on , I hardly lose . Acctually , I lost to a few man only, like 2-3 .

That's the difference between the builds , He cant win if he got no auras , but I can ! You guys just need to get the Multi strike out of your main skill , so you dont hit the zombies when you are targeting him, so the zombies wont get explosived , just easy as that and his xombies explosion becomes useless .

Templarthefall is a tanky CI , his Etheral Knifes is weak , He got 8000+ ES with Zealot (about 200-400es regeneration per second) , he got nearly-max attack block and max-spell block, he depends on Molten shell + Tempest shield and multi-stacking Etheral Knifes traps to eliminate his enemy , his movement is low , this build requires his opponent to attack him so his tanky + traps + Reflesh damage could work effective together, that's why you cant see him using rushing on you because he also needs time to lay traps and cast many auras ( molten + tempest are just 2 of them ) and you got times enough to cast auras but you still lost to him , that's because your build has so many weakness , with this build , he just cant kill you if you keep running around (is that why ppl need speed nodes and flickers strike skill) cause he is slow and aps is low too (except you run into his tons of traps lol) , (and I can make sure that I could kill you in less than 5 seconds if you keep running against me) but if you hit him, you could get hurt seriously, I have fought this guys a tons of times , I won him like 40% of times but they are all costly victories ... cause my chest is still weak compare to him . Most of the times I lost due to his so tanky CI + molten shell ' damage is the way too high, I lost more than 4000 life with 75% max fire resistance , and he just stands there keep casting Molten severals times until I die , I guess if I have better gears I could beat him then .

CONCLUSION : EVERYONE HAS ITS OWN BUILD AND YOUR BUILD DEFINES YOUR TACTIC . Your build doesn't work well against Rushing tactic doesn't mean ppl cant use it .

Example : This 'ToughMudder' requires enemy to wait for him to cast auras on and summon enough zombies , and he is always hide in the middle of the crowd throw out the beartrap , lol. I have seen he is now using Arc totem instead of beartrap to deal damage but his damage is too low so it didn't work on me , begging for his enemy to wait for him in the middle of the fight is also his tactic , lol , shame on him . If you want to use build only , then dont use ur strategy that hides in the middle of your zombies or make your enemy cant targeting you or make ur enemy to wait for you in the middle of the fight ? Now who is the one want to win by all cost ? who is sociopath now ? What you did on the forum just said ppl what kind of people you are, Mudders , shame on you .

Why dont I come up here and complain that Templarthefall always camp and cast Molten shell severals times to beat me ? It's his tactic and his tactic works well with his build , take it or leave it , You will always be a noob if you behavious like this.
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
Last edited by SunPrice on Jun 30, 2013, 6:33:59 PM
KelcieBadger wrote:
Just gonna say..ur sommoner is pretty BM in itself. Your tactic is to wait let skllies blow up when someone kills em. Then blow up the corpse. So if someone is rushing and using bear trap then thwy got to. No melee can beat you without rushing/kiting/or bear trapping. They can switch to bow but I guess someone can call the bad manners also

Thi guy is my witness , lol
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
SunPrice wrote:
TheMadCow wrote:
tedsternator wrote:
If you don't think rushing is a valid strategy you don't know anything about competitive gaming.

No one in their right mind believes pro-Starcraft players should get 15minutes norush in a competitive match. League of Legends doesn't involve both teams agreeing to farm up to maximum items before their first engagement. Players in fighting games don't outright refuse to fight until they both have full meter.

The threat of a player rushing is what keeps builds honest and opens up competitive metagaming. If auras and buffs are incredibly powerful, then it stands to reason you should have a way to prevent them, or at least force a player to only have time to freely cast the most important ones.

Rushing is an additional layer of interaction. It lets auras be balanced to be incredibly strong because they are't guaranteed to be up, and it lets fast, aggressive builds have a place against plodding, invincible aurabots. It is absurd, coming from a fighting game and RTS background, to think that rushing would be frowned upon in a competitive environment.

This man speaks truths.

Agree , only those loser-noob always blame on something for his lost , even in Starcraft (one of the global tournament) , DOTA , rushing is the very effective if you playing Zerg or if u got many Gankers in team if you play DOTA . Every has its own weak-strong points , just like every build has its own . You take more time buff up than ur opponent , that's ur biggest weaknest , this noob summoner 'Toughmudder' lost to me by my rushing so many times , so he just came here and make complaint , and guess what , when I stop rushing this noob , he still lost to me 5-0 , and he has gone off since there , lol .

There are rules in boxing like if u and ur opponent both have rested for a specific time , they will have to stand up to fight no-matter what how hurt you or ur opponent are . At the beginning of the fight , after touching gloves , the fighters both have the right to attack whenever they want , it's boxing rules , just like the area'rule : After 3 seconds call down, You are on your own and dont expect your opponent to wait for you (that's just ridiculous), you lose cause you are stupid so you dont have any strategy to beat your opponent or your build is so weak.

This noob really want to make this 'competitive gaming' for kids only , lol

Edit : You even get beaten by me tons of times with ur summon and beartrap ... I dont blame you if you use beartrap to prevent me from rushing , but what if I use mine ? Even without my beartrap , you got beaten easily . If your build and your tatic are not good enough then you are a loser .

Why his build is not good enough , he depends on auras so much and have to summon a tons of zombies so that he could hide in them and throw-out beartrap , that his build's problem , not mine ! I could finish my opponent in just 2 seconds without any buff ( for rushing if needed ) , and if I got my 3 buff on , I hardly lose . Acctually , I lost to a few man only, like 2-3 .

That's the difference between the builds , He cant win if he got no auras , but I can ! You guys just need to get the Multi strike out of your main skill , so you dont hit the zombies when you are tarting him, so the zombies wont explore , just easy as that and his xombies explosion becomes useless .

Templarthefall is a tanky CI , his Etheral Knifes is weak , He got 8000+ ES with Zealot (about 200-400es regeneration per second) , he got nearly-max attack block and max-spell block, he depends on Molten shell + Tempest shield and multi-stacking Etheral Knifes traps to eliminate his enemy , his movement is low , this build requires his opponent to attack him so his tanky + traps + Reflesh damage could work effective together, that's why you cant see him using rushing on you because he also needs time to lay traps and cast many auras ( molten + tempest are just 2 of them ) and you got times enough to cast auras but you still lost to him , that's because your build has so many weakness , with this build , he just cant kill you if you keep running around (is that why ppl need speed nodes and flickers strike skill) cause he is slow and aps is low too (except you run into his tons of traps lol) , (and I can make sure that I could kill you in less than 5 seconds if you keep running against me) but if you hit him, you could get hurt seriously, I have fought this guys a tons of times , I won him like 40% of times but they are all costly victories ... cause my chest is still weak compare to him . Most of the times I lost due to his so tanky CI + molten shell ' damage is the way too high, I lost more than 4000 life with 75% max fire resistance , and he just stands there keep casting Molten severals times until I die , I guess if I have better gears I could beat him then .

CONCLUSION : EVERYONE HAS ITS OWN BUILD AND YOUR BUILD DEFINES YOUR TACTIC . Your build doesn't work well against Rushing tactic doesn't mean ppl cant use it .

Example : This noob ToughMudder requires enemy to wait for him to cast auras on and summon enough zombies , and he is always hide in the middle of the crowd throw out the beartrap , lol. I have seen he is now using Arc totem instead of beartrap to deal damage but his damage is too low so it didn't work on me , begging for his enemy to wait for him in the middle of the fight is also his tactic , lol , shame on him . If you want to use build only , then dont use ur strategy that hides in the middle of your zombies or make your enemy cant targeting you or make ur enemy to wait for you in the middle of the fight ? Now who is the one want to win by all cost ? who is sociopath now ? What you did on the forum just said ppl what kind of people you are, Mudders , shame on you .

Why dont I come up here and complain that Templarthefall always camp and cast Molten shell severals times to beat me ? It's his tactic and his tactic works well with his build , take it or leave it , You will always be a noob if you behavious like this.

"sunprice you are stupid dog"

come fight me if you want to get 5-0ed, ill show ya what real rushing is
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo on Jun 30, 2013, 4:33:59 PM
Why this loser keep following me ? Lost to me hundreds of times and won a few times doesn't mean anything ...

Check this videos below to see more:

Even with rushing or not , he got beaten easy as eating cake :)
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
Last edited by SunPrice on Jun 30, 2013, 6:30:30 PM
SunPrice wrote:
Why this loser keep following me ? Lost to me hundreds of times and won a few times doesn't mean anything ...

Check this videos below to see more:

Even with rushing or not , he got beaten easy as eating cake :)

and i thought lv28 pvp could be bland
SunPrice wrote:
Why this loser keep following me ? Lost to me hundreds of times and won a few times doesn't mean anything ...

Check this videos below to see more:

Even with rushing or not , he got beaten easy as eating cake :)

lol thats all you got, post the videos from a month ago. i was 78 and you were still 8 or 9 lvls higher than me..... but it doesnt mean anything now since i beat you 100% of the duels we have, and as long as you keep talking trash to respectable pvpers i will troll you whenever i can.
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
oowarpigoo wrote:
SunPrice wrote:
Why this loser keep following me ? Lost to me hundreds of times and won a few times doesn't mean anything ...

Check this videos below to see more:

Even with rushing or not , he got beaten easy as eating cake :)

lol thats all you got, post the videos from a month ago. i was 78 and you were still 8 or 9 lvls higher than me..... but it doesnt mean anything now since i beat you 100% of the duels we have, and as long as you keep talking trash to respectable pvpers i will troll you whenever i can.

lol , you are 80 at that time and I was 85 ... and I dont need to waste my time on a hateful loser like you . Everyone has seen it now .

There are very few guys who could beat me: Templarthefall, Herpes, HolyPenguin .

And you 'xDominu's , you lost to all of them and even ComforablyHigh who got very high crit chance and crit damage which one-shoted you most of the time . You even lost to _Oh_Sexy_Lady_ , low-life freezing pulse build who is one of my friend , he lost to me 5-1 or 5-0 , and you lost to him 5-0 most of the times ...

Admit it, your build is shit cause you lost to so many builds and can only beat very few specific builds

I do admit that your anti-block are effective against me but the times you won me is nothing compare to how many times I beat the shit out of you . and you got very low life pool + no defensive like armor , evasion or block make you easy to kill . Those class like critical Dagger or Freezing pulse could kill you just in seconds ... Your build could beat 1 or 2 builds but it lost to most of the rest .
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
Last edited by SunPrice on Jun 30, 2013, 7:48:38 PM

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