Rushing... Legitimate Tactic or Poor Etiquette?

SunPrice wrote:
This thread is fucking hillarious. Why would I ever wait around for you to cast buffs on yourself before I attack? If you build relies on summoning and auras, it's probably just a shitty PVP build. I will rush you 100% of the time, it would be dumb not to rush you. PVP =/= summon monsters then let them fight for you... lol.

Nicely said

Everyone know that: In end-game pvp , there are much competitive cause everything is alot faster than in 28-noob-pvp . In 28pvp , they are slow as snails . That's the way every games go, if someone cant handle it then he is noob, he should go back to 28level pvp with slow-combat style . It fits him best, I know alot of kids is fighting 28lvl-pvp everyday for fun, ToughMudder, you should go back there and play with those kids cause you are not good enough for a 'more-competitive' pvp.

Why did I lost to Templarthefall even with my rushing ? And why you cant not beat me even with your tactic: hide and throw beartrap out ? Dont blame on tactic or anything , it's you . You are just not good enough.

My advice for you: go play more some kid's games cause it's for fun only,they are all very easy, you can even adjust the difficult to easy to fit you and you could do whatever you want like pausing everytime you nearly die to drinking life-potion or something, MMO is so much for you to afford, noob.

I know being noob and dumb is not your fault, I just give you my advice so you could have your own fun without any pressure from a competitive game like MMO where real people actually play, not the machine.

Lvl 28 pvp is not slow it's the same fast like high lvl pvp however both lvl 28 and higher have 2 drawback with the higher lvl pvp has the bigest drawback which 's the lvl diffrents ,this make high lvl pvp very comparison from lvl 28 pvp which the only drawback is the diffrent items because you cannot choose always your oppomement ,so fight vs undergear people is waste of time ,same go to high lvl .However i said it again 3-5 lvl difrent in high lvl pvp is alot to make a big diffrent ,especialy when play a build which is focus in roll number(critical builds...)
Make bracket in high lvl pvp and you will see alot more people....(people dont have all the time or the mood to lvl up for have a fair chance to do high lvl pvp.They want only to do pvp so with no bracket lvl it's easier to stay in low lvl 28....(however this game is not even close to real pvp game,).)
exmse wrote:
lol this guy is better than grindcore

no , but I am definily better than you ...
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard

To complete a build, you have to archive at least a few specticular skill that you expect your build to become , like I want to build a very hight-crit dagger with more 50% block then I need to lvl up to 80 at least to get them, it's a require. How could a high-crit dagger could get effective if they have only like less than 25% crit chance

In high-level arena, ur moverment speed, asp are faster makes the use of some skills become much much effective, like leap-slam, whriling blade makes the pace of the battle a lot higher.

Like I told if you are not a pro-hardcode-gamer , just stay at 28-lvl for fun, if you want to get to a higher competition, then try to get to 80 and get in queue in Merciless.

To avoid the problems of the difference of level , I recommend you to lvl up 80 at least before joining pvp in Merciless.

You cant say that you feel all the game if you can go to the end of it, like you just get though level 1 of the game but you think you have finished the game.

You could be the king of arena in 28 arena, but when you get to 80, your build could be useless against the same builds you beat in 28.
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
Last edited by SunPrice on Jul 2, 2013, 5:14:36 AM
bahaha sundance, you really have no idea

SunPrice wrote:

You could be the king of arena in 28 arena, but when you get to 80 level, your build could be useless against the same builds you beat in 28.

bahahah you are funny too

i'm not going to play end game pvp because i play hardcore for pve
but i challenge you to beat me in lv28 pvp
wager of 5-10 exalts, accept ?
but of cause you wont accept, you have ignorant prejudice towards LLD because you have never experienced it properly. 10 exalt initiative enough? maybe you are smart enough to not waste your time ;)
Last edited by exmse on Jul 2, 2013, 5:15:37 AM
exmse wrote:
bahaha sundance, you really have no idea

i'm not going to play end game pvp because i play hardcore for pve
but i challenge you to beat me in lv28 pvp
wager of 5-10 exalts, accept ?
but of cause you wont accept, you have ignorant prejudice towards LLD because you have never experienced it properly. 10 exalt initiative enough? maybe you are smart enough to not waste your time ;)

nah, lvl 28 is boring to me, and I dont really want to waste time to find low level gears for pvp.
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
SunPrice wrote:
exmse wrote:
bahaha sundance, you really have no idea

i'm not going to play end game pvp because i play hardcore for pve
but i challenge you to beat me in lv28 pvp
wager of 5-10 exalts, accept ?
but of cause you wont accept, you have ignorant prejudice towards LLD because you have never experienced it properly. 10 exalt initiative enough? maybe you are smart enough to not waste your time ;)

nah, lvl 28 is boring to me, and I dont really want to waste time to find low level gears for pvp.

ohh wow that video makes end game pvp so brutally boring... and i thought lv28 pvp could be lame at times

i musnt have your hardcore pro gaming perspective though

wait i am confused, you are beating this idiot who just leap frogs on your face when you have such low survivability? such a strategic game i see
Last edited by exmse on Jul 2, 2013, 5:23:48 AM
exmse wrote:
SunPrice wrote:
exmse wrote:
bahaha sundance, you really have no idea

i'm not going to play end game pvp because i play hardcore for pve
but i challenge you to beat me in lv28 pvp
wager of 5-10 exalts, accept ?
but of cause you wont accept, you have ignorant prejudice towards LLD because you have never experienced it properly. 10 exalt initiative enough? maybe you are smart enough to not waste your time ;)

nah, lvl 28 is boring to me, and I dont really want to waste time to find low level gears for pvp.

ohh wow that video makes end game pvp so brutally boring... and i thought lv28 pvp could be lame at times

i musnt have your hardcore pro gaming perspective though

wait i am confused, you are beating this idiot who just leap frogs on your face when you have such low survivability? such a strategic game i see

mate, he is not just leap slam, he used leap slam to move to avoid target locking from me (how could you hit him by your Heavy strike or Double Strike if you cant lock him ?), then he used multi-flicker Strike to Suppressive attack, finally cycloping to finish .

I got 2000 ES and 3000+ life in that video but his damage is very high. He got 3000-4000 life, I dont remember exatly.

Dont u see ? that's the problem, you cant figure out what happened in the video cause it's 2 difference worlds : normal pvp and merciless pvp.

That fight wont last long cause both of us go for damage a lot, and I got max block though but he also got block reduction like 100%
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
Last edited by SunPrice on Jul 2, 2013, 6:34:17 AM
Oh baby when you talk like that
You make a woman go mad

Last edited by exmse on Jul 2, 2013, 12:26:13 PM
Well the rules of PoE arena allow it so I guess that means its legit, but as a long time GM dueler in D2 I always let people buff.
SirOtis wrote:
Well the rules of PoE arena allow it so I guess that means its legit, but as a long time GM dueler in D2 I always let people buff.

well said
discussion should end here
Last edited by exmse on Jul 2, 2013, 12:52:55 PM

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