Maven !

Just remove this bossfight.
Seriously i don't want to think when i come home from work.
Why does this shit exists ?
Because the top 1 % of your players cried: We are bored !?

Okay here is my take on this brainrot of a fight that does the following things:

- Switches of ALL sources of life/es reg when u do a little touchy touchy on sidestep, BECAUSE THATS FUN !!!
No its not, who thought it would be ? Literally makes alot builds struggle like hell .....

- Hovering blue ballz you NEED TO DROPP ALL ON THE SAME SPOT (in the middle if you will) or you get raped by Simon says DIE while you have negative movespeed and warp into a dimension of pain !
Also if you enter back into the fight while they are out on the field, they stand still BUT when you move out of invu. phase they move at the speed of light suddenly ! Had that happen like 2 Times in the same fight.

- Oh the Bosspawn mechanic is absolute epic bullshit xD if you are unlucky it just spawns in a combination of bosses that just by doing 1 cast INSTAKILL you.
Like the Vamp boss with the bloodbeams combined with any boss that casts vulnerability .... your chances, instant ZERO !
And no iam not going to freaking make a new build just because i need one more immunity to make this fight, its just stupid that this is even a thing.

I want fun and not THIS !
Its okay if a boss is a little challange .... but this is ONLY challenge NO fun.
When somebody like me who is working a job makes it to lvl 98 and gear worth 300 div, he wants to CRUSH things NOT THINK (well a little dodging is okay and a little focus also).
THIS is the only part of your game i would call absolutely bad.
I love PoE because i played D2 LoD for about 12 years back in school your game is GREAT, absolutely.
But this fight, hell nah.
You know wich fight also has 1 shot mechanics but is much clearer and much more fun ?
Uber Atziri, back then when Shavs/Spectral Throw was the Goat the fight was hard BUT it was clear as a sunny day that when you died it was YOUR fault.
The Maven fight ?
Nope, too much shit on the screen, too much to observe and think about.
A game stops beeing a game when you have to think as much as you do on your job, think about that, please.

Not a native english speaker here, so you can eat all the grammar mistakes :P

Same things i mentioned here go for the Feared fight, i managed that one, but holy megacrap that fight fills the screen with clutter and depending on the casts of bosses you just die and have no chance to escape or dodge .....
Last edited by FireflyXT90 on Sep 5, 2024, 5:02:45 AM
Last bumped on Sep 9, 2024, 4:47:26 PM
You want it removed because you can't do it.

While others can?

Do you not see anything wrong with that? Maybe improve how you to play then you wouldn't have issues.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Sep 5, 2024, 5:05:32 AM
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You want it removed because you can't do it.

While others can?

Do you not see anything wrong with that? Maybe improve how you to play then you wouldn't have issues.

u did not read a single bit of my post did you ?
are you the 1% ggg is catering too at the moment ?
i bet you don't work a job that sometimes consumes 12 h of your day.
How does that relate to you not playing very properly? Or build issues?

It has nothing to do with it?

Yet you can continue to try and insult me it won't make you beat maven any better.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
FireflyXT90 wrote:

Seriously i don't want to think when i come home from work.

Then... go to sleep?

FireflyXT90 wrote:

- Switches of ALL sources of life/es reg when u do a little touchy touchy on sidestep, BECAUSE THATS FUN !!!
No its not, who thought it would be ? Literally makes alot builds struggle like hell .....

Dont run into the lasers.

FireflyXT90 wrote:

- Hovering blue ballz you NEED TO DROPP ALL ON THE SAME SPOT (in the middle if you will) or you get raped by Simon says DIE while you have negative movespeed and warp into a dimension of pain !
Also if you enter back into the fight while they are out on the field, they stand still BUT when you move out of invu. phase they move at the speed of light suddenly ! Had that happen like 2 Times in the same fight.

Are you talking about the balls that spawn gravity wells when they reach you?
Place them accordingly, doesnt have to be in the center though.

FireflyXT90 wrote:

- Oh the Bosspawn mechanic is absolute epic bullshit xD if you are unlucky it just spawns in a combination of bosses that just by doing 1 cast INSTAKILL you.
Like the Vamp boss with the bloodbeams combined with any boss that casts vulnerability .... your chances, instant ZERO !
And no iam not going to freaking make a new build just because i need one more immunity to make this fight, its just stupid that this is even a thing.

If you are having trouble with the bosses that spawn then you arent ready for the maven fight. They shouldnt be doing much of anything against you.

FireflyXT90 wrote:

When somebody like me who is working a job makes it to lvl 98 and gear worth 300 div, he wants to CRUSH things NOT THINK (well a little dodging is okay and a little focus also).
THIS is the only part of your game i would call absolutely bad.

If your build is 300 div.... how are you not just one shotting any of the bosses that spawn in the brain phase?

Is it 300 div poorly spent... or???

Thats an expensive build to not beable to do the maven on. Much less have trouble with the bosses that spawn.

FireflyXT90 wrote:

The Maven fight ?
Nope, too much shit on the screen, too much to observe and think about.
A game stops beeing a game when you have to think as much as you do on your job, think about that, please.

There is not that much happening on the screen at all during the maven fight.

FireflyXT90 wrote:

Not a native english speaker here

You certainly seem like one.

If you need help with the maven with a 300 div build, the next course of action would be to practice practice practice.

Im not sure how you have THAT much investment into a build and struggle with bosses that spawn in the fight.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
FireflyXT90 wrote:
Just remove this bossfight.
Seriously i don't want to think when i come home from work.
Why does this shit exists ?
Because the top 1 % of your players cried: We are bored !?

Okay here is my take on this brainrot of a fight that does the following things:

- Switches of ALL sources of life/es reg when u do a little touchy touchy on sidestep, BECAUSE THATS FUN !!!
No its not, who thought it would be ? Literally makes alot builds struggle like hell .....

- Hovering blue ballz you NEED TO DROPP ALL ON THE SAME SPOT (in the middle if you will) or you get raped by Simon says DIE while you have negative movespeed and warp into a dimension of pain !
Also if you enter back into the fight while they are out on the field, they stand still BUT when you move out of invu. phase they move at the speed of light suddenly ! Had that happen like 2 Times in the same fight.

- Oh the Bosspawn mechanic is absolute epic bullshit xD if you are unlucky it just spawns in a combination of bosses that just by doing 1 cast INSTAKILL you.
Like the Vamp boss with the bloodbeams combined with any boss that casts vulnerability .... your chances, instant ZERO !
And no iam not going to freaking make a new build just because i need one more immunity to make this fight, its just stupid that this is even a thing.

I want fun and not THIS !
Its okay if a boss is a little challange .... but this is ONLY challenge NO fun.
When somebody like me who is working a job makes it to lvl 98 and gear worth 300 div, he wants to CRUSH things NOT THINK (well a little dodging is okay and a little focus also).
THIS is the only part of your game i would call absolutely bad.
I love PoE because i played D2 LoD for about 12 years back in school your game is GREAT, absolutely.
But this fight, hell nah.
You know wich fight also has 1 shot mechanics but is much clearer and much more fun ?
Uber Atziri, back then when Shavs/Spectral Throw was the Goat the fight was hard BUT it was clear as a sunny day that when you died it was YOUR fault.
The Maven fight ?
Nope, too much shit on the screen, too much to observe and think about.
A game stops beeing a game when you have to think as much as you do on your job, think about that, please.

Not a native english speaker here, so you can eat all the grammar mistakes :P

Same things i mentioned here go for the Feared fight, i managed that one, but holy megacrap that fight fills the screen with clutter and depending on the casts of bosses you just die and have no chance to escape or dodge .....

Well many people don´t like the maven fight but there are really only 2 options for you:

First: Play a build which kills her insanely fast (every non dot besides poison with your 300 Div investment) to skip her mechanics.

Second: Skip Maven everytime and be fine to buy a carry for your voidstone every league.

The term " top 1%" is also one of the cheapest excuses this community has. Maven is a difficult fight on your first tries, sure. But why do you think you should be able to do every fight in a game without learning the mechanics?

Spend some time to learn it and your complains will go away, well for the too difficult part at least.
This is a curious thread.

I avoid Maven fight like the plague, due to my ASD it triggers me into ‘dumb’ behaviour at critical points in the fight.
My friend (I assume the OP has some) always does mine, from the first quest one to the many I accrue during the league. I know the fight, I know how it works, I am good enough for the mechanics I just get triggered and screw it up (almost 100% of the time). So I use my clan.

Rewards from Maven seem to have become more and more lacklustre as time passes (yes we get awakened gems, but that chance seem to be evaporating each league).

Simple answer to OP is leave the fight unplayed and just either don’t engage with it (set your map device to eater or exarch) or do engage but use friends to do or help with the actual fight.
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Sep 5, 2024, 6:37:44 AM
You need to practice the fight on a build that has 500k dps.

300 div investment should delete the boss. you're likely just standing in everything trying to phase the boss as fast as possible without doing mechanics.

If you are playing like this you SHOULD be punished for it.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
You need to practice the fight on a build that has 500k dps.

300 div investment should delete the boss. you're likely just standing in everything trying to phase the boss as fast as possible without doing mechanics.

If you are playing like this you SHOULD be punished for it.

This is so true, even my friend (mentioned he does my mavens) who has a 30million pinnacle dps build can’t ignore mechanics
Timbo Zero wrote:
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
You need to practice the fight on a build that has 500k dps.

300 div investment should delete the boss. you're likely just standing in everything trying to phase the boss as fast as possible without doing mechanics.

If you are playing like this you SHOULD be punished for it.

This is so true, even my friend (mentioned he does my mavens) who has a 30million pinnacle dps build can’t ignore mechanics

Its likely he only has 30m pob dps and its not all functional on a boss fight. 30 million dps is enough to phase maven before doing most mechanics

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