99.99% of all item drops are complete trash

jsuslak313 wrote:

But this is EXACTLY THE POINT! That is exactly what Sid was saying. If the DROP were better, the "expense" of new builds would be far lower. It would completely shift the player perspective from "div / hr" and "cost", to "what do I need to drop", and encourage the player to actually WANT to play because the drop is at least somewhat likely to come at some point.

You certainly aren't the only one who is reluctant to start a new build, because of the "cost" of that build. But cost is almost entirely a feeling brought on by useless drops and the need to farm currency ad nauseum. If that weren't the case, its no longer a "cost" associated with a new build, but rather "gameplay".

Min/max.....that should and will still take forever. You aren't going to drop the "BiS" item, unless for your build that happens to be a unique. But you WILL have far more steady and far more reliable progress across the build, reducing burnout from repetitive "run map as fast as possible, pick up ONLY high currency, market sim, repeat".

I entirely disagree with this, and I'm convinced it is reverse. There are only two scenarios I would consider making new builds is one league, either there would be something very very (x10) interesting for me to test, or my current build would have to be very bad at mechanic I want to run (mapping/bossing/delve/heist/etc.)- as I don't care about profit/hour, just what I would consider fun to run. Cost/gear is absolutely not a factor in any of those scenarios.

Moreso, there are other games where such loot buff had place, and failed miserably, for example diablo 4, when on certain level (95+?) you start to only get 925 legendary items, so everything else is shit. Blizzard added greater affix legendary items (GA), so actually, this turned even 925 legendary items into useless junk - funny that buffed items, that were previously good, after loot buff become dogshit. If D4 would make 1GA items as base loot, it would become dogshit, as 2GA would be considered good and 3GA great. So buffing it again, to make 2GA base loot, would make it dogshit, as only 3GA would be good. That's an endless cycle of buffing. Endless cycle of power creep.

There will always be bad items, average, and good, so if you remove "bad items" pool, average will take their place, and will be called bad. I believe that for some it could lead to a point where they will expect triple elevated influenced items to drop.

Anyway, this is probably mostly about money and trade again, but people fail to see that those items will be so common it will be worth 1alch at best, and instead of gearing up in few days, it will take them hours to finish the game, so in consequence, GGG would have to buff up difficulty for game to be still entertaining. Just like in D4, as they picked this road - and yet, best way to obtain gear or gold in D4 is trade, despite it is as tedious/horrible/dogshit as blizz could make it (3rd party discords/websites/forums).
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Sep 5, 2024, 3:12:41 PM
The game has scaled past it's loot table.

The only purpose for a unique is .... well a unique skill.
But in every other way they suck .

The game has scaled so hard that it is never better to have a unique in a slot rather than switch to a build that wont need it , or get a crafted variant.

It's treated like its end game gear.... it isn't
It should be dropping like candy from levels 20-60 and i mean raining them!
only way they would have a chance at being used or experimented with.

ALL of my money this league came from a boat.
im playing virtual harbor master.
fun for a bit but im tired of it already , if going out an killing hordes of monsters is not the best way to get loot ... what is this game trying to be ?
Last edited by Jitter912 on Sep 5, 2024, 6:07:42 PM
Jitter912 wrote:

The game has scaled so hard that it is never better to have a unique in a slot rather than switch to a build that wont need it , or get a crafted variant.

That's wrong cause in many cases a unique item ends up being build enabling as a rare item won't do the same or returns little to no better performance even in mirror tier area.

Some unique items could really do use some buffs as they fell apart over the years, but the is still a good list of amazing unique items that just simply end up being overlooked and stay rather unused as most people just follow meta rather than playing some niche non meta builds themselves.

And well some uniques do simply serve as the purpose of being just a leveling item or budget item till you get something crafted with better performance.
Path of exile was never designed to have unique items as the total BiS for every gear slot in mind as rare items always had more potential even during the early times of this game.
Lot's of people kinda do forget that part and keep their focus on the expectation that unique items should be the top pristine non negotiable gear option mostly cause D3 and other arpgs did the mistake by just having a times 300000x multiplier on those items.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Sep 5, 2024, 6:37:42 PM
Nomancs wrote:
Moreso, there are other games where such loot buff had place, and failed miserably, for example diablo 4, when on certain level (95+?) you start to only get 925 legendary items, so everything else is shit. Blizzard added greater affix legendary items (GA), so actually, this turned even 925 legendary items into useless junk - funny that buffed items, that were previously good, after loot buff become dogshit.

POE did the same thing with the new base types added to the game, last league I had a Hubris Circlet with 456 ES, this league now you can get helms with over 600 ES which now means Hubris Circlet is "dogshit" in comparison
they could literally delete 99% of all ground loot without any other changes and it would make the game vastly less exhausting and tedious to play. I am on super strict neversink with my own hides as well on top and the game still throws too much junk on the screen.

BTW don't say "play ruthless" ruthless has a bunch or really misguided balance mistakes (they lobotomized the atlass tree for example) that they aren't reconsidering or even tweaking.

With ruthless being a dead mode that dead of its own "trying soo hard to be hard that we removed anything remotely like agency or fun" design mistakes its really not an option. it was fun for a few leagues but the first time you map for an entire week and don't so much as find a mediocre item it just gets old.

If there's one thing that triggers me about GGG its their propensity to refuse to re-visit their bad choices or ask themselves if they maybe went too far with something. You see it in all their "totally gut the skill permanently" triple nerfs and in every failed side mode (Battle royal, racing seasons, and Ruthless)
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Sep 5, 2024, 7:27:05 PM
Pashid wrote:
Jitter912 wrote:

The game has scaled so hard that it is never better to have a unique in a slot rather than switch to a build that wont need it , or get a crafted variant.

That's wrong cause in many cases a unique item ends up being build enabling

Yea he covered that in the part you seemingly deliberately ignored.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Sep 5, 2024, 7:28:17 PM
It's not hard to tell that ruthless was just some early alpha concept testing of how far they can go with PoE2 and they did the testing with success I'd say.
Earlier testing of ruthless did provided them the data that players don't mind stuff like boss resets upon death along with many other things that have been tested in ruthless.
Ruthless with gold was just further testing with gold being a resource and this league is also just playground to test out what players are more likely to spend gold on if they have access to it.
Recognize the gear gamble? It's just a PoE2 vendor selling you gear for gold like they've mentioned it long ago.

People who've already played and tested the alpha and closed beta told you that it's just concept testing so quite unlucky for those who've missed out on the golden days of ruthless being fun aka the closed beta state.

alhazred70 wrote:

Yea he covered that in the part you seemingly deliberately ignored.

"or get a crafted variant" to get diminishing or worse returns as they often don't get to nearly the same results as using a unique with a build enabling line or feature.
so you are the one who've ignored part of their post. Try read their post again :)
But you seem to just follow up with whatever is on the meta train, so it's quite fair that some items or interactions end up getting overlooked by you as you never really have to worry about new build ideas or interaction of less popular items.all the meta builds are already all cooked up to the max potential after all.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Sep 5, 2024, 7:51:00 PM
Jixa87 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
Moreso, there are other games where such loot buff had place, and failed miserably, for example diablo 4, when on certain level (95+?) you start to only get 925 legendary items, so everything else is shit. Blizzard added greater affix legendary items (GA), so actually, this turned even 925 legendary items into useless junk - funny that buffed items, that were previously good, after loot buff become dogshit.

POE did the same thing with the new base types added to the game, last league I had a Hubris Circlet with 456 ES, this league now you can get helms with over 600 ES which now means Hubris Circlet is "dogshit" in comparison

Thanks, I missed this! Good example.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Sep 5, 2024, 7:41:46 PM
Nomancs wrote:
Jixa87 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
Moreso, there are other games where such loot buff had place, and failed miserably, for example diablo 4, when on certain level (95+?) you start to only get 925 legendary items, so everything else is shit. Blizzard added greater affix legendary items (GA), so actually, this turned even 925 legendary items into useless junk - funny that buffed items, that were previously good, after loot buff become dogshit.

POE did the same thing with the new base types added to the game, last league I had a Hubris Circlet with 456 ES, this league now you can get helms with over 600 ES which now means Hubris Circlet is "dogshit" in comparison

Thanks, I missed this! Good example.

But all the triple giga nerfs without any buffs!
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Pashid wrote:

But all the triple giga nerfs without any buffs!

I did just use the term triple nerf so if this was directed in my general direction: I've definitely never said they don't buff anything nor do I ever think nerfs are always bad things in fact they could (objectively) lop 50% of the flat damage off every spell and the game would only be better for it and less silly/Emperion/CuteDog "a screen filled with your characters legs and a bunch off unintelligible flashing and pixels spam".

And crazy enough a 50% across the board nerf here wouldn't even be enough. Source: you can map in ruthless without a single support gem on a spell, and I've red mapped in ruthless on 3 linked spells.

Anyway triple tap nerf is a pretty common term around here going back to early days tho so maybe it wasn't directed my way.

We don't agree often but I agree with Ruthless being an Alpha for POE2's loot balance... I think its fair to characterize it as a dual purpose "limit test"

Like how dry unfun, sandpaper, bend over bereft of agency and important choices; can we make the balancing and players still login and play the game.

The answer is definitely a lot less dry than Ruthless unless they want a ~500 person playerbase.

As for the other purpose I think they wanted to see how big of an audience ProjectPT er Ruthless hard mode REALLY had.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Sep 5, 2024, 8:42:10 PM

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