99.99% of all item drops are complete trash

I could have sworn we were told about a loot 2.0 revamp in POE 1 awhile ago and it never seemed to happen

All we got is nerfs to currency drops and good item drops making ground loot feel even more horrendous

POE 1 is in a dire need of a loot overhaul

#1 - Way too many white/magic items dropping with literally 0 value

#2 - Most unique items have zero purpose and aren't even used as leveling or early game gear

#3 - Most rare items that drop are not even worth id'ing


How to improve the loot in the game

#1 - Revamp or remove unique items that none is using, if they don't serve a purpose like a piece of leveling gear or a good item to create a build around then just remove or revamp it...

There are not enough T1 unique items that are actually T1.. alot of the tier 1 uniques are actually kinda bad, even some of the T0 are trash

There should be a buff and revamp to many unique items so that we aren't just filtering out 90% of all uniques

The revamp to unique jewels started the loot overhaul and that's pretty much all we got... why did this not continue into the other unique item types?

#2 - Remove almost all white/magic/rare items from dropping in maps

Rare items should drop with a well-rolled status so that you are ALWAYS wanting to pick up rare items and ID them

White items only serve a purpose for animate weapon which should be changed, none is out here picking up white and magic items...completely remove white pieces of gear from the loot pool

Non-Unique Items should only drop as magic OR rare

All magic items should drop identified, making it have a separate purpose to rare/unique items and allowing for players to search for specific mods they want to regal or even imprint

#3 - Difficult mobs should drop better loot, the more juiced a mob is the more rewarding it should be... you should never be out here fighting a massive rare/unique and get 0 from it

Last edited by Bloomania on Aug 24, 2024, 11:01:34 PM
Last bumped on Sep 6, 2024, 3:13:40 PM
+1, loot has been utterly insanely awful this league, the game is much less fun for it
Bloomania wrote:
All magic items should drop identified, making it have a separate purpose to rare/unique items and allowing for players to search for specific mods they want to regal or even imprint

I think magic and rare items should drop with half of their mods identified. Your filter would of course read and highlight the mods you are interested in, and identifying the item would actually be an action you'd want to do. Hell, it would even be interesting in some cases.

When it comes to uniques, I don't really care. There's a reason why unique items are called "uniques" and not "epic", "ultimate" or whatever; they aren't necessarily supposed to be BiS, but rather offer something unique. So I would say remove or revamp every unique item that isn't unique.

Magic and rare items are both WAY bigger problems than unique items. Sure, some of them sucks, but some of them are very good. Rare items are supposed to be better, which they are in 9/10 cases.


Now, what I don't understand, and hopefully someone can explain this to me; Smart loot (or favorably rolled items), like we have in Heist, Ritual (?) and through shipments are all nice and dandy. But why are GGG refusing to add items like this to the core drop pool? Why does every "nice rare" have to be mechanic specific? Having a good rare DROP feels so much better, at least IMO.

So again, adding favorably rolled items to the core drop pool - and hiding half of their mods would be the best from both worlds: you would be excited when your filter is highlighting them, and you would be excited when identifying them.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
+1 for all items drop alrdy ID

wisdom scroll not need at all
Settlers master craft service Settlers My IGN TreeOfDead
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reduce number of dropped equipment by 10x
make what drops roll from 10x improved mod pool where bottom tier modifiers are cut out necropolis style until chance to get top tier roll is 10x better than prior

that is bare minimum that I would do
Just reduce gear droprate by 90%, no need to compensate.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:
Just reduce gear droprate by 90%, no need to compensate.

Pretty much this. It might need tweaking for things that already drop but realistically after league start you could disable rares from dropping and I wouldn't notice.
But without compensating it would be ruthless. You can play that now.
While I agree that there is a big problems with loot and the original post identifies several of the problems, I do not agree with any of the proposed solutions that have been posted so far...

I don't believe any uniques should be outright removed, they should be made better/more useful. GGG has already removed uniques that some people have found useful, I don't see the need in this.

I strongly disagree that rares should be "always good" or even identifiable as "good" by your filter. This gives even more power to the best players that zoom through maps in a minute... Instead of ignoring the rares on the ground as they do now, they would get tons of extremely valuable items in a relatively short amount of time. This is probably the exact opposite of what GGG should be doing.

However, I do think that overall there should be much, much less items dropping. Normal and magic items aren't completely useless though, for example there are high quality bases and high defense roll armours that have value. And sometimes there is usefulness in low level bases with high item levels. Then there is corrupted implicits for recombinating purposes... Things get complicated when it comes to deciding what gets removed and what doesn't, which is where the filter comes in.

One final thought: I have recently started to think that it could be a good idea to introduce well-rolled rares into the core drop pool in place of regular rares, with nothing to distinguish them from others. Meaning, people picking up and IDing items (slower players and those in need of upgrades the most) would benefit from occasionally getting a valuable rare for their effort while most other players (better players in general who already benefit from being time-efficient), would simply ignore them. This should improve the experience of players that are in need of help the most... That's the theory at least.
Bosscannon wrote:
But without compensating it would be ruthless. You can play that now.

You should read what ruthless is and what is different from SC. Reducing gear drop will not even be any way near ruthless.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.

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