99.99% of all item drops are complete trash

roundishcap wrote:
That entire stash picture i would offer maybe 20 chaos for a base i want. Considering locking prefixes or suffixes costs multiple divines those items with a few good mods are absolute trash and not worth picking up.

If ggg wanted us fixing ground items then rolling on them shouldn't cost an arm and a leg. Especially if I have to annul like 3 mods off to *start* crafting on the base.

Face it, the entire crafting system screams don't touch me. Everything about it just eats time or auto completes in one attempt.

Yea I mean you are kind of contradicting yourself here as .... you say youll pay 20c for them... but then you have to "fork over" to craft on them....

So you dont want to craft on something that needs to be crafted?
Much confusion.

You also dont craft everything with prefix/suffix cannot be changed. You CAN craft using that and do, but not every time. Usually you save that for the really expensive stuff.

My chest I did that and only did it once, cleared all content with it. Reroll defense, had a prefix/suffix open, locked prefixes rerolled physical to get PDR and it also rolled the armor/stun.

Dismissing items because you have to "fork over" kind of thinking gets people to spend MORE than what they should on items they are trying to obtain, that would otherwise be easy to craft. Simple chaos reroll, or defense reroll, can net you items that carry you to end game, including ubers and it did for me.

These dont cost anything at all, no "forking over" at all. And simple beast crafts looking for a good prefix or suffix are not either, those are 5c each beast.

like these for example:

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Sep 6, 2024, 1:03:11 AM
If metamods didnt cost multi divine more people would engage with crafting. Otherwise any mistake or bad luck blows through peoples savings and leaves them miserable instead of getting an upgrade to gear.
Last edited by Bosscannon on Sep 6, 2024, 2:27:02 AM
Bosscannon wrote:
If metamods didnt cost multi divine more people would engage with crafting. Otherwise any mistake or bad luck blows through peoples savings and leaves them miserable instead of getting an upgrade to gear.

Yep exactly, like the only league where I crafted an item myself and was satisfied with crafting was during Harvest league, where I added a spell damage warlord mod to my alva temple gloves. Since that league ended I always just copy pasted some guide about meta-crafting and its always "just hit a 50/50 twice" or something, even worse if your veiled orb isn't guaranteed to add the mod you want because then you're wasting so many more divines depending on how expensive those are. Harvest actually made crafting approachable and fun for casuals, but ofc they nerfed it into the ground and deleted all the fun crafts like the "sacrifice a map for master missions" one or the "change socket colors to x" crafts. Now you just have an omen that only does 1-3 white sockets randomly since Vorici in betrayal can't do white sockets anymore lol
Mashgesture wrote:

Dismissing items because you have to "fork over" kind of thinking gets people to spend MORE than what they should on items they are trying to obtain, that would otherwise be easy to craft. Simple chaos reroll, or defense reroll, can net you items that carry you to end game, including ubers and it did for me.

The base argument is sound though, generally the base for crafting is dirt cheap, but actually doing anything of real value to that base past that part is prohibitively expensive and more importantly lacks direction.

Sure you can buy 100 pulls on the slot machine for a div to get those first 2 -3 mods

but after that point , you are basically in beast craft / meta mod hell and your price tag to pull the slot even once goes from a few chaos to 1 div to multiple div yet you will still need 10s, 100s, 1000s of pulls to get what you want depending on how rare the mods you want are.

And that is simply not all that approachable

Especially when we have so many pools of mods that clearly were introduced to the game when different crafting metas existed.

You cannot tell me that the current situation with staves having both magic mods and attack mods or minion items (convoking wands fossil shields) is anything other than pathetic.

You cannot tell me that crafting legacy (pre eldritch) influence is good.

Because they are not. they don't even interact positively with half the systems. Its expensive inconsistent garbage and you know it.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Sep 6, 2024, 7:24:17 AM
Saltychipmunk wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:

Dismissing items because you have to "fork over" kind of thinking gets people to spend MORE than what they should on items they are trying to obtain, that would otherwise be easy to craft. Simple chaos reroll, or defense reroll, can net you items that carry you to end game, including ubers and it did for me.

The base argument is sound though, generally the base for crafting is dirt cheap, but actually doing anything of real value to that base past that part is prohibitively expensive and more importantly lacks direction.

Sure you can buy 100 pulls on the slot machine for a div to get those first 2 -3 mods

but after that point , you are basically in beast craft / meta mod hell and your price tag to pull the slot even once goes from a few chaos to 1 div to multiple div yet you will still need 10s, 100s, 1000s of pulls to get what you want depending on how rare the mods you want are.

And that is simply not all that approachable

Especially when we have so many pools of mods that clearly were introduced to the game when different crafting metas existed.

You cannot tell me that the current situation with staves having both magic mods and attack mods or minion items (convoking wands fossil shields) is anything other than pathetic.

You cannot tell me that crafting legacy (pre eldritch) influence is good.

Because they are not. they don't even interact positively with half the systems. Its expensive inconsistent garbage and you know it.

Yea I mean I dont defend stuff rolling on basetypes that wouldnt make sense. Like physical rolls showing up on convoking wands thats pretty stupid.

But dont try to represent small problems like that as if its commonplace around ALL items, you dont run into these issues on anything really except for weapons. And only around specific niche cases, like convoking wands.

If you play a build that requires a ton of insane crafts, thats not really the craftings problem, thats the build. (stat stackers for example, very $$$ stuff)

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
I would argue that every minion based item having a painfully dilute mod pool while also lacking a good way to target those mods outside of one fossil is not minor

Nor do I think not 1 , not 2 but 6 of 8 influence types being terribly craft unfriendly as minor.

I struggle to understand what motivation you would have to down play the current state of things when the devs aren't even doing that.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Sep 6, 2024, 10:37:36 AM
All this talk makes me miss the old Harvest crafting before GGG gutted it. Buffing it back to that state would do wonders in getting more people into crafting rather than being a high-stakes gambling minigame.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
It is beyond clear to me that the old influences really don't work that well without the old harvest. It is simply too many layers of rng to cut through and we are stuck using a smooth stone to do the cutting.

Frankly I am kinda surprised that the shaper, elder and conquerors still exist as content when you consider how terrible their core drop mechanic is.

Saltychipmunk wrote:
I would argue that every minion based item having a painfully dilute mod pool while also lacking a good way to target those mods outside of one fossil is not minor

Nor do I think not 1 , not 2 but 6 of 8 influence types being terribly craft unfriendly as minor.

I struggle to understand what motivation you would have to down play the current state of things when the devs aren't even doing that.

I get the feeling you are basing all of this around 1 archetype you play almost exclusively, summoner, and it really only applies to your weapon and base your opinion of crafting around that.

You make it sound like crafting is in this DIRE situation that its not based on an almost SINGLE experience you have had with summoner wands.

SRS, only that wand actually takes a bit more out of crafting, getting +2 wand and a trigger. Rest of the build is braindead crafts that take no time at all.
But most just use United in dream (PSN), its stronger anyways so it really doesnt even apply in 81%(ninja) cases.

I already said that I dont agree with how some things roll on minion wands but for holy relic, the thing you are playing, you dont even need this crazy journey of crafting like the argument you are framing. And its not even a wand you need to craft on but a dagger.

You need 2 mods to hit with alt/aug, regal, 1/3 chance annul, and your done. Multimod a single single time after that. FOR ONE ITEM. The rest of it is just braindead crafts and uniques.

Old skele mages, you needed a good trigger wand, and then a double influence (shaper/elder) helmet. But the rest of the items were braindead crafts or uniques.
So 2 items were actually expensive.

I could go on but these items arent even necessary to get most content even done in this game (+2 wand, double influenced helmet..) These are min/max options that ... honestly SHOULD take some time to craft as they are BIS items.

I dont think I have heard the devs speak about this, "downplay the current state of things when the devs arent..."
Source on that one?

Ill retract what I say if you can provide that.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Currently running Tier 5 Maps (I know quite low) at Level 81. Now for the fifth evening in a row I haven't changed my equipment. I just find crap. The legendaries I find (1-2 per evening) are not for my class. Except for the next skill point I see absolutely no progression. In all my years with POE this NEVER happened. I'm bored to death and will now quit. Didn't want so write at first, but without feedback, no chance of improvement. BTW I liked Kaldur as the new mechanic (though I felt I lost every second ship to pirates or kings taxes). Hoping this was just incredibly bad luck. CU in the next season.

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