99.99% of all item drops are complete trash

Unfortunately I do not see a good fix to this.

Even if we were to adjusted item drops to be say 100 times less but 10 times more valuable it wont change the fact that realistically the best items cannot drop.

The mod pool is simply too fragmented and diluted for drops to matter.

We have delve only mods
We have fractured bases with random mods
We have influences, double influences that can only be made not found
We have essence mods
We have temple mods
secondary enchants
Extreme affix weights
The link system

That is too many layers of rng even with all of the shit dropping on the ground.

Which was why people like the old op as fuck harvest. You needed literal item editing as a mechanic to actually do anything with this mess of a mod pool .. or be stupid wealthy to brute force the rng

We will never get that harvest back so the only other realistic option is basically burn the whole system to the ground and start over

This alone is probably a major selling point of poe2 A game bereft of this cumbersome and terrible crafting system/ mod pool.

I know it is for me as I am tired of poe's itemization.
My thought has always been that as the item level goes up, the ability to roll a bottom tier mod should go away. That way, you don't get iLvl 86 items with a T12 life mod. I'm not saying it should always roll T1, just that maybe it should roll something between T1 and T6 at that level. So, not useless, but maybe passable for someone looking for upgrades. For players who are in their "final kit", they'll still just ignore them as normal.
even if you remove low roll mods , the mod pool is still ridiculously complicated
this is essentially what I want too
Last edited by Bosscannon on Sep 4, 2024, 10:53:03 AM
Saltychipmunk wrote:
even if you remove low roll mods , the mod pool is still ridiculously complicated

You are right....but its not about dropping the BEST items. Its about dropping GOOD items. High rolled basic rares are still GOOD items and useful for many players. Crafting and wealth will still get you perfect items that cannot be found, that shouldn't change.

If we can assume that by the time you get to ilvl 83 items, there is a very low chance that ANY mod on the item will be below t3/t4, then that makes both rare drops more exciting but also even low end crafting with basic currency on higher ilvl bases.

Basically, adjusting the pool of drops so that they actually match where you SHOULD be in your gearing will make drops more reliable/exciting. And lets not forget that we can add most other content with special mods to the map, whose drops will ALSO get adjusted and more valuable.

Drops don't need to be 6 x useful t1s for them to matter. They just need to be closer to the middle / low-middle reliably.

Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 4, 2024, 2:02:08 PM
Whats the point of good drops, it just kills all league mechanics.
The whole fun is based around bases/crafting.

They could update some crappy uniques though.
Heidern2880 wrote:
The whole fun is based around bases/crafting.

This is subjective. I, for example, hate gambling.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Heidern2880 wrote:
Whats the point of good drops, it just kills all league mechanics.
The whole fun is based around bases/crafting.

They could update some crappy uniques though.

Hmmm.....a randomized loot-based arpg and what's the point of the loot? Interesting comment.

Why update crappy uniques then? just remove all rarities and have only bases drop. Or better yet, get rid of all bases and just have crafting currencies drop.
Bosscannon wrote:
reduce number of dropped equipment by 10x
make what drops roll from 10x improved mod pool where bottom tier modifiers are cut out necropolis style until chance to get top tier roll is 10x better than prior

that is bare minimum that I would do

They would literally never, ever, ever do that. They want us to struggle, that is the point -- they literally want us to struggle, and they DO NOT want better more impactful gear droping. That "invalidates the game" is the new line they've started spewing.

If you think they would ever consider this than you don't know who you are supporting as a company..

They scrapped loot 2.0 because they realized even with as little as 1-2 good mods that work together it "invalidates the game", aka, too much power....

GGG is determined to make the game a slog. This is why they axed the really powerful tree skills in crucible. This is why they destroyed almost everything in 3.15, etc etc etc.

They WANT us to struggle with literally every aspect of the game. It is their goal, and their design philosophy.
Rakie1337 wrote:
good points

look....I agree with you to a certain extent. However, I truly believe it isn't that they DON'T want better drops or better crafting or a more meaningful experience.......I believe it is that they CAN'T do it correctly. They either do not have the talent, do not have the tools, or do not have the ability within the current game environment. Either that, or they are simply dysfunctional as a development team, with too many cooks in the kitchen trying to do their own thing and no one talking to each other and compromising.

Like you pointed out, they have TRIED to improve the situation on many different occasions. That doesn't seem like a company against all forms of improvement. They removed things because they were just straight up broken. Harvest was broken. Crucible trees (not all of them, but some) were broken. Lucky talismans were broken. Etc. It was NOT because they favor the slog (at least, not entirely), it was because their "idea" was bad to begin with and didn't work.

I legitimately believe that, based on the historical nerf/buff/nerf/buff nature of GGG changes, they simply cannot plan far enough ahead to make good, permanent changes. It's never middling with them: its either WAY too far one way, or practically non-existent.

They are TRYING to do something about loot, nearly every league since 3.14 has had some major shakeups to how loot drops separate from the league mechanic. They are trying to clamp mf, trying to adjust white drops, trying to fix drop pools with AN (fractured drops, etc). But they just are either unable to come up with a decent numerical plan, or unable to handle the bloat of overlapping multipliers.

I can only speculate, but I think they desperately need a statistician or a whole statistics team working alongside the development team. And frankly, I don't really see any evidence they have one right now. Either that, or they don't collect data or they don't collate and organize it in a meaningful way. A real data pro could aggregate the data, find trends, and offer mathematical solutions to EVERY issue that GGG continuously has with every new or changed mathematical percentage. It really isn't such an insurmountable task, provided the data exists. Creative team describes what they want, coding team creates the skeleton code, statisticians balance the numbers. And what is ALWAYS off? the numbers. Sometimes off by huge, ridiculous margins.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 4, 2024, 4:53:36 PM

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