99.99% of all item drops are complete trash

Good luck trying to change the current system. It takes months, if not years, to overhaul an entire system. So close to the release of PoE2, that's definitely not going to happen. PoE has essentially turned into an economic simulation anyway. Even if they were to change it, you'd still be faster using the search function in the trading post. Like I said, they'd have to change the entire system. I would bet that most players are focused on Div/Hour and not on target farming anything specific. I hope they don't make the same mistake again with PoE2.
Honestly, the hole currency is for crafting, but loot drops and sometimes it's good, mostly it's not, but it's better to craft yadayada... It's two concept fighting each other.

Only currency should drop. You buy bases from the merchant in town. Higher acts have better bases, specialized bases are more expensive. Bases from leagues should only drop from said leagues. Only bosses drops unique items, which i always felt was more appropriate. Buff chance orb.

I would at least want to try it this way, because needing a loot filter in a game about loot just feels... wrong.

Latze wrote:
Good luck trying to change the current system. It takes months, if not years, to overhaul an entire system.

That's not excuse to never attempt. They certainly did try with currency exchange and that is always a good thing.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Sep 3, 2024, 1:14:12 PM
Bosscannon wrote:
But without compensating it would be ruthless. You can play that now.

Ruthless where I can buy support gems and use movement skills actually sounds pretty damn good to me.

Latze wrote:
Good luck trying to change the current system. It takes months, if not years, to overhaul an entire system. So close to the release of PoE2, that's definitely not going to happen. PoE has essentially turned into an economic simulation anyway. Even if they were to change it, you'd still be faster using the search function in the trading post. Like I said, they'd have to change the entire system. I would bet that most players are focused on Div/Hour and not on target farming anything specific. I hope they don't make the same mistake again with PoE2.

No....they literally do it all the time. It is as simple as going in and changing single lines in a spreadsheet. They wouldn't be recreating the entire system from the ground up, it would be the SAME system with tweaked values.

They did this with talismans TWICE. They've done it with specific league content. They do it every time drop rates need to be tweaked (every single league, multiple times). They add/remove items from the drop pool at varying rates all the time.

Adjusting the drops is incredibly easy. What is NOT easy is figuring out the "correct" values for new drop/mod rates. Talisman lucky drops were SOOOOO good it pretty much invalidated every other type of amulet. Harbinger shard drops were so unbalanced when first released that they were spitting out mirror shards left and right.

GGG needs a statistician to just go through every numerical value in the drop system, along with a programmer, and adjust everything together using historical data cross-referenced with player count.

The actual programming itself to "adjust" the drops is super super super easy. Anyone who has ever made a mod for older games knows this. It is NOT building a new system. In fact....they did just that in this league: changing most white items that drop into gold. They did the same thing in 3.17(3.14?), the great loot nerf overhaul.

Loot drops work very much the same way a loot filter would. In order for them to enable a sort of "smart loot", all they'd need to do is add or change a few lines of code with: ilvl 83+ items, t5-8 mods 0% chance. Done. Rough example numerically, but accurate in terms of actual workload.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 3, 2024, 1:00:13 PM
okay. server with 10x less drops for you and server with 10x less but 10x better quality drops for me
jsuslak313 wrote:
Latze wrote:
Good luck trying to change the current system. It takes months, if not years, to overhaul an entire system. So close to the release of PoE2, that's definitely not going to happen. PoE has essentially turned into an economic simulation anyway. Even if they were to change it, you'd still be faster using the search function in the trading post. Like I said, they'd have to change the entire system. I would bet that most players are focused on Div/Hour and not on target farming anything specific. I hope they don't make the same mistake again with PoE2.

No....they literally do it all the time. It is as simple as going in and changing single lines in a spreadsheet. They wouldn't be recreating the entire system from the ground up, it would be the SAME system with tweaked values.

They did this with talismans TWICE. They've done it with specific league content. They do it every time drop rates need to be tweaked (every single league, multiple times). They add/remove items from the drop pool at varying rates all the time.

Adjusting the drops is incredibly easy. What is NOT easy is figuring out the "correct" values for new drop/mod rates. Talisman lucky drops were SOOOOO good it pretty much invalidated every other type of amulet. Harbinger shard drops were so unbalanced when first released that they were spitting out mirror shards left and right.

GGG needs a statistician to just go through every numerical value in the drop system, along with a programmer, and adjust everything together using historical data cross-referenced with player count.

The actual programming itself to "adjust" the drops is super super super easy. Anyone who has ever made a mod for older games knows this. It is NOT building a new system. In fact....they did just that in this league: changing most white items that drop into gold. They did the same thing in 3.17(3.14?), the great loot nerf overhaul.

Loot drops work very much the same way a loot filter would. In order for them to enable a sort of "smart loot", all they'd need to do is add or change a few lines of code with: ilvl 83+ items, t5-8 mods 0% chance. Done. Rough example numerically, but accurate in terms of actual workload.

Last edited by Latze on Sep 3, 2024, 1:12:05 PM
Bosscannon wrote:
okay. server with 10x less drops for you and server with 10x less but 10x better quality drops for me

You can even ask for a server where you get a mageblood, headhunter and a mirror each map. Not that mirror would have any value there, or anything would, and probably not that anyone would play it more than once for an hour. Actually, you can go play D4, they already have this for you, give it a try.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Sep 3, 2024, 1:17:59 PM
Latze wrote:
Good luck trying to change the current system. It takes months, if not years, to overhaul an entire system. So close to the release of PoE2, that's definitely not going to happen.

It doesn't take that long really. I work with similar systems in Divinity OS2 and Baldur's Gate 3. I built an item randomizer from scratch for BG3 by myself. It's tedious data entry mostly.

The rest is just a series of randomization functions with various checks.

GGG has already played with their randomization functions on things like Delve, Harvest or even this and last league. They've proven then can weight affixes just for a league mechanic.

But you're right. They're not going to change it anytime soon.
If PoE2 does well as they want. Perhaps never.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
my take on dropped items is that they should be reduced big time in areas lv 60 and above and then make rolls on drop (this won't apply to crafting) be tied to area level

regarding uniques i understand GGG logic of not wanting uniques to be BIS but their current state is a sad joke. I think all uniques should fall under 2 categories

build enabler: low level uniques with special mods that let them scale with dedicated gear, this builds won't be the best at anything just good enough to do high tier content on a budget.

min max uniques: high tier uniques with a very strong mod at the cost of everything else, Kaom's heart is probably the best example of this.

self found league fan


Nomancs wrote:
Bosscannon wrote:
okay. server with 10x less drops for you and server with 10x less but 10x better quality drops for me

You can even ask for a server where you get a mageblood, headhunter and a mirror each map. Not that mirror would have any value there, or anything would, and probably not that anyone would play it more than once for an hour. Actually, you can go play D4, they already have this for you, give it a try.

are you arguing with me or with hyperbolized me that exists purely in your mind when you type out something as ridiculous as that?
Last edited by Bosscannon on Sep 4, 2024, 1:53:24 AM

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