Power Rune should be more common


If im really busting my butt to farm these and i'll only get like 10 at most for the rest of the league without dumping probably (every scrap of my currency) into them, I just think its a bit too rare.

Not that i can use it anyway i'm pretty dead set on using uniques this league.

Tell me you don't even interact the league mechanic in endgame level without telling me that you don't play the league mechanic in endgame level.

Seems like you didn't really reached the endgame level of the league mechanic yet but you expect the big rewards out of it.
You've to do better if you want to solo farm your runes or put the little currency in to buy them from other players. Either way both works
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
hoho challenges don't lie.
Pashid wrote:

If im really busting my butt to farm these and i'll only get like 10 at most for the rest of the league without dumping probably (every scrap of my currency) into them, I just think its a bit too rare.

Not that i can use it anyway i'm pretty dead set on using uniques this league.

Tell me you don't even interact the league mechanic in endgame level without telling me that you don't play the league mechanic in endgame level.

Seems like you didn't really reached the endgame level of the league mechanic yet but you expect the big rewards out of it.
You've to do better if you want to solo farm your runes or put the little currency in to buy them from other players. Either way both works

#1 While i get the angle on challenges it's not invalidating my feedback, I'm kind of ashamed to see how prevalent this behavior is becoming, I have my profile public not so that it can be used in this way but because its the right way to conduct ones self here while providing feedback and allowing people to see your characters and other various data.

#2 I'm not hiding anything, I said i have various sources that have made me give this feedback and you won't find them in my profile.

#3 I have never chased challenges unless i specifically wanted a reward, I'd ask if you're new here but i know you're not, You can find quotes of me literally avoiding challenges because i dont want the MTX in my account such as the Hawker set which i did not want but was unable to avoid.

I just think it could be more common based off a lot of people i've spoken to, When i say common i don't mean "cheap"

Ulsarek wrote:
hoho challenges don't lie.

Challenges only mean something to people who chase challenges, I do not and as such your "challenge" metric doesn't compute, Sorry.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 7, 2024, 3:22:40 AM

Respectfully you're barely playing the endgame. No wonder you perceive it as rare, you barely have any resources to begin with. This is not about challenge mtx but hard facts.
Ulsarek wrote:

Respectfully you're barely playing the endgame. No wonder you perceive it as rare, you barely have any resources to begin with. This is not about challenge mtx but hard facts.

You're totally off the rails here, I never said i'm farming them or trying to.

But if i wanted to based off other players efforts who are very hard working and high earning i feel its too rare.

It's really not nice to profile shame.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 7, 2024, 3:30:00 AM
If you have no intentions of farming them or at least tried, then why do you feel the need to give feedback on its rarity? It's the equivalent of me never entering Delve, ever, while complaining Aul is too rare. Lmao.

#3 I have never chased challenges unless i specifically wanted a reward

And this is one of the challenges you would automatically engage with upon reaching the endgame level for the league mechanic.
But yet somehow you didn't quit touched the endgame area yet but expect to get the juicy endgame rewards for little to no effort.

Yea no sorry but GGG always gated endgame stuff begin endgame grinds and this league is no different.
If you want to self farm those accept the fact that you gonna have to engage with the actual endgame level of the league mechanic. If you don't wanna do that you could just grind your currency within your mind game area and buy the runes of the market. Even sending out mid game low effort shippings gain you more than enough Divine orbs to buy your enchant, but you'd already know that if you actually engaged with the league mechanic.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Sep 7, 2024, 3:34:43 AM
i have the challenges completed. port quota is 28/30 and will be done today or tomorrow so lets say that is completed also. why am i not finding any? i did the bosses many times also...never dropped any
Ulsarek wrote:
If you have no intentions of farming them or at least tried, then why do you feel the need to give feedback on its rarity? It's the equivalent of me never entering Delve, ever, while complaining Aul is too rare. Lmao.

I can see no discussion is going to happen here.

I stated pretty clearly where my metrics are from.

This feedback based off the rate of aquisition from many highly geared endgame players tells me if i were to chase it that it would not be an enjoyable experience for me even if i try-hard.

the leagues already die out about halfway through so pretending like im going to have the same opportunity of aquisition or that anything will become "cheap" isn't garunteed if anything prices tend to go up because there's less economic activity and FOMO goes full swing.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 7, 2024, 3:45:28 AM
Ulsarek wrote:
If you have no intentions of farming them or at least tried, then why do you feel the need to give feedback on its rarity? It's the equivalent of me never entering Delve, ever, while complaining Aul is too rare. Lmao.

I can see no discussion is going to happen here.

I stated pretty clearly where my metrics are from.

This feedback based off the rate of aquisition from many highly geared endgame players tells me if i were to chase it that it would not be an enjoyable experience for me even if i try-hard.

the leagues already die out about halfway through so pretending like im going to have the same opportunity of aquisition or that anything will become "cheap" isn't garunteed if anything prices tend to go up because there's less economic activity.

dont worry challenges has little to do with it...i have them done and no power rune. sure playing more increases your odds but at the end of the day its still just rng. i read threads on reddit where people leveled to 99 or even 100 without finding one.

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