Power Rune should be more common

Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
No it shouldn't.

Trade for it.
Grind for it.


Makes OP enchants for a REASON.

It is short term seasonal content. If you're playing in ssf or small private league and it takes 3 months to acquire the enchant, what good is it.

Its not something that we know will always exist, it is borrowed power. Except its not because you cannot obtain it during the league.

Stop being such an elitist about it, not every one can play all day every day.

The op isnt begging for a mb from the ship for crying out loud, he wants to enjoy the borrowed power that the league has to offer. What if during crucible league it took you 900 maps to fully upgrade your crucible weapon that you farmed 3 weeks to get the right mods on it and craft it.

It didn't happen that way though, we were allowed to enjoy that borrowed power. People that want to enjoy the game in ssf, but don't get power runes are not allowed to enjoy it.

Okay don't play SSF or your private league then.

Done solved.

Not balenced for either what a surprise right?
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
If i played sc trade i would quit the league in 5-6 days out of boredom. Idk how people can play sctrade after learning this game.

League borrowed power doesn't have to be super rare, and it hasn't been in the past.

I mean, wasn't someone able to collect all of the items to do all ubers in hcssf in crucible with the explode totem weapon mod? I don't remember how long into the league but that was insane power that was basically free. Vengeant cascade was easy to farm 2-3 (i dont remember) golden oils. Which wasnt technically borrowed power but ended up being bp cause nerf. In tota, the good tattoos were obtainable, outside of maybe the very niche journey ones.

Can you think of a good reason, outside of "dont play ssf" That making borrowed power be this rare (or in this guys case completing a challenge) (fwiw i dont think getting 2 for a challenge is too much work). Is a good thing?

P.s. no one is asking for rare items to be given to them, merely to be able to experience the leagues borrowed power.
Last edited by Lonnie455Rich on Aug 16, 2024, 5:46:52 PM
they could just make the upgrade recipe work. 5 time runes gives a power rune. this recipe works for all the other runes. they really dont want us to get power runes it seems.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
If you only need one then it will happen if you send ships/mappers out. 3 mappers and 3 ships and you will eventually pull one from the boss.

Does any (cheapest possible) mapping work to attract that boss? Got zero power runes from the shipping boss so far... (Or any other source.)

Lonnie455Rich wrote:
I mean, wasn't someone able to collect all of the items to do all ubers in hcssf in crucible with the explode totem weapon mod? I don't remember how long into the league but that was insane power that was basically free.
Dont forget the hcssf RUTHLESS part here.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
its a rare drop. i got 2 in total, one from shipment and the other from admiral.
this game's drop rates arent balanced around SSF, if you play SSF you bring pain on yourself, don't come crying here please.

SSF is no upside, just downside.
GGG, take this out of the challenges. i'm fine with gating power behind super rare items but not challenges.
Coconutdoggy wrote:
No it shouldn't.

Trade for it.
Grind for it.


Makes OP enchants for a REASON.

And the reason is: to waste your time. We can drop the pretence that it is for any other reason.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
GGG, take this out of the challenges. i'm fine with gating power behind super rare items but not challenges.

GGG thinks otherwise and to be fair it's not a hard challenge no matter if you just use currency to fulfill it or just grind it yourself as challenges are already pretty easy this league.
Be happy that they didn't had challenges as grindy as in the past or things like a fully maxed out blood crucible.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Coconutdoggy wrote:
No it shouldn't.

Trade for it.
Grind for it.


Makes OP enchants for a REASON.

I'm not shocked that the poe grinders are being gate keepers again. It wouldn't be too difficult for ggg to nerf the op enchants or up the rune drop rates. It's honestly not a big deal either way, but giving more than 1% of the community access to parts of the game wouldn't be such a bad thing. This isn't even difficulty related, but time/luck related for those with lives.
Pashid wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
GGG, take this out of the challenges. i'm fine with gating power behind super rare items but not challenges.

GGG thinks otherwise and to be fair it's not a hard challenge no matter if you just use currency to fulfill it or just grind it yourself as challenges are already pretty easy this league.
Be happy that they didn't had challenges as grindy as in the past or things like a fully maxed out blood crucible.

yes obviously its not a "hard" challenge...just spend 10 divs. easy. thing is, we shouldn't have to spend 10 divs on any challenge, especially to upgrade our town. that should be available to everyone who plays even an average amount. some of us will prob go the whole 4 months without upgrading our town unless we want to fork out that money for the power rune.

there is no deterministic way to get it either. just send out ships and MAYBE you will get one. complete rng.
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Aug 20, 2024, 12:10:26 PM

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