Power Rune should be more common

Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Pashid wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
GGG, take this out of the challenges. i'm fine with gating power behind super rare items but not challenges.

GGG thinks otherwise and to be fair it's not a hard challenge no matter if you just use currency to fulfill it or just grind it yourself as challenges are already pretty easy this league.
Be happy that they didn't had challenges as grindy as in the past or things like a fully maxed out blood crucible.

yes obviously its not a "hard" challenge...just spend 10 divs. easy. thing is, we shouldn't have to spend 10 divs on any challenge, especially to upgrade our town. that should be available to everyone who plays even an average amount. some of us will prob go the whole 4 months without upgrading our town unless we want to fork out that money for the power rune.

there is no deterministic way to get it either. just send out ships and MAYBE you will get one. complete rng.

actually u need far more then 10 divs. Its one to upgrade the bench and the cheapest recipe is 2 power runes, also u need a lot of time runes and mountain runes which are quite pricey aswell, just a headsup.
FTKesho90 wrote:

actually u need far more then 10 divs. Its one to upgrade the bench and the cheapest recipe is 2 power runes, also u need a lot of time runes and mountain runes which are quite pricey aswell, just a headsup.

i thought the recipe was 1 power rune also. i'm def skipping that challenge. good thing i'm only going for 36 not 40.
FTKesho90 wrote:

actually u need far more then 10 divs. Its one to upgrade the bench and the cheapest recipe is 2 power runes, also u need a lot of time runes and mountain runes which are quite pricey aswell, just a headsup.

I got my town fully upgraded since days and didn't paid anything for it.
Point is the devs made those runes more uncommon for reasons.
Respectfully your options are to just wait and send out shippings till you get your supplies or if you can't wait and want your stuff instant pay the little fee and get it done. Both basically works fine and the price of the runes ain't gonna break your bank.
We've had much more grindy challenges in the past that couldn't even be completed by using currency directly so there shouldn't be much the need to complain about s grind especially if the game gives you two choices to complete it, you either wait and farm them yourself or pay the little bit extra cost. Sending out proper loaded ships target for runes should help a lot on its own.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Pashid wrote:
FTKesho90 wrote:

actually u need far more then 10 divs. Its one to upgrade the bench and the cheapest recipe is 2 power runes, also u need a lot of time runes and mountain runes which are quite pricey aswell, just a headsup.

I got my town fully upgraded since days and didn't paid anything for it.
Point is the devs made those runes more uncommon for reasons.
Respectfully your options are to just wait and send out shippings till you get your supplies or if you can't wait and want your stuff instant pay the little fee and get it done. Both basically works fine and the price of the runes ain't gonna break your bank.
We've had much more grindy challenges in the past that couldn't even be completed by using currency directly so there shouldn't be much the need to complain about s grind especially if the game gives you two choices to complete it, you either wait and farm them yourself or pay the little bit extra cost. Sending out proper loaded ships target for runes should help a lot on its own.

I'm not annoyed by the grind for challenges, its more annoying to not be able to interact with the fun borrowed power.

The challenges are way too easy this league to complain about that imo.
TIME runs are the problem.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
If i played sc trade i would quit the league in 5-6 days out of boredom. Idk how people can play sctrade after learning this game.

League borrowed power doesn't have to be super rare, and it hasn't been in the past.

I mean, wasn't someone able to collect all of the items to do all ubers in hcssf in crucible with the explode totem weapon mod? I don't remember how long into the league but that was insane power that was basically free. Vengeant cascade was easy to farm 2-3 (i dont remember) golden oils. Which wasnt technically borrowed power but ended up being bp cause nerf. In tota, the good tattoos were obtainable, outside of maybe the very niche journey ones.

Can you think of a good reason, outside of "dont play ssf" That making borrowed power be this rare (or in this guys case completing a challenge) (fwiw i dont think getting 2 for a challenge is too much work). Is a good thing?

P.s. no one is asking for rare items to be given to them, merely to be able to experience the leagues borrowed power.

Same trolls everyday on this forum. Nothing we can do about it.
Someone even managed to kill all ubers in HCSSF Ruthless for the Exilecon Ticket. Build was just so overloaded even there is was strong enough to do it. Doe still probs to the Guy that managed to do so, I will not take it from him.

Coming back to the Power Runes, I think Seasonal Stuff shouldn´t be that scarce so more people can try it out. Yes its power but if you don´t wanna have such power in first place don´t give the player these options.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
or take it out of the challenges. currently you need this 5 divine rune for 2 challenges. you need one to fully upgrade your town and another to craft on weapons. i dont think its right to gate 2 challenges behind a 5 div rune that never drops for people who dont play all day long. are we supposed to spend 10 divs to do these 2 challenges?

Haven’t read your replies and don’t need to.

This is 100% correct, either the time AND power runes should be removed from challenge, the challenge made 8 of 10 or the whole ‘time and power’ rune part of it moved to GGG challenge.

Additionally, whilst the time and power rune tiers of runesmithing should be ‘restrictive’ in nature due to their ‘power’ (pun intended), they should have much better drop rates and return from shipping rates. 35/40 challenges complete and only seen 1 power and 3 time runes all league (and yes I know the strats)

God help those on ssf, you need the GGG tier of rng for this one imo
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Aug 22, 2024, 4:53:23 AM
Pashid wrote:
I got my town fully upgraded since days and didn't paid anything for it.
Point is the devs made those runes more uncommon for reasons.
Respectfully your options are to just wait and send out shippings till you get your supplies or if you can't wait and want your stuff instant pay the little fee and get it done. Both basically works fine and the price of the runes ain't gonna break your bank.
We've had much more grindy challenges in the past that couldn't even be completed by using currency directly so there shouldn't be much the need to complain about s grind especially if the game gives you two choices to complete it, you either wait and farm them yourself or pay the little bit extra cost. Sending out proper loaded ships target for runes should help a lot on its own.

Mirror shards more common than power rune for me. Everything as planned.
On Probation Any%
Dxt44 wrote:
Pashid wrote:
I got my town fully upgraded since days and didn't paid anything for it.
Point is the devs made those runes more uncommon for reasons.
Respectfully your options are to just wait and send out shippings till you get your supplies or if you can't wait and want your stuff instant pay the little fee and get it done. Both basically works fine and the price of the runes ain't gonna break your bank.
We've had much more grindy challenges in the past that couldn't even be completed by using currency directly so there shouldn't be much the need to complain about s grind especially if the game gives you two choices to complete it, you either wait and farm them yourself or pay the little bit extra cost. Sending out proper loaded ships target for runes should help a lot on its own.

Mirror shards more common than power rune for me. Everything as planned.

yep for me too.

great balancing as usual. locking challenges behind items that are more rare than mirror shards
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Aug 22, 2024, 4:02:59 PM
sell the shard and buy runes if you're unlucky or unable to get them via proper shipping yourself?
problem solved?
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 22, 2024, 4:54:23 PM

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