T17 - solo only

Yeah, just like they should have somehow figured out a way to make it exclusive back when it was attached to the Legion mechanic too... definitely healthy for the game and the community.
Nomancs wrote:
Well, it would be about killing boss solo by map owner - fair fight, you can’t beat it, you don’t get the slot. If you can’t beat something, why do you think you deserve the reward?

if a player can't beat something, he is either discouraged and quits or is motivated to get better. games must be careful to not block player's progression paths.

yes, the challenge to join a t17 party and waiting outside the boss room is a little low but i don't think there are many builds which can kill those bosses. my lighning arrow farmer couldn't and i wouldn't have made a boss killer build for the 5th map slot.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio on May 31, 2024, 1:55:07 AM
or they just don't care, part of the issue with all the shit going around about the 5th map slot now is its now considered mandatory when for leagues after its addition it was considered irrelevant if you weren't min/maxing at the endgame.

Its like the old voidstone debate, the games fine without any voidstones slotted you still got T16s and all the same content dropped yet you'd get players who couldn't even complete T16s moaning that they didn't have them all and were being gated.

The problem there isn't the design its the expectations and in this circumstance GGG have allowed players to buy progress for far too long to renege on it now. Whereas realistically they should have nipped in the bud early if they wanted to preserve the structure.

They seem increasingly happy for it all to be a soup these days though so maybe that's really the plan
vio wrote:

if a player can't beat something, he is either discouraged and quits or is motivated to get better. games must be careful to not block player's progression paths.

Well they just have a really bad attitude if they quit a game upon gatekeeping themselves, or being upset because they don't get everything for entirely free.

i don't think there are many builds which can kill those bosses. my lighning arrow farmer couldn't and i wouldn't have made a boss killer build for the 5th map slot

Pretty much every build that was able to farm juiced t16 maps is able to run t17 maps just fine. The only really "hard" part is to get to the boss alive and even on terrible gear the boss fights are nothing but a skill check. People think that they need hyper crazy gear to just insta kill boss fights but in reality all the boss fights can be done on a shoelace budget. All the boss fights are also a reused product of past leagues so also at this point nothing out of the box.
I mean even Uber fights are doable while being naked by just avoiding hits, but most people are so spoiled with face tanking everything.

Even your LA build could clear them fine if you put some effort into it and learn the fights
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
or HC SSF... then u will have achievment from unlocking 5th slot.
eWojciech wrote:
or HC SSF... then u will have achievment from unlocking 5th slot.

That's a brilliant idea right here!
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I am all for rewarding the player for their accomplishments. Casual players and hell even pretty good players would complain about not being able to get a early carry but thats kind of the point. It feels realy good to know you conquered/earned an objective on your own, and ecourages you to press on. The bar to entry is too big right now for t17's but in general the game needs more single player skill check rewards along the way imho. SSF is an option sure, but its also not the same.
sevens67 wrote:
I am all for rewarding the player for their accomplishments. Casual players and hell even pretty good players would complain about not being able to get a early carry but thats kind of the point. It feels realy good to know you conquered/earned an objective on your own, and ecourages you to press on. The bar to entry is too big right now for t17's but in general the game needs more single player skill check rewards along the way imho. SSF is an option sure, but its also not the same.

It's quite likely given the overall feedback that T17s will be a tad easier coming league, and then making them solo only isn't out of question. I'd certainly welcome it
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
T17s are hard enough without revenants. idk why they like to stick that monster type in every maps. Also i feel like those little robot dudes are broken. Whatever skill they're using i want it.

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